2.在使役动词get, have, make, leave, keep等后作宾语补足语。


  Doris got her bad tooth pulled out in the hospital. 多丽丝在医院把坏牙拔了。

  I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come. 我得先把盘子洗了,然后就来。



  I couldn誸 get the car to start this morning. 今早我无法把汽车发动起来。

  He got his sister to help him with his clothes. 他让姐姐帮他洗衣服。

  It is not hard to get him talking; the problem is stopping him! 让他说话不难,难的是说开了止不住他。

  Can you really get that old clock going again 你真的能让那辆旧钟再走起来吗?


  He raised his voice in order to make himself heard. 他提高了嗓门为了使别人听清他的讲话。

  You should make your views known to the public. 你应该让公众知道你的观点。



  [误]Can you make the students understanding the text

  [正]Can you make the students understand the text 你能让学生理解这篇课文吗?

  [正]Can you make the text understood by the students 你能让学生理解这篇课文吗?


  They all went home, leaving all the work undone. 所有的工作都没完成,他们就回家了。

  The detective and his assistant kept themselves locked in the room all night. 侦探和他的助手把自己整夜反锁在房间里。

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