2. Translate the following expressions:

1) 中国面临一场防控禽流感的大战。

2) 火势已经受到控制。

3) 在中国大陆还未发现人被感染的情况。

4) 阻止疾病蔓延

5) 已死于禽流感的越南两姐妹可能是被她们的兄弟感染的。

6) 感染禽流感的地区应该引入一种更健康的养鸡售鸡方式。

(B) Mans mission to Mars

FOR a long time, humans have used technology to study the world around us, and Mars is the latest place we're using machines to explore. Besides earth, the "red planet" is seen as the one place in our solar system (太阳系) most likely to have life.

Early last month, the first American robot, Spirit ("勇气"号), landed on Mars without any problems. Opportunity ("机遇"号), the second robot, touched down on the planet's surface more than a week ago.

Scientists are very excited about these machines's safe landing on Mars. It means that now we have an excellent chance to look for water and other signs of life. So far, the rovers (探测车) have found some stones that could prove Mars was once a wet and warm planet.

But the trips made by Spirit and Opportunity were dangerous. Mars is often called the "death planet" because in the past its environment has been unfriendly to the robot explorers.

"Mars tends to eat spacecraft,"said Edward Weiler, a NASA scientist. "It is the graveyard (墓地) of many, many robots.

Before Spirit and Opportunity, about three dozen spacecraft have been sent to Mars since the 1960s. Two-thirds of them have failed.

Below is a list of the robotic landers (着陆器) successfully sent to Mars --as well as those that weren't quite so lucky.



3.别无选择决定送它到动物避难所(Animal Shelter)。




1 - 5:BACAB    6- 10:BABBA    11 - 15:CBACC

16 - 20: CBABA   21 - 25: CCBAD   26 - 30: DBDAB

31 - 35: BAABC   36 - 40: BADCB   41 - 45: ACDAC

46 - 50: BDDCA   51 - 55: DBCDA   56 - 60: ADBCA

61 - 65: BBBCD   66 - 70: BACCD   71 - 75: ACCDB

76. decide → decided     77. all → each

78. ourselves 前加by     79. the → a

80. thank → thanks      81. making → made

82. says → saying       83. √

84. 去掉 it          85. while → when

One possible version:

   Last Sunday afternoon, Jane and I were going over our lessons at her home, when suddenly we heard a dog barking outside the door. We opened the door only to find a lost dog. On his collar we got the master's telephone number. We dialed the number, however, we were told the number didn't exist at all. We have no choice but to send him here. If no one comes to claim him, we would like to adopt him. Jane' s parents' and We two love animals and we all have the experience of keeping a pet, so we are sure that we'll take good care of him.

Text 1  M: I would like two tickets for the 7 o' clock concert this evening.

      W: I'm sorry, sir. They are sold out. But we have a few left for tomorrow.

      M: What time?

      W: 7 o' clock too.

      M: I'm afraid I'm not free at that time. But thank you all the same.

      W: Not at all.

Text 2  M: Susan, could you send file emails to all the officials?

      W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning.

      M: But the officials will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and they should read hem before the meeting.

      W:OK, I will do it for you as soon as it has keen repaired.

      M: Thank you very much.

      W: You' re welcome.

Text 3  W: I think size four is small for you. Try this, please. It's size five.

      M: Thank you.

     W: How do you think of it now? Is it still small?

     M: Mm, I think so.

     W: I'll take you size six.

     M: Well, it looks wonderful on me. I'Ll take this one.

Text 4  W: I've beaut that you got a high score in your history paper. Congratulations!

     M: Thanks! I'm sure you also did a good job.

     W: Yes. But Mr Green is angry.

     M: Why?

     W: Because 40 percent of the students failed.

Text 5  M: Where are you going for your holidays?

     W: I'm thinking of going to Barcelona. Do you think it's worth seeing?

     M: Well, I wish I had been there.

     W: SO, would you like to go with me?

     M: That' s a good idea.

Text 6  W: Excuse me sir, but I'm writing a report on what people prefer to do on holiday. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

     M: No, not at all. Please go ahead.

     W: How often do you go on holiday?

     M: I generally have two weeks' holiday a year.

     W: And what do you prefer to do when you are on holiday?

     M: Well, I don't usually visit my family. We live quite close and I can see them any time. But 1 do like to visit museums, especially if there's a special exhibition on. I don't like to stay at home, though my parents do. Instead, I prefer to get away from the city and just enjoy the peace of the country. You know, just sit under a tree, listen to the birds in the morning, or maybe go walking over the hills.

     W: Have you ever travelled abroad?

     M: No, I haven't. It's too expensive for me. But my wife loves to visit the coast, so if the weather' s good we often go swimming in the sea, or maybe just lie on the beach and enjoy the sun.

     W: OK. Well, thank you very much for your time.

     M: You' re welcome.

Text 7   W: Hi John.

     M: Hi Janet, I haven' t seen you for a while, How are you?

     W: I' m fine. Thank you. In fact, I' m going to call you because I'm going to have a birthday party.

     M: Oh, sounds good. When is it?

     W: Well, I was going to hold it on Friday, but Melissa has got to work. So how does the next day sound?

     M: That's good with me. Not Sunday though, because I have to get up early the next day.

     W: Great, Saturday it is then,

     M: Great, What time?

     W: Well, I don' t want to make it too early. I' m going to get dinner ready around 8 o'clock, so I'm asking people to arrive at about 7:00 in the evening.

     M: OK, 1' 11 be there around a quarter past seven, then. Do you want me to bring anything? You know, some wine, beer maybe?

     W: Well, Melissa and Tom are bringing some wine, and I' ye got plenty of beer in the fridge. Orange juice would be good.

     M: OK, no problem. I can pick up some on the way. See you then. Bye.

     W: Bye.

Text 8   M: Hello, are you ready?

     W: Yes. I hope you don't mind, it's my first time driving a car.

M: Of course not, that's my job. I teach people like you to become a safe and responsible driver. So let's begin. Remember the most important rule of driving... Safety first ! First, you should put on your seat-belt, you should always remember to do that in case, of an accident.

W: OK, I have my seat-belt on, now what should I do?

M: Start the car… good... Don't drive very fast. Remember these 3 things: people crossing the streets, other cars and bicycles riding next to you.

W: What should I do if I see a yellow light?

M: Well, it is always better to stop instead of trying to run it. It is the safest way to avoid an accident.

W: Should I remember some traffic rules?

M: Of course, that's very important. OK, park the car here... You did a great job today for your first day. I will see you in 3 days' time.

W: Thanks so much. I will see you then!

Text 9   W: Good morning, Global Tours.

     M: Good morning. I'd like to book a holiday please.

     W: Certainly sir. Arid what type of holiday are you looking for? An adventure holiday, beach holiday or touring holiday?

     M: Well, I don't really want an adventure holiday. That needs much energy. I don't really want to spend all my time on a beach, either. I would like to visit a few different places.

     W: A touring holiday, OK. And where are you thinking of going?

     M: I can' t really afford to go to Asia or Australia. Maybe France or Italy.

     W: We have some good deals on holidays in the south of Italy.

     M: That sounds good to me. How much would it cost?

     W: Let me see. If you fly on a weekend, and visit Rome and Venice, it would cost £ 350 for one week. But if you go on a Wednesday or Thursday. it would only cost £250. And you can stay for two weeks for an extra £ 50.

     M: I'll take the mid-week tour for two weeks then.

     W: OK. that's fine. And how many people will be travelling with you?

     M: Does that affect the price?

     W: Yes, it does. Often two people travelling together reduces the cost.

     M: Why is that?

     W: Well, two people together can share a hotel room, which means you only need to pay half the cost of the hotel.

     M: So bow much is it for two people?

     W: Well, the tour you interested in would cost £500 for two weeks, saving you £100.

     M: That sounds good. I'll take that then please.

     W: Two people. OK. Can I have your name please?

     M: Certainly. It's will Smith.

     W: And your address please, Mr. Smith?

     M: 16 Pearl Street, London.

     W: OK, that's fine,, Mr Smith. You should receive the tickets in about three or four days.

     M: Great. Thank you. Bye.

     W: Bye Mr Smith.

Text 10   Money is one of the most important inventions because if we didn't have money there would be no trade. In the past all kinds of things have been used for money, including gold, sea shells and even dead rats. No one really knows when money was invented. It's believed that coins were invented in China because metal has been used for centuries and we do know that paper money was invented in China too, sometime around the l0th century AD. But it wasn't until the 9th century that Europe began using money. When it was first invented, there were many different kinds. But now, of course, we're heading towards a single, world money. I mean, already the American dollar is used for international trade, and now many countries in Europe use the Euro dollar, instead of the Franc or Mark. However, it will be a long time before there is a single, global money.

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Li Wei, Tang Ling and I are good friends.

In order to express our respect, we decide                       76.      

to give a present to all of our mothers on                       77.      

Women's Day  The gifts were all made ourselves                   78.      

Li Wei painted the picture of a big bucket                       79.      

full of thank and happiness. Tang Ling's                        80.      

gift was a pigeon making of coloured paper                     81.      

which carried a note in its mouth, says,                        82.      

"Wish you peace and health all your life!" I made                    83.      

a card, on which there it was a red leaf, referring                    84.      

to my heart. Our mothers were all pleased while                    85.      

they received the gifts.

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