20. A. difficult B. interesting C. easy   D. hopeful

答案:C  指导:作者受到鼓舞,再难的事情也变得“容易”了。其他选项不是作者要表达的意思。

Cloze  4

    For most of us, it is not too difficult to correct a mistake.  We say we are sorry, promise to  1  differently, and go on  nith no regrets. This is not  2  , though, of some  3  figures. whose actions failed. They probaMe spent their  4  feeling regret.

Napoleon, for example, wasn't  5  being Emperor (皇帝) of France. He wanted to rule all Europe and, for a time, seemed to  6  . In thc end, Napoleon "met his Waterloo". He  pent the rest of his life in exile (流放) on Alba. We can only 7  the regret he must have felt  8  on that small island.

At the end of World war Il, the Emperor of Japan must  ye regretted the   9  of Pearl Harbor(珍珠港). It brought it0 an end the Emperor's  10  as a God to his people. It is 11  he did not feel regret for his country's actions when he  learned of the  12  of the atomic (原子的) bomb. He had to feel regret when he had to announce his country's   13  to his  people.

    In our  14  country, a President left his office. Presient Nixon was deeply involved in (卷入) the Water Gate

  iroblem.   15  revealing vealing (揭露) the action of his  men, he tried to cover up the  16  . When it was revealed

  ~here were tapes  17   his involvement, he must have felt regret. If he had not tried to cover up the problem, he might nev- er have bad to leave office.

It has been  18  for me to correct my mistakes so far.None of my behavior has had  19  effects. I will probably do things I will regret, but not, I hope, anything that cannot be corrected or that bas a serious consequence (后果) for  20. 1. A. work    B. think   C. play      D. behave

答案:D  指导:我们意识到了自己的错误就会改正错误,即“行为”不同。behave此处是不及物动词,意为“行为”。“工作”“玩耍”不合题意;人们改正错误是“行为”而不是“思维”。

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