
答案:to→for指导:leave a place for some where else离开某地去往某地。固定搭配。

3, But we told that Mr Brown left his passport                  4.________

答案:weA→were指导:句意:可是我们被告知……应当使用被动语态。另外,tell作“告诉”解时,一般要接双宾语,即tell sb.sth.

as well as his wallet in the Friendship Hotel where he had stayed at.       5.________

答案:去掉at 指导:关系副词where引导定语从句,在从句中的功能相当于:at the Friendship Hotel.显然原句中的at是多余的。

The manager of the hotel has just called tell us                 6.________

答案:^tell→to指导to tell us about it 动词不定式作目的状语。句意:那家宾馆的经理打电话告诉了我们这件事。

about it. The manager had sent his secretary to bring               7.________ 


the passport and the wallet there and she will arrive               8.________


soon. Will Mr Brown go to the gate of our airport                 9.________


and wait for your passport and wallet? It will arrive in about ten minutes.     10.________

答案:It→They指导:they代指the passport和the wallet.

Passage 13

I often read English aloud and trying to learn something

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