Tornadoes(龙卷风)are one of the most violent weather events on Earth.Each year,the severe winds of tornadoes kill many people.The storms have been known to carry homes,cars and trees from one place to another.And they can also destroy anything in their path.

A tornado is a violently turning tube of air suspended from a thick cloud.It extends from a thunderstorm in the sky down to the ground.The shape is like a funnel:wide at the top,narrower at the bottom.

Tornadoes form when winds blowing in different directions meet in the cloud and begin to turn in circles.Warm air rising from below causes the wind tube to reach toward the ground.Because of their circular movement,these severe windstorms are also known as twisters.

Tornadoes have been observed on every continent except Antarctica.But weather experts say they are most common in the United States.Each year,the United States has more than one thousand tornadoes.

These storms can happen at any time of the year.But most happen from late winter to the middle of summer.There is a second high season in November.

During spring,warm air moves north and mixes with cold air remaining from winter.In November,the opposite happens.Cold weather moves south and combines with the last of the warm air from summer.

Tornadoes can strike with little or no warning.Weather experts operate warning systems to tell people about possible tornadoes.But the storms often move too fast for people to flee.Last year,tornadoes killed more than one hundred people in the United States.

Most injuries happen when flying objects hit people.Experts say the best place to be is in a small room,without windows,in the middle of the lowest part of a building.

Last month,American scientists began work on a project aimed at improving the ability to predict tornadoes.The project is said to be the largest tornado study in history.It is called Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment Two.The shorter name is VORTEX2.

VORTEX2 involves a team of nearly one hundred people,many of them scientists.They are using radars and other equipment to learn more about how,why and where tornadoes form.The team is using forty cars and trucks to chase tornadoes,dropping measuring instruments in their paths.In addition,unmanned aircraft are collecting information from inside storms.

The first Vortex project took place in nineteen ninety­four and nineteen ninety­five.The results helped scientists better understand super­cells.They are the severe thunderstorms that produce the most deadly and destructive tornadoes.This time,scientists hope to learn more about the formation,wind speed and shape of tornadoes.

1.Why are tornadoes also called twisters?(no more than 5 words)


IMAGINE that you’re taking a tour of Beijing and you stop at Tian’anmen Square.You want to know more about the history of the Square.You want to know where you can get a cup of tea.And you need to find out where the subway is,when you’re ready to go somewhere else.

Forget your guidebook and the tourist information office.Your mobile phone can help.If you hold the phone’s camera up to Tian’anmen Square,you can see all of this information on the screen.You can click on links(链接)for more information or check a map on your screen.

This is just one example of “augmented(增强的)reality”.The program uses information from the Internet to work with pictures of places in the real world.

The idea for this kind of program has existed for years,but new mobile phones have helped to make it a reality.Now,many phones have GPS,3G mobile Internet access and other programs that could make augmented reality possible.

For example,in the future,iPhone users can use a program called Wikitude.It shows information based on where the user points the phone’s camera.Simply by turning on the phone’s camera mode(模式)and focusing on nearby buildings,Wikitude will send information about the place where the user is standing.

Layar is another similar program.It connects(联系)real­world images(影像)to reviews and comments about nearby cafes and restaurants.

Locations aren’t the only thing that can be “augmented” with this kind of program;it may even work with people.A Swedish company is working on Augmented ID.Focusing a phone’s camera on someone’s face could bring up details of their social networking profiles(个人简介),or even their business card.

So next time,be careful when your friends point their mobile phone cameras at you.They may find out all of your secrets!

Principles of augmented reality
Using information from __1__ to work with pictures of places in the real world
__2__ of augmented reality 
Helping people get information about a place simply by focusing the phone’s camera on it
augmented reality
GPS,3G mobile Internet __4__ and other programs in a cellphone 
Making augmented reality __5__
Showing information based on where the user points the phone’s camera
Connecting real­world images to __7__ about nearby cafes and restaurants
Bringing up details of people’s __9__,or even their business card with a phone’s camera focused on __10__
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