Each day,thousands of Americans are called to serve on jury duty.The idea of citizens hearing legal(法律的)arguments might date back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.But the modern trial by jury is a British tradition that colonists brought to North America centuries ago.

Laws on jury trials differ from state to state.But the United States Constitution guarantees the right to trial by jury.The Sixth Amendment establishes the right in all federal criminal cases.The Seventh Amendment gives the same right in civil cases that involve more than a small amount of money.

The American system has three kinds of juries.The most common one is the petit jury.“Petit”-p­e­t­i­t-comes from the French word for small.Petit juries can have as few as five or six members or as many as twelve.Twelve is traditionally the number in a criminal case.

Often a jury trial will last only a day or two.But some go for weeks or even months.

During a trial,lawyers for the opposing sides question the witnesses who testify.The lawyers also make opening and closing statements to the jury.At the end,the judge makes a final statement to the jury.The judge explains the laws that govern the decision the jury is asked to make.

The jury then deliberates.The members meet in private,choose a leader and try to agree on a judgment.Most states require all the jurors in a criminal case to agree on the verdict(裁决).

Sometimes a jury is unable to reach a verdict.This is called a hung jury.The judge declares a mistrial(无效审判).Prosecutors then have to decide whether to try the case again.

A grand jury is bigger than a petit jury.The United States has two kinds of grand juries.The charging grand jury decides if there is enough evidence to bring someone to trial.If the jury decides there is,then it returns an indictment(公诉书).

The second kind is the investigative grand jury.Officials often call this kind of grand jury together in cases of organized crime or suspected corruption by public officials.The jurors are asked to approve efforts to gather evidence,often secretly,to build a case.

Some investigations in the United States are heard by a coroner’s jury.A coroner is a local medical examiner.The coroner usually calls six jurors to a hearing known as an inquest.

An inquest takes place when someone has died under suspicious or unknown conditions.The jury is asked to decide the cause of death.

1.What is the most common jury in the American system?(no more than 4 words)


For those who are concerned about pollution,clean and renewable energy sources that help to protect the environment such as solar energy are becoming possible alternatives to oil and coal.

Increasing demand for clean,renewable energy drives a growing market for solar energy products.Two of the main types of heating products that take advantage of solar energy are passive and active solar products.These two types of solar heating systems differ in how they are constructed and can also differ greatly in cost.Passive solar technology can be used to heat air or water directly using the sun’s energy.Unlike an active solar application,passive solar set­ups accomplish their task without the use of additional electrical components,such as fans that need an external electricity supply.Some solar space heating or water heating systems are active solar heating systems that have various components that require external power sources.However,they don’t use the solar energy directly to heat air or water.Because of their simplicity compared with active systems,passive solar heating systems generally have the lower cost of the two.

In addition to these solar heating systems,there are also solar power systems available.Rather than use the sun’s energy for heating applications,these systems change solar energy into electricity.These products are often constructed from hundreds of solar energy collection cells called photovoltaic cells,which generate electricity from light.As sunlight falls on a photovoltaic cell,the light’s energy is changed into electricity that can then be used to power many kinds of electronic devices.Because of the complicated technology involved,these kinds of solar power systems can be very expensive.However,the cost savings may eventually more than pay off your initial investment in the solar cells.

When considering what kind of solar heating or power system to install in your home or business,be sure that you are purchasing your equipment from a reputable manufacturer who will be able to help you with any necessary repairs,and periodic upgrades.


using the sun’s energy directly
•without __6__
Active heating products
using the sun’s energy indirectly
•with components requiring external power sources
Solar power systems
changing solar energy into electricity
•constructed from __8__
buy equipment from a reputa ble manufacturer
→help repair the equipment if necessary
→help upgrade the equipment __10__
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