


2.参考词汇:保险 insurance 民生 people's livelihood


During the summer holiday,I conducted a survey on the people's livelihood in my community.According to the questionnaire...




In a word,the government has been making great efforts to improve the people's livelihood,but much work remains to be done.


During_the_summer_holidayI_conducted_a_survey_on_the_people's_livelihood_in_my_community.According_to_the_questionnaire,80% of the people express the satisfaction with the medical insurance and public education is concerned,much progress has been made.Three quarters of people approve of it,because most pupils needn't pay for the education fee.Some students are even provided with free lunch at school.On the other hand,people criticize that students are charged for unreasonable fees in some schools.


   23–year–old Ann is a traditional working class woman who is happily married to her husband Don and who has given birth to two lovely daughters Patsy and Penny. Ann  (1)   her work with her colleague Laurie because they can  (2)  to each other while cleaning the buildings their work requires them to. One  (3)   thing about Ann is that she listens to recordings of foreign languages - Spanish, French, even Chinese -  (4)   driving, even working. In Laurie’s eye, Ann is not normal, but Ann  (5)   that nobody is normal; everyone is different in  (6)   way. Laurie’s specific problem is not an unusual one: the  (7)   between a strong appetite for food and an equally strong  (8)   to keep in shape by dieting. She envies Ann who  (9)   slim while seeming to eat as much as she likes.

   In fact, this characteristic is  (10)   . One morning,  (11)   after Don has taken the kids to school Ann  (12)   just as she is herself about to go work. She is  (13)   by her divorced mother, who stays alongside her as they rush to  (14)   and rush through examinations.

The doctor discovers that there are tumors (肿瘤) in both her ovaries (卵巢).  (15)   can be done about the cancer. Ann  (16)   from the doctor that she has only two or three months to  (17)   .

   Shaken  (18)   Ann is by this news, she decides not to tell her mom and husband, and to go on living as if nothing has happened.  (19)   in a cafe, Ann begins to write down all the things she  (20)    to do before her death:

“1. Tell my daughters several times a day that I love them;

2. Find Don a new wife who the girls like;

3. Record Birthday Messages for the girls for every year until they are 18;

4. Go to Whalebay Beach together and have a big picnic;

5. Smoke and drink as much as I want;

6. Say just what I’m thinking;

7. Go and see Dad in jail.


(1)A.shares        B.spares      C.enjoys     pletes

(2)A.talk      B.work        C.affect                D.help

(3)  A.ordinary        B.strange    C.specia l          D.perfect

(4)  A.although        B.until      C.unless            D.while

(5)A.insists        B.disagrees   C.imagines          D.hopes

(6)A.his        B.some      C.any             D.no

(7)A.relation       B.struggle       C.difference          D.fight

(8)A.desire        B.difficulty       C.design        D.delight

(9)A.shocks       B.remains        C.realizes           D.becomes

(10)A.abstract         B.attractive       C.abnormal        D.absolute

(11)A.only        B.even        C.ever       D.just

(12)A.blacks out    B.turns out       C.makes out            es out

(13)A.brought      B.discovered     C.taken             D.ordered

(14)A.garage      B.college        C.school          D.hospital

(15)A.Everything   B.Something    C.Anything        D.Nothing

(16)A.informs         B.learns        C.takes            D.tells

(17)A.leave      B.live         C.stay         D.die

(18)A.since        B.because        C.as           D.for

(19)A.Arriving        B.Getting        C.Finding        D.Sitting

(20)A.instructs         B.supposes       C.intends         D.imagines











[解析]remain slim(保持苗条)与后面的“seeming to eat as much as she likes”构成对比。难度适中。


[解析]abstract、attractive、absolute分别表示“抽象的、吸引人的、绝对的”,都不合题意。abnormal表示“不正常的”。与前面的“remains slim while seeming to eat as much as,she likes”相对应。难度适中。




[解析]black out(lose consciousness for a short time)表示。暂时失去知觉”。本题难。











[解析]sitting in a cafe作伴随状语。难度适中。


[解析]写下所有她在离开之前想去(intend to do sth.)做的事情。imagine后接doing,所以排除imagine。难度适中。

(2010高考英语全国2卷)A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and  21  . It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart (远离的);it can keep a  22  with very little effort.

I will give  23  .A few years ago my older brother and l were not getting  24 .We had been close as   25   but had grown apart. Our meetings were not  26  ; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels: and every effort to clear the air seemed to only  27  our misunderstanding. Then he  28  a small island in the Caribbean and we  29  touch. One day he wrote me a letter. He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt, and encouraged me to  30  . Rereading the letter, I was  31  by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions. These were all qualities for which I had  32  respected my older brother but  33  he no longer had them. I had never known he could write so  34  . And with that one letter we became friends  35  .

It might never have occurred to  36  to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no  37  . For him, writing was a necessity. It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch. Because we live in an age of  38   communication(通讯), people often  39   that they don’t always have to phone or email. They have a   40  . And that is to write.

21. A. received      B. rewritten     C. returned    D. reread

22. A. record      B. promise      C. friendship   D. secret

23. A. an example    B. a lesson      C. an experience  D. a talk

24. A. through      B. together     C. along      D. away

25.A.brothers     B. children     C.fellows   D.classmates

26. A.normal     B. necessary    C.pleasant   D.possible

27. A.deepen     B. start      C.express   D.settle

28. A.toured      B. stopped     C.reached   D.m

29. A.lost       B. kept in      C.needed    D.got in

30.A. think       B. write      C.enjoy    D.read

31.A.driven      B. beaten      C.surprised   D.honored

32. A.never      B. seldom      C.sometimes  D.once

33. A.realized     B. judged      C. thought   D. expected.

34. A.well      B. often       C. much    D. soon

35. A.later      B. anyhow      C. too     D. again.

36. A.us       B. anyone      C. someone   D. my brother

37. A.mail services   B. transport services  C. phones   D. relative

38. A.poor      B. easy       C. popular    D. busy

39. A.believe     B. decide      C. argue     D. forget

40.A.  habit      B. choice      C. method    D. plan

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