摘要:A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and 21 . It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart ;it can keep a 22 with very little effort. I will give 23 .A few years ago my older brother and l were not getting 24 .We had been close as 25 but had grown apart. Our meetings were not 26 ; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels: and every effort to clear the air seemed to only 27 our misunderstanding. Then he 28 a small island in the Caribbean and we 29 touch. One day he wrote me a letter. He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt, and encouraged me to 30 . Rereading the letter, I was 31 by its humorand clever expressions. These were all qualities for which I had 32 respected my older brother but 33 he no longer had them. I had never known he could write so 34 . And with that one letter we became friends 35 . It might never have occurred to 36 to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no 37 . For him, writing was a necessity. It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch. Because we live in an age of 38 communication, people often 39 that they don’t always have to phone or email. They have a 40 . And that is to write. 21. A. received B. rewritten C. returned D. reread 22. A. record B. promise C. friendship D. secret 23. A. an example B. a lesson C. an experience D. a talk 24. A. through B. together C. along D. away 25.A.brothers B. children C.fellows D.classmates 26. A.normal B. necessary C.pleasant D.possible 27. A.deepen B. start C.express D.settle 28. A.toured B. stopped C.reached D.m 29. A.lost B. kept in C.needed D.got in 30.A. think B. write C.enjoy D.read 31.A.driven B. beaten C.surprised D.honored 32. A.never B. seldom C.sometimes D.once 33. A.realized B. judged C. thought D. expected. 34. A.well B. often C. much D. soon 35. A.later B. anyhow C. too D. again. 36. A.us B. anyone C. someone D. my brother 37. A.mail services B. transport services C. phones D. relative 38. A.poor B. easy C. popular D. busy 39. A.believe B. decide C. argue D. forget 40.A. habit B. choice C. method D. plan



Researchers have just offered evidence in a study that says obesity appears to spread through social ties, much like a virus. When one person gains weight, their close friends often follow. But the findings might also offer hope.

If friends help make obesity acceptable, then they might also be influential in losing the fat. The researchers note that support groups are already an effective tool in dealing with other socially influenced problems, like alcoholism.

The findings appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers used information collected from? 12 000 people. It was collected between 1971 and 2003 as part of the Framingham Heart Study.

The information was highly detailed. There was even contact information for close friends of the people in the study.

The researchers examined more than 40 000 social ties. They found that a person’s chances of becoming severely overweight increased by 57% if a friend had become obese.

A sister or brother of a person who became obese had a 40% increased chance of becoming obese. The risk for a wife or husband was a little less than that.

Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School was a lead investigator in the study. He says there is a direct causal relationship between a person getting fat and being followed in weight gain by a friend.

The study found that the sex of the friends was also an influence. In same—sex friendships, a person had a 71% increased risk of becoming obese. Men had a 44% increased risk of becoming obese after weight gain in a brother. In sisters, it was 67%.

The researchers also considered the effect of where people lived in  relation to each other. James Fowler of the University of California,San Diego, was the other lead investigator. He says a friend who lives a few hundred kilometers away has as much influence as one in the same neighborhood. He says the study demonstrates the need to consider that a major part of people’s health is tied to their social connections.

Both investigators say their research shows that obesity is not just a private medical issue, but a public health problem.

59.What does the underlined sentence in Para. 2 mean?

A.Obesity has a negative influence on a close friend.

B.Friends might also play a part in losing weight.

C.One might have a positive influence on one’s friend.

D.Friends usually don’t follow each other to lose weight.

60.Who is mostly likely to gain weight?

A.A man who has a fat brother.        B.A husband who has a fat wife.

C.A wife who has a fat husband.        D.A woman who a fat female friend.

61.Which of the following statements doesn’t the passage agree with?

A.You are sure to lose weight if you have a skinny friend.

B.If one gains weight, one’s friends are likely to get fat.

C.A person’s health is closely linked with his/her social relationship.

D.Even if the friend lives far away, the influence still remains.

62.The reason why the study involves both family members and friends is that_______

A.researchers fail to find a more different sample

B.researchers have different ideas for family members and friends

C.researchers can meet these people regularly

D.researchers can compare the results



I remember vividly that first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were no girls in the school) were   16  expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long, through the door came a tall ordinary-looking man  17  about 40. He said shyly,  “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” His  18 had a surprising tone (语气) of respect, almost  19  he were addressing (向---讲话)the Supreme Court (最高法院)20   a group of youngsters. He wrote his  21  on the blackboard---Wilmer T. Stone-- ,and  22  sat on the front of his desk.. “Gentlemen,” he began, “We are now this  23   ---your last---to continue your study of 24  . I know we shall  25  learning with and from one another. We are going to learn  26  about journalism and how to write your weekly school paper. And   27 we are going to try to  28  the joy of good literature (文学). Maybe some of us will be really   29   in reading and writing. A man who reads 30 a happy life. A man who doesn’t read  31  on the earth with a blindfold(眼罩). If I have to put all my  32  into a single word, it would be: ‘browse(广泛浏览)’”. Mr. Stone went on like that,  33 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 34  of the class came much too soon. And we boys had to 35  the classroom with an unexpected feeling of excitement.

1.A waiting  B. looking       C. asking     D. calling

2.                A.for            B.of             C.at   D.on


3.                A.sound          B.voice           C.appearance   D.look


4.                A.as             B.if              C.as if  D.after


5.                A.beside         B.except for       C.instead   D.instead of


6.                A.addres         B.telephone       C.name    D.word


7.                A.then           B.but            C.so   D.suddenly


8.                A.feel           B.season         C.year D.term


9.A. math    B. chemistry     C English       D. physics

10.               A.begin          B.enjoy          C.practice   D.suggest


11.               A.something      B.anything        C.nothing   D.all


12.               A.Really          B.Especially       C.Truly  D.Possibly


13.               A.feel           B.write          C.memorize D.accept


14.               A.moved         B.excited         C.interested D.used


15.               A.knows         B.says           C.has   D.lives


16.               A.runs           B.visits           C.walks D.chooses


17.               A.praise          B.trust           C.advice D.promise


18.               A.speaking        B.singing         C.telling D.shouting


19.               A.beginning       B.end           C.middle    D.time


20.               A.keep          B.enter          C.leave D.reach




Once there was a man who had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was good-looking but the girl was not.

One day they found a mirror for the first time and they saw what they looked like. The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister, "How handsome I am! I look much nicer than you!"

The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push.

"Go away!" she said.

Their father saw what was happening. He went up to them and said to the boy,

"You must always BE good as well as LOOK good."

Then to the girl he said, "My dear, if you help everyone and do your best to please him, everyone will love you. It does not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother."

Once a man had ____.

A. a good-looking boy               B. an ugly girl

C. two good-looking children          D. a boy and a girl

The boy saw what he looked like in the mirror and was pleased because he ____.

    A. found a mirror                    B. knew he looked as nice as his sister

    C. and his sister were good-looking      D. was handsome

The girl gave the boy a hard push because ____.

    A. she was stronger                    B. what he said was wrong

    C. she was not pleased with what he said   D. her father loved her

Father told the girl that ____.

    A. it was important to be good-looking

    B. it was a good thing to be ugly

C. if she did her best to help people, she would enjoy people's love

    D. she was as good-looking as her brother

What can we learn from this story?

    A. To be good to people is more important than to be good-looking.

    B. To be good-looking is very important.

    C. If you want to make yourself good-looking, you must be good to people.

    D. If you often help people, you will become more and more beautiful.


When we’re little, our mother is the center of our attention, and we are the center of hers. So our mother’s characteristics leave an indelible(持久的)impression, and we are forever after attracted to people with her facial features, body type, personality, even sense of humor. If our mother is warm and giving, as adults  we tend to be attracted to people who are warm and giving. If our mother is strong and even-tempered, we  are going to be attracted to a fair-minded strength in our mates.

              The mother has an additional influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general. So if she is warm and nice, her sons are going to think that’s the way women are. They will probably grow up to be warm and responsive lovers and also be cooperative around the house.

             Conversely, a mother who has a depressive personality, and is sometimes friendly but then suddenly turns cold and rejecting, may raise a man who becomes a “dance-away lover”. Because he’s been so scared about love from his mother, he’s afraid of commitment and may pull away from a girlfriend for this reason.

              While the mother determines in large part what qualities attract us in a mate, it’s the father—the first male in our lives—who influences how we relate to the opposite sex. Fathers have an enormous effect on their children’s personalities and chances of marital happiness.

              Just as mothers influence their son’s general feelings toward women, fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men. If a father lavishes praise on his daughter and demonstrates that she is a worthwhile person, she’ll feel very good about herself in relation to men. But if the father is cold, critical or absent, the daughter will tend to feel she’s not very lovable or attractive.

              In addition, most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances. We hang around with people in the same town; our friends have about the same educational backgrounds and career goals. We tend to be most comfortable with these people, and therefore we tend to link up with others whose families are often much like our own.

Why do our mother’s characteristics leave us an indelible impression?

         A. Because we are likely to be attached to people with her characteristics.

         B. Because the mother and her child are the centers of each other when her child is very young.

         C. Because our mother is better than our dad.

         D. Because our mother is a woman who is kind to us.

Which of the following is NOT true?

         A. If our mother is warm and giving, we love to be together with warm and generous people.

         B. If our mother is strong and well-controlled, we are going to be attracted to a fair-minded strength in

our mates.

        C. Mother not only gives her children clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects

how they feel about women in general.

         D. Fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men.

What can we know from Paragraphs 2 and 3?

         A. The mother only influences her sons.

         B. The sons always think women are warm and nice.

         C. A mother who has a depressive personality is sure to raise a dance-away lover.

         D. The mother has an additional influence on her sons.

What does the underlined word “lavishes” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

         A. Uses much.           B. Uses little.                C. Never uses.               D. Seldom uses.

What does the passage mainly talk about?

         A. Mothers’ influence on their sons.                B. Parents’ influence on their children.

         C. Parents’ impression on their children.         D. Fathers’ influence on their daughters.     


Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings.

The expression “to be in hot water" is one of them. It is a very old expression. “Hot water” was used 500 years ago to mean being in trouble. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing extremely hot water down on enemies attacking a castle.

That no longer happens. But we still get in “hot water”.When we are in “hot water”, we are in trouble. It can be any kind of trouble—serious or not so serious. A person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police. A young boy can be in hot water with his mother. if he walks in the house with dirty shoes.

Being in “deep water” is almost the same as being in hot water. When you are in deep water, you are in a difficult position. Imagine a person who cannot swim being thrown in water over his head.

You are in deep water when you are facing a problem that you do not have the ability to solve. The problem is too deep. You can be in deep water, for example, if you invest in stocks without knowing anything about the stock market.

“To keep your head above water” is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt. A company seeks to keep its head above water during economic hard times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.

“Water over the dam” is another expression about a past event. It is something that is finished. It cannot be changed. The expression comes from the idea that water that has flowed over a dam cannot be brought back again.

1.Which of the following two expressions have almost the same meaning?

A.To be in hot water;To be in deep water.

B.To be in hot water;To keep your head above water.

C.To be in deep water;Water over the dam.

D.Water over the dam;To be in hot water.

2.If a person tries to keep his head out of water,we can say that       .

A.he is in danger of losing his life

B.he is trying to pay off his debt

C.he is trying to keep his promise

D.he is trying not to get into debt

3.What can you infer from the passage?

A.“To be in hot water” can only be used to mention serious trouble.

B.“Water over the dam” is an expression about a future event.

C.Water could be used in the war in the past.

D.All of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings.

4.This passage is written mainly to tell us        .

A.the use of water

B.how to use some expressions about water

C.expressions about water and their meanings

D.expressions with negative meaning



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