“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence.When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email,I laughed.I thought it was a perfect __1__ of Chinglish.

Obviously,it is a word­by­word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a __2__ English grammar and structure!Later on,my friend told me that it is a standard American __3__.I was too thrilled to believe her.Her words couldn’t __4__.To my surprise,there are over 60 thousand webpages __5__ “Long time no see”.This sentence has been widely used in emails,letters,newspapers,movies,books,or any other possible place.Though it’s sort of informal,it is part of the language that Americans use daily.__6__,if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word,the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the __7__ of this Chinglish sentence.Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies.In 1930s,Hollywood moviemakers successfully __8__ a worldwide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens.Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting(引用)Confucius.“Long time no see” was his trademark.Soon after Charlie Chan,“Long time no see” became a __9__ phrase in the real world thanks to the popularity of these movies.

Some people __10__ America to a huge melting pot(大熔炉).All kinds of cultures are mixed in the pot together,and they __11__ the color and taste of each other.American Chinese,though a minority ethnic(少数的)group in the United States,is also contributing some changes to the stew(混杂物)!Language is usually the first thing to be __12__ in the mixed pot.

1.A.example  B.sign  C.word  D.change

2.A.damaged  B.perfected  C.learned  D.ruined

3.A.custom  B.greeting  C.habit  D.proverb

4.A.persuade  B.encourage  C.convince  D.believe

5.taining  B.printing  C.publishing  D.expressing

6.A.Unfortunately  B.Luckily 

C.Ironically  D.Suddenly

7.A.use  B.origin  C.expression  D.meaning

8.A.created  B.published  C.did  D.discovered

9.A.ordinary  B.rare  C.modern  D.popular

10.pare  B.add  C.join  D.owe

11.A.improve  B.change  C.lower  D.promote

12.A.influenced  B.mentioned  C.used  D.considered


A little old lady went into a pet shop and saw a lovely­looking parrot.“I would like to buy that handsome bird,please,”she said to the owner.

“Oh you don’t want __13__,”the man replied.“He uses some pretty terrible

__14__.Why don’t you get a puppy or a cat?”

“I want that parrot!”the woman insisted,and proceeded to put her money __15__ the counter.The owner shrugged his shoulders and made the sale.

When the woman returned home,she started playing with her new friend.She was petting him and poking at his feathers when all of a sudden he started swearing a blue streak.The woman was so shocked __16__ she grabbed the parrot and stuck him in the refrigerator.When she took the shivering bird out later,she warned him that every time he used bad language he’d be put back __17__it was cold.

The parrot’s behavior was pretty good for __18__ couple of days,but then one morning while the cat was putting her paw through his cage,he got really mad and started cursing again.This time the woman grabbed the __19__ and stuck him in the freezer.As he sat there,shivering and looking around,he __20__ a frozen turkey right next to him.“Hi,guy!”squawked the parrot,“What did you say?”

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