6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:

glare  stare  glance  say  stand  stick  speed  repair  enlarge  make  decline  remove  strength  selfish  ever 

1) She is so afraid of the big dog that she ________ at it and can’t move a little.

2) Everyone _______ at the two who kept talking when the other were studying in the classroom.

3) I only ______ at the photo; I don’t remember what clothes you were wearing in the picture.

4) If you work as a journanist, it goes without ______ that you’ll have to travel a lot.

5) Is this the man whom your father wishes to have ________ your photo?

6) Why should we have the boy ________ in the corner the whole morning?

7) Mr. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine he had had ______ went wrong again.

8) The professor __________ to attend the meeting on grounds of ill health.

9) The boy _______ it a habit to drop by to see the old man after school every day.

10) The train gathered _______ and the railway station became farther and farther away.

11) My grandfather loves his island. He hardly ________ sets foot in the city.

12) ---Where have you been?

---I got _________ in the heavy traffic. Otherwise I would have come here earlier.

13) Children who are always given in to by their parents soon become ________.

14) After working round the clock for three days, his _________ seemed to have given out.

15) Seeing a big stone getting in the way, they had to get out of the car and gathered all strength to _______ it to the roadside.


Part  1

get along  get in  get down to  get away  get …across  get through 
get in touch with  get on  get out of  get over  get together  come in handy

1) A sense of humor enabled him to __________ well with others.

2) For such a serious accident he was lucky to _________ with a fine.

3) The final examination is coming up soon. It's time for us to __________ our studies.

4) We have to _______ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.

5) ---Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?

---No, but we have been trying to ________________ with them ever since.

6) Many gifted students _________ poorly in school because they found school unchallenging and as a result lost interest.

7) Barbara tried to think of a good excuse to ___________ going to the meeting. She hated it very much.

8)It was not a serious illness, and she soon ___________ it.

9)We're going to ___________ with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us?

10)---The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.   ---Don’t worry. We have already _____________ two thirds of it.

11) He found it difficult to______ his Chinese humour _______ to an English audience.

12) Please don’t throw away your text books and note books when you finish learning. They may ______________ one day.

Part  2

give away  give in  give way  give out  give off  give up   half and half

13) At the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice _______ her _____.

14) The floor was so rotten that it almost ___________ under its weight.

15) Although I disagreed, I had to ___________ to dad --- he's usually right anyway.

16) By the end of 2008 all the factories in the city will be forbidden to _____ ___ heavy smoke.

17) He was so kind that he was always ready to __________ money and clothes to those in the flooded areas.

18) I don’t do well in math and you do no better than me; we are _______________.

19) What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _________?

20) I argued with him for more than half an hour, but I had to ___________ in the end.

Part  3

go ahead  go about  go on  go with  go over  go off   go in for  in general
go without  go through  for good  go out  go by   hardly…when

21) ______ had he entered the office ______ he realized that he had forgotten his report.

22) _____________, the northerners are fond of dumplings while the southerners prefer rice.

23) I want to learn German but I don't know the best way to ___________ it.

24) He opened the window to see what was ___________ outside.

25) --- I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?

  --- Sure, __________. I'm not using it anyhow.

26) As the weeks _________, the days for the examination drew near.

27) I don't _____________ rock ' n' roll. It's much too noisy for my taste.

28) The terrorists have planned to plant a bomb on the plane in Tokyo, set to _________ when it arrived in Washington.

29) Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ___________.

30) If you had ___________ your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.

31) There’s no beer left and the pubs are shut so you’ll have to ______________.

32) They _____________ all the details of the plan again and again to make sure that the project went smoothly.

33) Happiness doesn’t necessarily ____________ money.

34) People infected with SARS is hard to be cured ____________ and all.

Part  4

give sb. a hand  at hand  go hand in hand  hand in  hand out  hand over  hang up  hang about  hang on  hang together  hand down

35) --- These books are too heavy for me to carry.

--- I will ______ you    ___.

36) Don't worry, my dear. Help is always __________ when you need it.

37) It is required that every student ___________ their homework on time.

38) Such knowledge was __________ from father to son.

39) We must keep the room clean. Dirt and disease __________________ , you know.

40) He was ____________ leaflets (传单) to members of the audience.

41) It is certain that he will __________ his business to his son when he gets old.

42) Someone called me up in the middle the night, but they __________ before I could answer the phone.

43) It is not easy to learn English well, but if you __________, you will succeed in the end.

44) The library hasn't opened yet, so I have to ____________ here.

45) The team must _________________ in spite of their many losses.

Part  5

hear from  head for  help sb. with  help oneself to  help out 
can’t help  in harmony with  hardly…when  

46) I watched his train into the distance and then ____________ my home.

47) Police want to ______________ anyone who has any information about the attack.

48) When she heard the news that the war broke out between the two countries, she ___________ worrying about her son studying abroad.

49) Thank you for the great trouble you have had _______ me ______ my computer work.

50) ---I'm sorry to have _______________ your dictionary when you were out.

  ---That's all right.

51) Her friends and neigbours come to ____________ whenever she is in trouble.

52) We should take measures to reduce pollution so that human may live in ___________ nature.


Part  1

gain  glance  gather  hang  happen  help  hide  hit  grow  

1) He is not easy to get along with, but the friendship of his, once _______, will last forever.

2) As the storm drew nearer, black clouds were ________ over the sky.

3) The man _________ at his watch and told us the time.

4) ___________ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.

5) The picture _________ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

6) At the bad news, she tried to ______ her feelings and managed to hold back her tears.

7) He hasn't come yet. What do you consider has ________ to him?

8) If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would _______. (浙江05)

9) In the summer of 2007, the city of Chongqing was badly _______ by a drought.

10) The guilty man was _________ for murder.

Part  2

gain  hire  grasp  guess  handle  hesitate  harm  hate  govern  graduate  harvest  guarantee  

11) He ________ the old man firmly by the arm when they crossed the road.

12) I knew by her smile that she had _________ what I was thinking.

13) The price of jewelry is largely ____________ by quality.

14) They have ___________ the delivery of the computer within two days.

15) He's not a very good teacher---he doesn't know how to ________ children.

16) I _________ to trouble you, but I have nobody else to turn to.

17) When he has to make a decision, he always ________ for a long time.

18)The college ____________ 50 students from the science department last year.

19) We must ________ the corn before the storm comes.

20)We ________ an advertising company for help to sell our product.


Part  1

gallery  gap  garage  gesture  gift  glory  generous  gentle  gradually  garbage 

1) --- Nowadays, many children don’t agree with their parents.

--- It’s not surprising. This is what is so called generation _______.

2) We parked our car in an underground ___________ near the hotel.

3) Her paintings are being shown at a ___________ in London.

4) Throw any left-over food in the __________.

5) It was ___________ of her to contribute such a large sum to the Hope Project.

6) A speaker often makes __________ with his hands or arms to stress something he is saying.

7) The dog is so _________ that I am not afraid of it.

8) Mrs. Taylor has an 8-year-old daughter who has a _______ for painting --- she has won two national prizes.

9) The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and _______.

10) ___________ he gained the child's confidence and got the whole story from her.

Part  2

growth  greeting  hardship  goal  guidance  guilty guarantee  grateful  habit   helpless

11) You'd better set a ________ before you start the programme.

12) The innocent young man was sentenced to death. He felt ________.

13) The _______ of laid-off workers is becoming a big concern of the whole society.

14) These refugees are very _________ to the government's timely aid.

15) "Good morning," I said, but he didn't return the _________.

16) When choosing your major, try to get some ____________ from your teachers.

17) I feel _______ about not looking after her well because of my busy work.

18) Jeff has been in the ________ of taking a walk after dinner.

19) If you buy this machine, you will get a five-year ____________ against mechanical failure.

20) People have suffered many __________ from the war, and they wish the war ended as soon as possible.

Part  3

helicopter  goods  height  generation  grand  helpful  healthy  generally  history  

21)  The baby is generally__________, but every now and then he does catch a cold.

22)  Two _____________ were called in to help people trapped on the island.

23)  The most important thing about cotton in _________ is the part that it played in the Industrial Revolution.

24) My ____________ behaves differently from my father's.

25) These _________ are in short supply; the price will be high.

26) ___________ speaking, the more expensive the MP3 player is, the better it is.

27) You can get a _________ view of the mountains from the peak of Mount Tai.

28) His __________ makes him stand out in the crowd.

29) A walkman is _________ for you to learn English.

1. 单项选择:

1) As I’m _____ weight, the doctor has warned me to keep off sugar.

 A. putting  B. getting     C. gathering     D. gaining

2) There seemed to be a _____ of five years in her job history which she was unwilling to explain.

  A. opening    B. gap    C. garlic     D. garment

3) My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very ________ of him.

  A. mean    B. general    C. generous     D. gentle 

4) Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may ______ run over by a car.

  A. go    B. get    C. become     D. turn

5) --- Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it.  --- ________.

A. Made it         B. Got it         C. Gathered it   D. Remembered it

6) Readers can ______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of every word.

A. get over   B. get in    C. get along    D. get through

7) The painting in the gallery is a ______ from a well-known artist.

  A. present   B. gift    C. genius      D. talent 

8) Someone told me that the _____ boy has _____ for painting.

A.gifted; gift    B.gift; gifted     C.gifting; a gift      D.gifted; a gift

9) Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _______ the shocking ending.

  A. give away    B. give out   C. give up     D. give off

10) In the bus I usually _______ at the headline of the newspaper.

   A. glanced   B. glared   C. saw    D. noticed

11) When I left the hotel, I    a glimpse of a man walking slowly past the window.

A. took            B. caught      C. made    D. gave

12) The traffic lights       green and I pulled away.

  A. came    B. grew      C. got      D. went

13) Liu Xiang is trying to ______ another world record in 110m Hurdles in the 29th Olympic Games

A. go for           B.go in for          C.go into  D.go through

14) I missed a _________ opportunity, to become a millionaire.

  A. gold    B. handsome     C. golden   D. generous

15) Her confidence ______ and soon she was able to go out driving on her own.

   A. gained   B. grew     C. greeted      D. glared

16) ---You know who came yesterday?  ---Yao Ming?. We had a basketball match.

  --- _______. He came and watched the game.

A. You guessed it!  B. How did you know that?  C. Well done!  D. That was good news!

17) He worked as a (an) ______ in a travel agency for many years.

  A. adviser    B. guard    C. guide    D. conductor 

18) On the wall is a photo of my mother who had black ______ hair, but now she has some white _____ and I realize she has grown old.

  A. hair; hair   B. hairs; hairs   C. hairs; hair    D. hair; hairs

19) The husband gave his wife _______ every month in order to please her.

  A. all half his income  B. his half all income  C. half his all income  D. all his half income

20) Ignorance and poverty always_______________. 

A. goes hand in hand  B. go by the hand  C. go hand in hand   D. shake hands

21) In Iraq, two civilians were _____for no good reason, and their bodies were ____ there for three days.

A. hanged; hung  B. hung; hanged  C. hanged; hanged  D. hung; hung

22) --- Why was he fined?  

--- He happened to ______ flowers in the park.

A. be seen step on    B. be seen picking   C. be caught to pull     D. catch damaging

23) Everything was all right again._______, they all went back to work.

A. Happily    B. Instead    C. Generally    D. Besides

24) Don't be hard _______ Jack; after all, he's a child.

  A. with     B. to       C. for     D. on

25) I must be getting fat -- I can _______ do my trousers up.

A. fairly     B. hardly    C. nearly    D. highly

26) The doctor asked him not drink so much, otherwise it would ______ his health.

  A. hurt   B. harm    C. injure     D. wound 

27) We must ensure that tourism develops ______ harmony with the environment.

A. for    B. at     C. on     D. in  

28) If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,     him or her leave a message.

A. have       B. get         C. ask       D. tell

29) Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better _________ the school in case it starts to rain.

 A. run out   B. head out        C. refer to  D. head for

30) She can’t help  the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A. cleaned  B. cleaning     C. to clean  D. being cleaned

31) --Would you like another ______,Sir?  ---No, thanks.

   A. helping     B. drinking   C. chip    D. noodle

32) Tom looked at Jenny, tears ______ his eyes, and shouted out the words _______ in his heart for years.

A. filling; having hidden  B. filled; hidden  C. filling; hidden   D. filled; hiding

33) The Chinese Space Agency has developed the _____ successful Long March rocked series.

 A. highly    B. heavily    C. even     D. much

34) The heroic story that he had saved a boy’s life _____ the headlines in the local newspapers.

A. got      B. filled    C. hit       D. gained

35) We cannot ________ the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.

A. get     B. help    C. guess     D. guarantee

36) ---Hearing the news, I couldn't breathe. My body ______ cold.

  ---Oh, you should learn to _____ calm at any time.

 A. changed; keep   B. felt; remain   C. turned; become   D. went; stay

37)  --- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?  --- __________.

A. Yes, you may borrow   B. Yes, you could  C. Yes, help yourself  D. Yes, go on

38) Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to ______. I can't understand it, either.

  A. give    B. handle    C. seize     D. grasp

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