21st Century 英文报开展内容为“中学生社会实践调查”的征文活动。假设你参加了你校组织的中学生社会实践活动,请你根据以下信息,以“井冈之旅”(A Tour to the Jinggang Mountain)为题,叙述其活动情况。









生词:学费:tuition fees












A Tour to the Jinggang Mountain

On May 1st, I participated in a five­day tour organized by our school to the Jinggang Mountain by train. After we got there, first we visited the Hope Primary School, where we got to know the conditions of students' study in the less developed areas. Soon, we were arranged to live in the houses of local villagers to see what their real life is. There we were able to have meals with them and work in the field to experience the farmer's life. During the visit, we were excited to find that farmers are living a better life and no children drop out of school because the government pays for their tuition fees and many warm­hearted persons unselfishly sponsor them.

When a baby sees a ball, the baby may reach out for it. If the baby is very young, and you__1__the ball behind a pillow (枕头), then the ball__2__exists for the child. As the child grows older, the child will move the pillow to get the ball. Even though the child cannot see the ball, the ball still exists. This is an early example of “learning to see the__3__”.

All of us have__4__, so we all think we can see. But, in__5__we are all blind to probably 99% of the world. Because__6__people realize this, few people make the attempt to learn more, in order to see more. Just like a child, what we don't see doesn't exist.

__7__, because most of us are blind to 99% of the world, we rely on others to  give us the answers. We willingly allow doctors, lawyers, priests, and politicians to tell us what to do or think, but they take no responsibility when the results go wrong. Commercial television, radio, newspapers, and magazines are largely corporate(法人的) owned, profit driven, and focus more on distraction and misinformation than on education. Yet, we continue reading, watching and listening to commercial media under the illusion that we are learning. Corporate media is education with blinders. They only show you the__8__picture, and, in this way, they control public opinion.__9__needs to turn to noncommercial television, radio, and Internet world news to get the big picture. Everyone needs to know more in order to__10__the political spin and lies.

语篇解读:本文讲述学习是为了看到未知的。人类虽有眼睛,但对世界上99%的事物熟视无睹。几乎很少人认识到这一点。人们都有依赖心理,我们依靠别人给我们答案。商业媒体大都是利益驱使,更多聚焦在娱乐或误传,很少关注教育。人人都需要非商业的媒体以获得the big picture。

1.A.put        B.play        C.find         D.take



2.A.still         B.no more      C.no longer       D.even

解析:因no longer意思是“不再”。其他选项不符合逻辑。


3.A.visible       B.invisible       C.ball         D.child

解析:上下文告诉我们,教育就是学习“未知的,看不见的”Education is learning

to see the invisible.


4.A.ears         B.noses       C.balls        D.eyes



5.A.return        B.reality       C.short        D.case

解析:因in reality意思是“实际上,事实上”。in return是“作为回报”,in



6.A.many        B.few       C.some        D.a lot of



7.A.Unfortunately    B.Actually     C.Fortunately     D.Strangely

解析:most of us are blind to 99% of the world是一件不幸的事。


8.A.big         B.little       C.clear        D.new

解析:根据Corporate media is education with blinders. They only...和and Internet

world news to get the big picture.的对应关系,应该选little。


9.A.Everyone      B.Someone     C.Anyone       D.No one



10.A.see to        B.look out     C.see through      D.look for

解析:因see through是“看清,了解”,因为作者建议我们turn to

noncommercial media for more information。


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