
“It’s my own fault.” Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind.“The rest of the family is home,where it’s__1__.”

Just another one of his__2__ideas-a big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonight’s Christmas Eve service at the church-and look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.

Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas?But they__3__,as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning.__4__to bring home tamales,Carl tried one last shop,an old favorite out in Canutillo.

When he arrived,a fresh batch (一炉) was__5__off the steamer in 45 minutes.__6__at the end of the snaking line of tamale­seekers,he watched the woman in front of him__7__her jacket to cover her shivering youngster.It wasn’t long before she,too,__8__in the biting wind.After only a moment’s__9__,Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the__10__mother.

Together,they__11__when the line slowly moved forward at last,and smiling people exited the shop carrying steamy bags.__12__,Carl got inside the door and__13__closer to the counter,the woman now first in line.“Sorry folks,” the clerk announced,“that’s the last of the tamales.”“__14__!” Carl groaned (抱怨) with everyone else__15__behind him.

“__16__,”stressed the man at the counter,“we’ll have a final batch ready__17__,oh,about two hours.”

Defeated,Carl backed away,but the young mother grabbed his arm.

“You’re leaving?”

“I__18__,”Carl glanced at his watch.“I promised to put up luminarias (传统圣诞灯) at my church.”

“I’ll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house.”

Carl’s brow furrowed “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“But it’s__19__I can do.You lent me your coat.” Her smile overrode (推翻) his objections.“Just give me your address.” She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.

And at__20__noon on Christmas Eve,they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales-along with Carl’s brown jacket-to his home.

1.A.harmonious             B.warm

C.happy               D.pleasant

2.A.brilliant              B.bad

C.stupid               D.common

3.A.were               B.did

C.could                D.had

4.A.Decided              B.Determined

C.Wanted               D.Expected

5.A.ready             B.prepared

C.soon                D.due

6.A.Finding his way          B.Taking his road

C.Taking his place           D.Finding his place

7.A.move              B.reject

C.abandon               D.remove

8.A.waved               B.froze

C.shook                D.shocked

9.A.assumption             B.appreciation

C.hesitation              D.attention

10.A.grateful              B.respectful

C.hopeless               D.shameful

11.A.cheered              B.congratulated

C.shouted               D.screamed

12.A.Immediately           B.Hopefully

C.Lastly               D.Finally

13.A.shouldered his way       B.forced his way 

C.felt his way              D.inched his way

14.A.No problem            B.No way

C.No doubt              D.No wonder

15.A.lined up             B.held up

C.looked up              D.waited up

16.A.So                 B.But

C.Then                 D.Besides

17.A.before               B.for

C.in                     D.after

18.A.plan to               B.intend to

C.have to                D.ought to

19.A.the least              B.the most

C.the last               D.the best

20.A.just                   B.exactly

C.accurately              D.right

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