5. The lift had broke down yesterday. We'll have to

  walk up to the eighth floor this evening.


[考点1]Where there is a river, there is a city. 凡有河




Where is water, there is life.


能用in which来替换;使用时,注意与定语从句中关系


in which来替换。

[考例l](NMET 1997) After the war, a new school

building was put up ____ there had once been a


   A. that   B.where  C. which   D. when


[答案与解析]B  根据句子意思“战后在原来戏院的地



[考点2]Which one would you like to see most? 你最想


该句中的would like表示“想,打算”。

would like是表示“打算,想”的常用短语,后常接名词.

代词,不定式,复合宾语等。也可以写成would love;而

表示“想要的”feel like后接doing sth。例如:

Would you like a glass of beer?来杯啤酒怎么样?

He feels like being invited to give all kinds of lectures.


How would you like sth? 这一句型用来“询问某人对

某事物的印象或看法。” 例如:

-- How would you like Guilin?

-- Good. It is worth visiting again.


而“What be + 主语 + (look) like?”则表示“主语看起来



-- What was the earthquake like? 地震像什么?

-- It was like being on a boat. 像坐在船上。

[考例2](NMET 1997)1 would love ____ to the

party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a


   A. to go   B. to have gone

   C. going   D. having gone

[考查目标]句型“would love to do sth"。

[答案与解析]B  首先排除C、D两项;A项表示对将

来的打算;would love / like to have done 表示“本来打




[考点3]Most of the sports were the slime as they are

now. 许多项目跟现在一样。


Do in Rome as the Romans do. 人乡随俗。

as 作为连词,可以引导5种从句。

3. under attack 遭受攻击。under 表示“在……(状态)


  [词组] under repair 在修理中

   under study 在研究着

   under construction 在建设中

[考点3]动词 + down的短语

① come down 下来

② fall down 倒下,跌落,从……落下,失败

③ go down 下降,下跌

④ get down 下来

⑤ put down 把……放下来;平定,镇压

⑥ sit down 坐下

⑦ shut down 把……关上

⑧ turn down 关小,调低,拒绝

⑨ slow down 减缓,减速,放慢

⑩ write / set / note / put down写下,记下

⑩ pull down 拆毁,摧毁.推翻

⑩ get down to business 言归正传

[例句] The plan fell down because it proved to be too

expensive. 这项计划因费用过高而告吹。

More American troops were sent to Iraq to put down

the rebellions. 很多美国军队被派往伊拉克去镇压反


Turn the radio down - I'm trying to get some sleep. 把

收音机声音调小点儿 - 我想睡会觉。

He can't do heavy work, for he has been pulled down

by his long illness. 他不能干重活,因为长期患病使得


The road was slippery, so Mr. Jones slowed down the

car. 公路滑,所以琼斯先生放慢了车速。

Make sure you write down every word the speaker

says. 务必记下讲话者所说的每一个单词。

[考例3l(2003全国)News reports say peace talks be-

tween the two countries ____ with no agreement


   A. have broken down

   B. have broken out

   C. have broken in

   D. have broken up


[答案与解析]A  break down失败.坏了}break out突

然发生。爆发;break in 闯入;break up分开,分解。本




① clean up 清除,收拾干净

② eat up 吃光

③ get up 起床

④ give up 放弃

⑤ grow up 长大,成长

⑥ hurry up 赶快

⑦ lock sb. up将某人监禁起来

⑧ look up 向上看,抬头看,好转,有气色,查寻

g) make up 弥补.拼凑成

⑩ pick up 拾起.捡起,学会。获悉,听到,见到,恢复健康

⑩ pull up 往上拽

⑩ put up 举起,张贴,为……提供食宿

⑩ ring up 打电话

⑩ stay up 不睡.熬夜

⑩ wake up 醒来.唤醒

⑩ open up 开设,开业,开放

⑩ set up 建立.开创.使某人有钱创业

@ clear up 放晴

[例句] She soon picked up French when she went to live

in France. 她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。

You don't look up well today. What's the trouble? 你


These days many girls make up when they are still quite

young. 如今许多女孩还很年轻就化装。

When he was twenty-one, his father set him up in the

clothing business. 他21岁时,他父亲把他安顿在服装


I've an important meeting to attend. Be sure to wake

me up at seven o'clock. 我有一个重要的会议要参加,一


Now that it was raining heavily, they decided to put us

up for the night. 由于雨下得很大,他们决定留我们过


Ring me up if you learn the truth. 一了解到真相就给我


She promised the children they could stay up for their

favourite TV programme. 她答应孩子们可以晚点睡,看


[考例1](2004上海)To keep healthy,Professor John-

son ____ cycling as a regular form of exercise after

he retired.

   A. took up   B. caught on

   C. carried out   D. made for


[答案与解析]A take up开始从事;catch on 继续下

去、坚持下去;carry out完成、履行;make for走向、有





6. in modem times 在现代

  time 做“时代”解时,通常用复数形式 (times)。

  Times have changed, and we shouldn't fall behind



  Inancient times, people lived on wild fruits and wild




  in no time 立刻;马上  at one time 曾经

  on time 按时   in time 及时

  at a time 一次   for a time 一度

  behind the times 落伍  at all times 一直;经常

  at times 有时候   from time to time 不时;有时


① set off 出发,动身,启程

② set one's mind to 一心想做……

③ set free 释放

④ set up 设立.创立

⑤ set out 出发.陈列,陈述

⑥ set down (使)放下;写下,记下

⑦ set to work 开始工作

[例句]They have set off on a journey round the world.


The government has set up a working party to look into

the problem of drug abuse. 政府已经成立T作组调查滥


Liu Xiang has set up a new world record in men's 110m

hurdles. 刘翔创下了新的110米栏世界纪录。

You could be a very good writer if you set your mind to

it. 你只要专心.就可能成为优秀作家。

[考例2](2004江苏) It's ten years since the scientist

   ____ on his life's work of discovering the valuable


   A. made for   B. set out

   C. took off   D. turned up


[答案与解析]B  make for走向,有利于;set out开始,

着手;take off 脱下,起飞;turn up 出现,到达。本句话



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