4. Suddenly,  a tall man driving a golden carriage

  ____ the girl and took her away, ____ into

  the woods. (2004 上海春招)

   A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared

   C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing


[考点l]Giving advice Making suggestions 提出意见和



-- Let's go and have a good drink tonight.

-- ____ Have you got the first prize in the competi-


   A. What for?   B. Thanks a lot.

   C. Yes, I'd like to.   D. Glad to hear that.

[答案与解析]A  本题考查对提出建议的应答。根据




① Let's...

② You'd better...

③ I think it's better (for you / us) to...

④ I suggest (that) you (should) ...

⑤ I advise you (not) to ...

⑥ I wonder if you should...

⑦ Let's..., shall we?

⑧ Maybe we eould...

⑨ I'd 1ike to...

⑩ Can't / Should / Shall we...?

⑩ Would you like / love to...?

⑩ Have you considered...?

⑩ What shaIl we...?

⑩ why not...?

⑩ Why don't you / we...?

⑩ What / How about...?

[考点2]Talking about interests and hobbies 谈论兴趣和



-- I enjoy Chinese food very much.

   -- ____.

   A. Please taste quickly

   B. Have more.DIease

   C. HeIp yourself

   D. Eat slOWly whiIe it is hot

[答案与解析] C  本题考查谈论兴趣和爱好时的功能




① Which d0 you like, ...or...?

② I like...

③ What's your favorite sport?

④ Which sport do you like best?

⑤ Which d0 you prefer...or...?

⑥ What about...?

⑦ Are you interested in...?

⑧ I prefer...to...


① Shooting, I think.

② I'd rather watch it than play it.

③ Yes, very much.

④ No, not really.

⑤ Sure. I love sports..

[牛刀小试 4]

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