50. We can infer from the passage that in the hotel ______.

A. you can read many newspapers from around the world

B. you can enjoy both the urban and rural exciting lives

C. there are many advanced computers for customers to use

D. there probably are some pictures of snow leopards


It’s food scarcity (短缺), not dietary preferences, that motivates birds to migrate thousands of miles back and forth between breeding and non-breeding areas each year, new research shows.

“It’s not whether you eat insects, fruit, nectar or candy bars or where you eat them - it matters how reliable that food source is,” said study leader W. Alice Boyle of the University of Arizona.

To figure out the pressures that drive some birds to leave home for the season, Boyle examined 379 related species of flycatchers and compared their sizes, food types, habitats, migratory behaviors and whether or not they fed in flocks.

To compare the birds, the researchers constructed a “supertree” showing the exact evolutionary (演化的) relationships among different species.

A computer analysis then determined whether a particular species was migratory because it ran in the “family” or whether something in the bird’s environment was forcing it to leave each season.

Boyle and her colleagues found that food scarcity was the number one issue that predicted a species’ migratory behavior.

An alternative strategy that birds use to deal with food scarcity is to forage (四处搜寻) in flocks, because a group is more likely to find a new source of food than a lone individual.

“If you are faced with food scarcity, you have two options,” Boyle said. “You can either forage with other birds, or you can migrate.”

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