Charles Drew was a  16  student at Columbia University in New York. Before he graduated, he wrote an article on blood banks,  17  , the storing of blood.  18   a lot of people had died from loss of blood because there was no such a thing as a blood bank.

 When the United States  19  the Second World War, it became necessary to set up blood banks. Dr Drew  20  as the head of the Red Cross’s first blood bank.

 When the Red Cross  21  blood bank to collect and store blood for men wounded in  22  , black Americans gave blood along with the whites.  23  their blood was not accepted. Later blood from the blacks was accepted but was  24  in a different place from “white” blood. Although the best doctors insisted that there was no  25  at all between the blood of blacks and whites, the Red Cross, with the  26  of the government,  27  to separate black blood from white.

 After the war Dr Drew was  28   from Washington with three other doctors to attend a medical conference (会议) in a southern state. In North Carolina, the  29  went into a ditch(水沟) and Dr Drew was  30   hurt. He had lost a lot of blood by the time a  31  car took him to the  32  hospital. But they were __ 33   at the gate of the hospital. “Take him to the hospital for  34  ,” they were told. No matter what they said, they could not get into the hospital. They  35  take him to the coloured hospital, but on the way Dr Drew died because he had lost too much blood.

 16. A. medical     B. white      C. American   D. physics

 17. A. that is      B. which was   C. however   D. it was

 18. A. Since then    B. By then    C. And so    D. And yet

 19. A. broke      B. stopped     C. ended     D. entered

 20. A. considered    B. served      C. ordered    D. did

 21. A. started     B. found      C. accepted    D. closed

 22. A. accidents    B. battles      C. work     D. struggles

 23. A. Before long   B. Shortly before   C. At once    D. At first

 24. A. hidden      B. stored      C.. produced   D. gained

 25. A. harm      B. good      C. difference   D. ties

 26. A. obey      B. support     C. anger     D. laugh

 27. A. continued    B. stopped     C. started     D. hesitated

 28. A. driving     B. moving     C. fighting    D. flying

 29. A. doctor     B. driver      C. bank     D. car

 30. A. immediately   B. carelessly    C. quickly    D. badly

 31. A. passed      B. passing     C. running    D. broken

 32. A. biggest     B. nearest     C. black     D. smallest

 33. A. stopped     B. showed     C. ordered    D. avoided

 34. A. foreigners    B. Americans    C. blacks     D. whites

 35. A. could      B. should     C. must     D. had to

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