摘要: must 用在问句中表示强烈的不满. Why must you play the piano at the middle night? [同类预测] 把情态动词的特殊句式和具体语境结合起来是一种越来越常见的命题方法.我们既要注意到这些特殊句式.也要特别注意具体的语境. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A. can B. should C. may D. must 答案:A 解析:考查情态动词表达推测.can通常用于否定或疑问句中表示推测.表示可能性.这句话的意思是“布什先生一直按时做好所有的事.他怎么可能开幕式迟到呢? .用于否定句表示“不可能 .此时要与may not“可能不 的含义注意区分 例4. (北京市西城区2008年高三第二学期抽样测试).Most of the big hotels were full at this time of the year.but finally we find a room in one of those small guesthouses near the station. A.ought to B.could C.were able to D.might [答案]C . [题源探究] 考查can /could和be able to的区别. [广角思维] 根据but的转折关系可以知道我们找到了主的地方.有这一能力并且做了.所以答案为C [易误警示] 分不清can /could和be able to的区别.和对语境的错误理解是这道试题出错的主要理由. [悟彻高考] can /could和be able to的区别 ① can和be able to都可以表示有能力作某事.但be able to的主语必须是人或动物.而can 没有这个限制.如: He can swim. = He is able to swim. The radio can be fixed in 30 minutes.(句中的can不能用be able to) ② 根据be动词的变化而有各种时态的变化.而can只有过去时. ③ be able to表示克服困难或通过努力做成某事.其过去时可表示“设法做成 .相当于managed to do或succeeded in doing.而can表示本身具有能力做某事.如: With the help of the firemen, they were able to leave the burning house. 本题是指通过节省房钱来攒钱.当然用be able to更合适.再如: Although his leg was hurt, he was able to swim to the bank. [同类预测] 对can /could和be able to的区别的考查是情态动词部分的一种很常见.也很重要的知识点.需要在复习时认真对比掌握. I lived with my sister this summer and didn’t have to pay rent. So I save most of my salary. A. could B. would C. was able to D. should 本题考查can和be able to的差别. 答案:C 解析:本题考查can和be able to的差别.我能节省大部分钱是说有这个能力并且做到了.所以答案为:C


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