摘要:答:命题多以单选题的形式出现.但设问的角度呈现出多样化趋势.最近几年的高考及各地市的模拟练习中出现了这样一种趋势---把定语从句和独立主格结构结合起来进行考查. 例1. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, wanted to buy it. A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom [答案]D . [题源探究] 该题是考查“部分+of+整体型 的定语从句的用法. [广角思维] 该题是考查“部分+of+整体型 的定语从句的用法部分是指具体的数词或不确定数量的代词(some/ many/much/none/little等)整体是指前一句子中出现的人或物.指人时用whom 指物时用which.例如:There are 80 students in our class, some of whom are from the country. In the 2004 Olympics, China won 24 gold medals ,16 of which were won by women athletes. [易误警示] 不注意对部分的观察.错误的运用了代词.比如该例中前句提到了两个而不是其他数目.所以代词只能用neither.不注意前一句中整体的特性从而误用了关系代词.应该使用whom 指人的却使用了which.应该使用which 指物的却使用了whom. 在介词of 后本应该用whom做宾语的却使用了who.There are 80 students in our class, some of who are from the country.(错误.应该把who改为whom) [悟彻高考] 在做这类练习题时一定要注意部分的指代数量.从而确定使用哪一个表示数量的数词或代词.整体指人时一定用whom,整体指物时一定使用which. [同类预测]在对这一知识进行考查时我们还应该注意“部分+of+整体型 的定语从句可以转化为“of+整体型+部分 而转化后的结构极易出错.这是我们注意的重点. (1)We shouldn’t spent our money testing so many people,most of are healthy A. that B.which C. what D. whom 答案:D 解析:whom做介词of 的宾语. (2)It is reported that two schools. are being built in my hometown.will open next year. A.they both B.which both C.both of them D.both of which 答案:D 解析:both of which引导定语从句.如果选择B应该改为“which are both being built in my hometown 例2:I was much disappointed to see the washing-machine I had the other day went wrong again. A.repaired it B.repaired C.it repaired D.to be repaired [答案]B . [题源探究] 本题着重考查学生的句子分析能力以及关系代词的基本用法. [广角思维] the washing-machine为先行词.省略的关系代词that在定语从句中充当了have sth. Done 的宾语.所以不能选C. [易误警示] 忽略了省略的关系代词that在定语从句充当句子成分这一重要知识点 [悟彻高考] 关系代词在定语从句中充当了某一句子成分.一定要避免句子成分的重复.The car which my uncle just bought it was destroyed in the earthquake. 把it 去掉. [同类预测]对定语从句句子结构的分析.以及对先行词的准确把握是定语从句命题的重点.只有把握准先行词才能对句子做进一步的分析.进而确定答案. (1)Ba Jin, for experiences were adventurous and unforgettable, was an old man always telling the truth. A. whom B. whose C. that D. which 答案:A 解析:for whom在定语从句中做状语.whom做介词for的宾语. (2)Jenny was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, of course, made the others envy him . A. who B. which C. what D. that 答案:B. 解析:which 引导非限定性定语从句用来指代第一句话 (3)He went to New York in 2000, only two years later, he became a millionaire. A.when B.which C.that D.where 答案:D做 解析:由于定语从句中有了时间状语.所以先行词为New York.填入where做定语从句 中的地点状语. 例3:There is a garden .----in an armchair , reading a book. A. whose owner seated B. its owner seated C. its owner is seated D. the owner of which seated [答案]A . [题源探究] 这是一道综合性考题.该题测试的是定语从句和独立主格结构方面的知识. [广角思维] 该题把定语从句和独立主格结构结合起来进行考查.如果选A/D 应该在seated加was,这样就保证了定语从句的完整性,如果选了C两句话之间缺少连词.而正确的答案B是“逻辑主语+分词“即 独立主格结构“. [易误警示] 该题易选A或D.忽略了定语从句的完整性,也容易选C.忽略了两个句子之间必须有连词这一重要 规律. [悟彻高考] 遇到把定语从句和独立主格结构结合起来进行考查的练习题最好采用排除法来进行答案的选择.选择时遵循两个规律(1)保证定语从句的完整性(2)保证两个句子之间必须有连词. [同类预测]把定语从句和独立主格结构结合起来进行考查是考查学生综合能力的一个重要方面.应该引起我们的注意. There are 80 students in our class, boy students . A. most of them B. most of whom C. most of it D. most of who 答案:A


Dear Wei Hua,
     I'd like to tell you that I managed to achieve a full score of 120 points in Canada, where the IBT TOEFL
was launched earlier this year. I decided to take the test only one month before the due date in June.
     You may wonder how I did it. Now let me tell you. I went over several TOEFL vocabulary books and
practiced a lot of model tests on the computer. Apart from my preparations for the test, my solid language
skills also led to my new TOEFL success. In 2004, I participated in the third "21st Century Cup" National
High School English Speaking Competition held by China Daily as a Junior 3 student and won the top prize.
     Testing speaking skills is an added part of the new TOEFL test. My good performance in this test mostly
resulted from my speech practice before I moved to live and study in Canada last year. To prepare for the
speaking competition, my teacher asked me to make speeches in the canteen at lunch breaks. Surrounded
by many students, I heard them saying, "What's wrong with that girl? Is she crazy?" I had to be brave and
confident enough to stand on the stage when the day came.
     I also believe that Rome wasn't built in one day. To learn English well, we have to keep practicing: listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
Chang Mengsu
     假设你就是这电子邮件中的Wei Hua, 你的好友Chang Mengsu在你刚进入高二时写了这个电子邮件。
1. 以约30个词概括Chang Mengsu的成功经验;
2. 以约120个词就“新学年学英语的打算”为主题发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点:
  (1)你从Chang Mengsu的来信中得到什么启示;
  (2)谈谈你对“Practice makes perfect.”的理解。
1. 作文中可使用自己的真实打算或虚构的打算,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中
2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
Dear Mengsu,
     Congratulations on your success in getting such a high mark in TOEFL.
     I hope you will give me more advice on how to learn English well and wish you a good journey to Canada.
Wei Hua


pour scorn on       be acquainted with       become of       can’t help

in black and white   be accompanied by       account for      shed light on

miss out on         come in handy          hold up         take advantage of

be faced with       needless to say          come alive

1.       With the sun rising, doors opened one by one, and the small town slowly _______________.

2.       Everybody wonders what _______________ him in the past ten years. The only thing they know is that he is now a sincere Christian.

3.       If you wait until you can afford to enjoy life, you may _______________ all the fun.

4.       You shouldn’t pay any money until you get the contract _______________.

5.       Take a flashlight with you --- it might _______________ when you go hiking.

6.       The research is expected to _______________ intriguing studies that suggest how we live today can have striking impacts on the health and behavior of our grandchildren.

7.       They won’t be late for the celebration tonight unless their flight _______________ by the bad weather.

8.       It’s quite a sound plan. The problem, _______________, is the cost involved.

9.       In the Chinese Dictation Contest, when the teammates saw Liu Yichen, the last member remaining on the stage, write down the last character correctly with confidence, everybody _______________ clapping hands and shouting happily “We got it”!

10.   Don’t worry. You have just moved here and soon you _______________ all the kind neighbors around and enjoy living here. 



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