2.no one, none  (1)no one用来指人,不能接of短语,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

(2)none不仅指人也可指物,其后常接of短语,构成“none of+名词/代词”结构,当名词或代词为复数时,谓语动词用单复数均可。

(3)回答how many引起的问句用none;回答who引起的问句用no one。

(1) _______ likes a person with bad manners.  (2) _______ of his friends came to help him.

(3)Almost _______ believes him.    (4) _______ of them has/have seen him.

(5)-Who entered the room?  -___.  (6)-How many students are there in the classroom?  -__.


[例1] (2005年春季北京,34)__ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced  D. Facing

[例2] (2004年重庆,32)The most important thing about cotton in history is ___ part that it played in ___ Industrial Revolution.   A./;/  B. the;/  C. the; the  D. a; the

[例3] (2004年上海,25)The accident is reported to have occurred __ the first Sunday in February.

A. at   B. on   C. in   D. to

[例4] (2004年江苏,27)Tom owns __larger collection of _ books than any other student in our class.

A. the;/   B. a;/     C. a; the     D./;the

[例5] (2005浙江高考) I couldn’t _______.The line was busy.

A. go by   B. go around   C. get in   D. get through

[例6] (2005山东高考) What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _______?

A. given out    B. put out   C. held up   D. used up

[例7] (2005湖南高考) He suddenly saw Sue ___ the room. He pushed his way ___ the crowd of people to get to her.  A. across; across  B. over; through  C. over; into   D. across; through

[例8] (2005上海高考) He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _____ the good opportunity.    A. to lose   B. losing   C. to be lost    D. being lost

[例9] (2005全国高考Ⅱ) -Would you like some more tea?      -______,please.

A. No more  B. Just a little C. I’ve had enough  D. Yes, I would





4.take turns

例句   We take turns at cooking.我们轮流做饭。 We took turns at driving the car. 我们轮流开车。


(1)by turns 轮流=take turns at doing sth.   She went hot and cold by turns. 她一会冷一会热。

(2)It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事   It’s your turn to sing. 该轮到你唱歌了。

(3)in turn(s)轮流;依次;按顺序   They sang on the stage in turn. 他们轮流在舞台上唱歌。

(4)on the turn在转变     Their opinions are on the turn. 他们的看法开始转变。

(5)out of turn不按顺序;次序混乱  Please don’t speak out of turn. 请按顺序讲话。

练:You’ve missed your ______ to speak and you have to wait for another turn.

A. turn     B. chance    C. order    D. opportunity




While there are many different interpretations of our body language,some gestures seem to be universal.


例:While I understand your viewpoint, I don’t agree with you.虽然我了解你的见解,我还是不能同意你。

I earn only 50 dollars a week, while he earns 80 dollars.我一星期只赚50美元,而他却赚80美元。

He took a bath while I was preparing dinner.  我准备晚餐的时候他在洗澡。

He watched TV while eating.  他边吃东西边看电视。


(1)  while作连词时,主要意思有:①表示时间,意思是“在……期间;当……时候;与……同时”;②表示转折对比,意思是“然而;但”;③多用于句首,表示让步,意思是“虽然;尽管”。

(2)  while引导的从句与主句的主语相同,且while从句的动词为be时,while从句的主语和be动词有时被省略。

练:(2004江苏高考) ________ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.

A. While     B. Since    C. Before     D. Unless


1.get through


例:The Bill didn’t go through.该议案未被通过。

Tom failed but his sister got through.汤姆考试不及格但他妹妹及格了。

A smile can help us get through difficult situations.一个微笑可以使我们摆脱困境。

I called all day yesterday, but I couldn’t get through(to you).


He has got through all his money. 他的钱都花光了。


   (1)get across 过……(不用被动语态);与……沟通

   (2)get along/on设法度过;相处(和with连用);进展(和with连用)

   (3)get away (from)摆脱(某人);逃离(某地);离开;脱身   (4)get down 下来

   (5)get down to 开始做(to为介词) (6)get around/about传播;流传;各处走动

(7)get back返回;回去;回家;找回   (8)get together聚会;联欢

练:(1)How can he ______ without money for food during the journey?

A. get together    B.  get along   C.  get back    D. get down

 (2)(2006云南统一检测) -Can you finish the reports today?  -Sure. I’ve _ half of them already.

A. got away from   B. got down to    C. got around   D. got through

   (3)(2004辽宁高考) The final examination is coming up soon. It’s time for us to _ _ our studies.

A. get down to   B. get out    C.  get back for    D. get over

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