【题目】There are many dangerous sea creatures in the world. The following are some examples.

The needlefish are commonly seen living near the surface of tropical (热带的) waters. But they can also break cover the water,and once in the air they can become dangerous flying swords. Though it is rare,people have been seriously hurt and even killed by the fish.Night fishermen in small boats are at particular risk because their lights may attract the fish.

Saltwater crocodiles are the world's largest crocodiles,sometimes reaching 23 feet in length and topping 2,200 pounds. Yet these crocodiles hunt quietly,lying in wait below shoreline waters to attack turtles and thirsty animals that have come to drink. Saltwater crocodiles kill a number of people each year.

There is no doubt that the great white shark sits atop the ocean food chain. The world's largest fish can weigh at over 5,000 pounds and reach lengths of more than 20 feet. Great white sharks have about 3,000 teeth,which they typically sink into sea lions,seals,and sea turtles. These sharks are responsible for a third to a half of the 100 shark attacks on humans every year.

The sea anemone (海葵) may look like the beautiful flower for which it's named,but fish that swim too close may regret it. The sea anemone,which lives on the sea floor,uses its poisonous tentacles (触须) to stab passing creatures with a kind of poison—making them helpless and fit to be eaten.

The surgeonfish (刺尾鱼) is an attractive reef fish that is poisonous. Scientists believe that the world's seas hold some 1, 200 different surgeonfish species and think that they injure about

50,000 people per year. But the surgeonfish poison can also bring great benefit—they are useful in the development of new drugs.

1The underlined phrase “break cover” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. jump out of

B. break away from

C. get away from

D. go back to

2How many attacks on humans do great white sharks do every year?

A. About 26.

B. About 45.

C. About 60.

D. About 75.

3It can be learned from the passage that ________.

A. the saltwater crocodiles are gentle and never hurt people

B. the sea anemone lives near the surface of the sea

C. the great white shark is the largest fish in the world

D. the needlefish live in the sea all around the world

4Which of the following can be used to benefit human society?

A. The needlefish.

B. The sea anemone.

C. The great white shark.

D. The surgeonfish.

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