【题目】We all have one, don’t we? A friend who's always late. The one who turns up for coffee a full half hour after the appointed time.1 The dear pal who sends a message saying "Sorry, bit delayed. ", when they’re already 20 minutes behind schedule. Or just maybe, if you’re really honest, this persistently lardy (拖延的)individual is actually youself.


How on earth can people be so inconsiderate?

Recent research suggest that there might be more to this than simple rudeness. Psychologists from Washington University believe people view time differently. 3. It even provided them with a clock. Despite this, some people became so absorbed in the activity that they completely forgot to cheek the clock.

4. The less punctual among us often share characteristics such as “optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety.” Why optimism, you ask? Optimists tend to overestimate how much they can achieve and underestimate problems, which means they don’t account for the long traffic jam on the way to meet you for that coffee.

Here's another thought: maybe language is to blame? The English phrase “to be fashionably late” is used to describe the proper time to arrive at an event. If you're too early, you can appear overly eager, but if you’re bit late, you seem cool and sophisticated(老练的).The problem is, what one person regards as fashionably late, another may view as plain impolite.


A. Our personality also plays a role

B. Keep a distance from those full of excuses

C. Next time you have coffee, do try to be on time

D. The one who seems lo be forever “stuck in traffic"

E. Either way, lateness can be extremely annoying to the receiving end

F. Participants were required to set down how long they finished a task

G. Their study gave participants a specific amount of time to complete a task

【题目】In a world full of Kates and Sarahs,you might think it'd be nice to have a unique name to help me stand out in a crowd. Being named Stacia (pronounced stay-sha) is not so lucky to me. I’ll get the occasional “Your name is so pretty” after introducing myself, but eventually my name causes me more lustration than happiness. For example, Microsoft Word always tries to tell me my name isn’t a real word. I was never able to buy a cheesy Mickey Mouse keychain from Disneyland as a kid (in other words, I didn't have a childhood). I couldn’t even pronounce my own name correctly until I was five.

I once had a professor who pronounced my name differently each class. After a while l stopped correcting him, and that's been ray reaction to strangers ever since. In other cases, I'd rather tell the cashier my name is Staci and save both of us, as well as the people standing behind me in line, valuable time.

Meeting new people gives me anxiety, and I've realized it’s easier just to lie about my name altogether in certain cases. Actually I did—so many times that Brittany is now my chosen “going out" name. It may have caused some confusion with my friends at first .who would let out a small laugh or confused look ,but I've trained them to keep a straight face whenever I came up with this fake(假的)name. Now going out on weekends means I get to have a shift of identity.

Frustrations aside, being the owner of a unique name has made me appreciate the little things in life. Someone pronouncing or spelling my name correctly on the first try brings me more joy than it probably should. I also love when I meet another Stacia and we get to bond over our shared struggles.

To any other Stacias reading this—I feel you, girl, P. S. I apologia to any real Brittanys out there. Thanks for letting me borrow your name!

1How does the author often feel about her name?

A. Annoyed. B. Happy.

C. Disappointed. D. Proud.

2Why does the author use a fake name?

A. To enjoy a different identity. B. To stand out in a crowd.

C. To save time and trouble. D. To make a fool of herself.

3What’s the reaction of her friends to “Brittany" finally?

A. They are laughing at her. B. They are used to it.

C. They are strongly against her. D. They are confused about it.

4How does the author sound when telling the story?

A. Guilty. B. Cautious.

C. Curious. D. Humorous.

【题目】On a cold morning of 2014, I intended to take a taxi to the airport with my big luggage. There were some taxis _________me, but none stopped. It was freezing cold for March. Nearly an hour later I got into a taxi.

I wondered why I was in such a bad________. The driver told me most taxi drivers________thought that I would go to the train station. But this driver never________passengers. On the way to the airport, he________his story with me.

His spotless car_______whenever passengers waved, not measuring the profits. He rushed to open the door for them and made sure they were comfortably seated________he closed the door. As he got in the driver’s______, he mentioned that the neatly folded newspaper next to them were for their______. He then showed them several CDs and asked what type of______they would enjoy.

He had________many jobs before. But he got tired of thinking his best would never be good enough. He decided to find his ________in life. He loves driving cars and being of _______. He always felt proud of his full day’s wonderful work. So he became a________. One thing he knew for sure, to be good in his business he could simply just meet the _________of his passengers. But to be great in his______, he had to exceed the customer’s expectations. “I like both the sound and return of being great better than just getting by_______,” he concluded his story with these words.

I_________a lot from him. Many speakers_______thousands of dollars to impact this kind of training to be the best in our______. But it cost me only the taxi fees, and he also taught me a million-dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation.

1A. fetching B. refusing C. carrying D. passing

2A. state B. situation C. condition D. position

3A. stubbornly B. amazingly C. interestingly D. strictly

4A. chose B. ignored C. called D. judged

5A. told B. showed C. shared D. spoke

6A. pulled through B. pulled out C. pulled up D. pulled on

7A. after B. before C. when D. until

8A. seat B. wheel C. case D. direction

9A. value B. help C. importance D. use

10A. paper B. sport C. dance D. music

11A. taken up B. taken over C. taken down D. taken in

12A. favorite B. story C. chance D. future

13A. service B. thought C. opportunity D. excitement

14A. businessman B. taxi driver C. professional player D. scientist

15A. complaints B. requirements C. expectations D. developments

16A. family B. time C. company D. business

17A. on duty B. on average C. in particular D. on earth

18A. think B. increase C. attract D. benefit

19A. charge B. provide C. offer D. supply

20A. life B. experience C. career D. lesson

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