
【题目】We all have one, don’t we? A friend who's always late. The one who turns up for coffee a full half hour after the appointed time.1 The dear pal who sends a message saying "Sorry, bit delayed. ", when they’re already 20 minutes behind schedule. Or just maybe, if you’re really honest, this persistently lardy (拖延的)individual is actually youself.


How on earth can people be so inconsiderate?

Recent research suggest that there might be more to this than simple rudeness. Psychologists from Washington University believe people view time differently. 3. It even provided them with a clock. Despite this, some people became so absorbed in the activity that they completely forgot to cheek the clock.

4. The less punctual among us often share characteristics such as “optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety.” Why optimism, you ask? Optimists tend to overestimate how much they can achieve and underestimate problems, which means they don’t account for the long traffic jam on the way to meet you for that coffee.

Here's another thought: maybe language is to blame? The English phrase “to be fashionably late” is used to describe the proper time to arrive at an event. If you're too early, you can appear overly eager, but if you’re bit late, you seem cool and sophisticated(老练的).The problem is, what one person regards as fashionably late, another may view as plain impolite.


A. Our personality also plays a role

B. Keep a distance from those full of excuses

C. Next time you have coffee, do try to be on time

D. The one who seems lo be forever “stuck in traffic"

E. Either way, lateness can be extremely annoying to the receiving end

F. Participants were required to set down how long they finished a task

G. Their study gave participants a specific amount of time to complete a task









考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲我们都会遇到爱迟到的朋友,过了约咖啡整整半个小时才出现。D这个人而且似乎老会 “遇到堵车”和上句衔接,指他们找到理由,故选D.




考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下句It even provided them with a clock.可知是任务的设定和提供的设备,G他们给参与研究者设置一定的时间,让他们完成一项任务。与下句连接,故选G.


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下句The less punctual among us often share characteristics such as “optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety.”可知此处讲个性对不准时的影响,A我们的个性也起了一定作用,连接下句,符合本段内容。故选A.




After returning from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes me 12 pounds,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office. “You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me 12 pounds.”
Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, Madam,” he said politely. “I'll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”
The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldn't have sold her a ticket for that day. Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sunburnt,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”
“Yes,” she answered, shyly. “The beach was lovely. And I can swim too!”
“That's fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can't swim a bit yet. Of course,she's only three ...”
“I'm four,” the child said proudly. “I'll be four and a half.”
Harry turned to the mother. “I remember your ticket, Madam,” he said. “But you didn't get one for your daughter, did you?”
“Err, well ...” the woman looked at the child. “I mean …, she hasn't started school yet. She's only four.”
“A four-year-old child must have a ticket, Madam. A child's return ticket from Jersey costs .., let me see ... 13.50 pounds. The law is the law, but since the mistake is mine ...”
The woman stood up, took the child's hand and left the office.
(1)Why was the woman angry?
A.Because she couldn't use the ticket for her round trip
B.Because she had to return home a day earlier than she had planned
C.Because she spent more money than she had expected
D.Because Harry had sold her a ticket to Jersey where there was no sailing
(2)Harry started talking to the little girl ________.
A.because he was in trouble and did not know what to do
B.because he had a little girl about the same age as this girl
C.because he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so nice
D.when he suddenly realized that he could find a way out from the little girl
(3)What does Harry mean by saying,“The law is the law, but since the mistake was mine ...” ?
A.They must follow it, even though the mistake was his
B.He had to be strict with the woman because of the law,although he didn't want to
C.The woman had to pay him 1.50 pounds and the railway would pay her for the hotel
D.She should pay 1.50 pounds,but he had made a mistake,she could go without paying
(4)The woman left the office without saying anything because ________.
A.she wanted to go home and get money for the child's ticket
B.she was so angry that she didn't have anything to do with the young man
C.she was moved by Harry's kindness
D.she knew she would have to pay the railway if she insisted

【题目】Monthly Talks at London Canal Museum

Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August. Admission is at normal charges and you don’t need to book. They end around 21:00.

November 7th

The Canal Pioneers, by Chris Lewis. James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers. He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building. Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.

December 5th

Ice for the Metropolis, by Malcolm Tucker. Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering, Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells, and how London’s ice trade grew.

February 6th

An Update on the Cotsword Canals, by Liz Payne. The Stroudwater Canal is moving towards reopening. The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer. We will have a report on the present state of play.

March 6th

Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands, by Miranda Vickers. The Thames had many islands. Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them. She will tell us about those of greatest interest.

Online bookings: www.canalmuseum.org.uk/book

More into: www.canalmuseum.org.uk/whatson

London Canal Museum

12-13 New Wharf Road, London NI 9RT

www.canalmuseum.org.uk www.canalmuseum.mobi

Tel: 020 7713 0836

1When is the talk on James Brindley?

A. November 7th.

B. March 6th.

C. February 6th.

D. December 5th.

2What is the topic of the talk in February?

A. The Canal Pioneers.

B. Ice for the Metropolis.

C. Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands.

D. An Update on the Cotswold Canals.

3Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames?

A. Chris Lewis.

B. Malcolm Tucker.

C. Miranda Vickers.

D. Liz Payne.

【题目】Sonia learnt some first aid skills in her infant CPR (幼儿心肺复苏) class. Last week she told us that she______ her daughter’s life using the skills. Her experience might be ______ to other parents with young children. Here is her ______.

Last Friday I took my 9-month-old daughter to a doctor and she had blood drawn(抽血) from her finger. The doctor put a band-aid on her finger. Then we ______.

My husband ______ the car outside his friend’s house because he had to ______ something that he borrowed from his friend. Then I heard my daughter make ______ sounds. I looked at her and found she had tear-filled eyes, vomit (呕吐物) on her shirt, and a look that said, “Help me, Mom.” ______, she wasn’t blue(青紫的).

I jumped out of the car, ______ her out of the car seat, flipped her over, and hit her on the ______ three times. I saw something fly out of her ______. I saw it was the ______ when I picked it up. I was so ______. I couldn’t imagine what could have happened if we had ______ home instead of parking the car there.

I went home and ______ signed up for Child CPR. I had taken Infant CPR in our town and remembered not to stick my ______ in her mouth to get out the choking object(填塞物) ---- ______my instinct(直觉)was to do just that.

It terrifies me that ______ like this can happen so suddenly to people around us. I think if it happened to my daughter, it could happen to anyone’s ______. I’ve also been telling all my friends with children to sign up for CPR classes because you just ______ know what might happen.

1A. improved B. replaced C. found D. saved

2A. interesting B. helpful C. shocking D. new

3A. plan B. reason C. story D. advice

4A. went B. listened C. left D. came

5A. parked B. drove C. repaired D. transported

6A. show B. return C. check D. post

7A. lovely B. fluent C. strange D. beautiful

8A. Generally B. Sadly C. Usually D. Thankfully

9A. pulled B. handed C. threw D. passed

10A. jacket B. trousers C. head D. back

11A. ears B. mouth C. nose D. eyes

12A. blood B. paper C. band-aid D. fingernail

13A. tired B. scared C. disappointed D. bored

14A. left B. flew C. walked D. driven

15A. immediately B. luckily C. unwillingly D. bravely

16A. chopstick B. spoon C. fork D. finger

17A. so B. because C. though D. if

18A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something

19A. husband B. child C. doctor D. son

20A. always B. never C. still D. even















1. children’s primer 启蒙课本

2. Thousand-Character Classic千字文 The Three-Character Classic 三字经

注意:1. 词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数);

2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Steve,

I’m so pleased to learn that you are collecting some traditional Chinese books.










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