15.Unless you think you're the smartest,who doesn't want to be smarter?Of course I want to be smarter too,so I try to find out who's the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from.(36)D.Here are the signs of smart people:
They don't talk as much as you,because they know they got smart by listening.
They probably do social media.Not always,but probably.(37)A They also use this to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise won't have come across.
(38)F They never bother their head about the problem of"work-life balance"and somehow manage to seem 100% employed in what they're doing,even though you know they're taking proper steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are well balanced.
They know they are the smartest person in the room,but they don't spend their time talking about that.
(39)B That is,they challenge themselves to see if they can make everyone else the smartest person in the room,too.
They never,ever,under any circumstances,make you look stupid,even though it would be easy to do so.They've learned through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is that you look bad yourself.
If they are managers,they will make every effort to get their people smarter,more connected and more popular than them in their teams.They're not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic (相互促进的).(40)G

A.It is not only another chance to listen.
B.Instead,they take it as a personal challenge.
C.They know it is an advantage to them.
D.Now I have got an answer about whether someone's smart or not.
E.They'll be smiling even when things go very badly wrong.
F.They deal with home,work and personal interests perfectly.
G.They will also make sure their smart people look smarter than them for the same reason.
14.Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening,I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend's roof-tops.I stopped to watch it for a few moments,thinking about what a pity it was that most citizens,myself included,usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.
My friend had also seen it.He grew up living in a forest in Europe,and the moon meant a lot to him then.It had touched much of his life.
I know the feeling.Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends.We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water.Our group had campfires outside every night,and indoors when it was too cold outside.The moon grew to its fullest during our trip.Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys.Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard.It was one of the quietest places I have ever known,a bottomless well of silence.And above me was the full moon,which struck me deeply.
Today our lives are filled with glass,metal,plastic and fiber-glass.We have televisions,cell phones,papers,electricity,heaters and ovens and air-conditioners,cars,computers.
Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day,most of which was spent in doors,I thought that before long I would like to live in a small cottage.There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains,and perhaps write,but not in anger.I may become an old man there,and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.
25.The writer felt sorry for himself becauseA.
A.he usually failed to see the fullest moon      
B.there was too much pollution
C.he didn't get used to modern inventions 
D.there were too many accidents on the road
26.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?B
A.No modern equipment.
B.The nice moon.
C.The high mountains.
D.Complete silence.
27.Modern things (in Paragraph 4)are mentioned mainly toC.
A.show that the writer likes city life very much
B.tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life
C.explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature
D.show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them
28.The author wrote the passage toB.
A.show the love for the moonlight
B.express the feeling of returning to nature
C.advise modern people to learn to live
D.want to show his longing (渴望) for modern life.
13.There is something very wrong with the system of values in a society that has only unkind terms (措辞) like nerds and geeks for the intellectually curious and academically serious people.
We all know what a nerd is:someone who wears thick glasses and ugly clothes; someone who knows all the answers to the chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night.And a geek,according to Webster's New Word Dictionary,is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens.It is an obvious fact about our language and our culture that someone who is devoted to pursuit (追求) of knowledge is compared to such a strange person.
Even at a famous educational institution like Harvard,anti-intellectualism (反智主义) is widespread:Many students are ashamed to admit,even to their friends,how much they study.The same thing happens in U.S.primary and high schools.
Enough is enough.The anti-intellectual values that have spread throughout American society must be fought.There are very few countries in the world where anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as it does in the US.In the most industrialized nations,especially in East Asia,a kid who studies hard is praised.But in America,average professional ballplayers are much more respected and better paid than professors of the best universities.
How can a country where typical parents are ashamed of their children studying mathematics instead of going dancing be expected to compete in the technology race with Japan?How long can America remain a world-class power if we constantly put social skills and physical strength over academic achievement and intellectual ability?
Do we really expect to stay afloat largely by bringing in our scientists and intellectuals from abroad,as we have done for a major part of this country without making an effort to also develop a pro-intellectual (有利于知识分子的) culture at home?
Not until the words"nerd"and"geek"become terms of praise rather than insults 
(侮辱) do we have a promising future.
21.What is the meaning of the words"nerd"and"geek"in this passage?B
A.They are used in the U.S.to describe students from other countries.
B.They are insulting terms which are used to describe smart students.
C.A nerd is a good student and a geek is a poor student.
D.Nerds and geeks are proper descriptions of strange students.
22.What can be learnt from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4?C
A.The US government doesn't mean to spend much money on education.
B.Few students work hard for their grade in famous universities like Harvard.
C.Anti-intellectualism is not popular in industrialized countries in East Asia.
D.Professors earn more than professional basketball players on average in the US.
23.What is probably the author's attitude towards the present society's anti-intellectualism?C
24.What can be a suitable title for the text?D
A.What is anti-intellectualism?
B.Why does society avoid nerds?
C.Don't laugh at nerds.
D.America needs its nerds.
10.With the summer holiday just around the corner,it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations.Here are some tips that can help you enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket:
Travel off-season
Go to your desired destination while the demand is low and take advantage of huge discounts.(36)D So it's best to find out when the off-season starts.
Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms.Look for places that do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding.Stay with the locals.If you and your family are going to stay for a longer period,renting a small apartment is a good choice.
Eat like a local
Why eat at big chain restaurants when you can experience something new?(38)EDuring your family trip,try new food where the locals eat.This will not just save money,but also provide you with a new and different experience.For smaller meals and snacks,avoid restaurants and try street food or other takeout.
Don't hesitate to bargain
Tourist-heavy places are known for overcharging for just about everything.Clothes,travel goodies,souvenirs,etc.are very expensive at these places.(39)FBargain hard to get the best price.
Choose local transportation
(40)G Instead,take buses,railways or subways,which are always cheaper.If you are planning to stay for a while,you can consider renting a car.Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you are moving around a lot.

A.Save on hotels.
B.Surf the Internet while traveling.
C.Therefore,avoid buying anything there.
D.During the peak season,you'll be likely spend more of your vacation time and money due to the rush of tourists.
E.Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
F.For this reason,you shouldn't feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
G.As a tourist,avoid taking taxis whenever possible,since they are expensive.
9.Holidaymakers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel rooms head for a big igloo.Swedish businessman Nile Bergqvist is delighted with his new hotel,the world's first igloo hotel.Built in a small town in Lapland,it has been attracting lots of visitors,but soon the fun will be over.
In two weeks'time Bergqvist's ice creation will be nothing more than a pool of water."We don't see it as a big problem,"he says."We just look forward to replacing it."
Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991for an art exhibition.It was so successful that he designed the present one,which measures roughly 200square meters.Six workmen spent more than eight weeks piling 1,000tons of snow onto a wooden base; when the snow froze,the base was removed."The only wooden thing we have left in the igloo is the front door,"he says.
After their stay,all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success.With no windows,nowhere to hang clothes and temperatures below 0℃,it may seem more like a survival test than a relaxing hotel break."It's great fun,"Bergqvist explains,"as well as a good start in survival training."
The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt:it is now attracting tourists from all over the world.At least 800people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10rooms."You can get a lot of people in,"explains Bergqvist."The beds are three meters wide by two meters long,and can fit at least four at a time."

32.When the writer says"the fun will be over,"in Paragraph 1,he refers to the fact thatC.
A.hotel guests will be frightened at the thought of the hard test
B.holidaymakers will soon get tired of the big igloo
C.Bergqvist's hotel will soon become a pool of water
D.a bigger igloo will replace the present one
33.According to the text,the first thing to do in building an igloo isD.
A.to gather a pool of water        
B.to pile a large amount of snow
C.to cover the ground with ice   
D.to prepare a wooden base
34.Which of the four pictures below is the closest to the igloo hotel as described inthe text?A

35We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.Bergqvist built his first igloo because he was inspired by an art exhibition
B.all visitors can get a survival certificate after the experience
C.the igloo attracts many people because it provides a relaxing hotel break
D.many people around the world are interested in trying something new.
8.A team led by a nurseryman (花圃工人) and his sons has raced against time for 20years,using branches from some of the world's biggest and most long-lasting trees to produce clones that could restore ancient forests and help fight climate change.
Now comes the most ambitious step of the project:getting the new trees into the ground.Plantings of two dozen clones from California's huge coastal redwoods will take place Monday in seven nations:Australia,New Zealand,Great Britain,Ireland,Canada,Germany and the U.S.
The lab-produced trees are genetic copies of three huge trees that were cut down in northern California more than a century ago.Remarkably,new branches still grow from the stumps (树桩),including one known as the Fieldbrook Stump,which measures 35feet in diameter (直径).It's believed to be about 4,000years old.
"We need to reforest the planet.To do that,it just makes sense to use the largest,oldest trees that ever lived,"said David Milarch,co-founder of the non-profit Archangel Ancient Tree Archive.
Milarch and his sons Jared and Jake,who have a family-owned nursery,became concerned about the condition of the world's forests in the 1990s.They began traveling across the U.S.in search of"champion"trees that have lived hundreds or even thousands of years,believing that better genes make it possible for them to outlive others of their species.Scientific opinion varies on whether that's true,with skeptics saying the survivors may simply have been lucky.
The Archangel team says they've developed several methods of producing genetic copies.They focus on towering sequoias (高耸的水杉)and redwoods,considering them best suited to absorb great amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2),the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for climate change.
The challenge is to find places to put the trees,people to look after them and money to continue the project,Jared Milarch said.The group is funded through donations and doesn't charge for its clones.
"A lot of trees will be planted by a lot of groups on Arbor Day,but 90percent of them will die,"David Milarch said."You can't plant trees and walk away and expect them to take care of themselves."Those receiving Archangel redwoods have promised to care for them properly.

28.According to the text,the clonesC.
A.are rather expensive
B.are based on dead ancient trees
C.have been experimented for 20years
D.have been widely grown across the U.S.
29.To reforest the planet,David Milarch chooses the largest,oldest trees becauseB.
A.they are lucky treesB.they have better genes
C.they are easier to plantD.they look more beautiful.
30.David Milarch's team believes that genetic copies from sequoias and redwoodsA.
A.can take in more greenhouse gases
B.are hard to survive for a long time
C.are likely to cause climate change
D.may be a threat to existing plants
31.What is stressed by David Milarch in the last paragraph?C
A.The need of financial support.
B.The difficulty of finding places.
C.The importance of caring for trees.
D.The challenge of running his group.
7.Zheng Pengyu:Interest is the best teacher.Classrooms that weren't fixed could give students the chance to explore their interests.At the same time,they would be able to learn on their own because they would have to make their own decisions.All in all,the new system would be a good chance to inspire students'love for studying.
Sun Yao:Despite its benefits,I'm worried about whether the new system would work.Going to different classrooms would take up a big part of our break time and we would have less time to relax after class.Also,not all schools could offer so many different classes.
Shi Zhenghan:I support students learning in different classes.It would solve the problem of some students thinking the classes are too easy while some think they are too difficult.Teachers could also teach more effectively.What's more,friendships built while in different classes might be a pleasant surprise.
Zhou Qingqing:In my opinion,studying in different classrooms might affect students'psychological development.They might find it difficult to develop deep and strong friendships with other students if they had to change classrooms constantly.They would also lose their sense of belonging to a certain class.
Hu Qile:I applaud the idea.It would help teachers set up special teaching plans for different classes.For students,making choices by themselves could encourage them to be responsible.Changing classrooms could also help remove the boredom of doing the same dull routine every day.
Wang Xiaoqian:The new system might help with students'individual development,but I still prefer the current system.Studying in one fixed classroom,students with different academic levels can help each other.Spending your senior middle school years with the same classmates is an unforgettable experience.

25.According to Sun Yao,which of the following sentences is TRUE?B
A.The new system will work if great measures are taken.
B.Not every school can afford so many different classes.
C.Students will have more time to relax.
D.He supports the system because of its benefits.
26.Among the following people,who prefers the new system?C
A.Sun Yao
B.Zhou Qingqing 
C.Hu Qile
D.Wang Xiaoqian
27.What is the passage about?C
A.Different opinions about changing classrooms.
B.Students find it difficult to develop friendship.
C.Schools should offer different classes to students.
D.Changing classrooms can help with students'individual development.
6.Once upon a time,lion,the king of woods came to God and said,"Thank you,my Lord!You have given me a perfect physique (体格) and let me control the whole woods."Hearing this,the God smiled."But your purpose for coming here should not merely be this.It seems that you are embarrassed by something."
Then,the lion made a short roar."Yes,my Lord!How considerate you are!As a matter of fact,I do need your help.Although I'm strong,I have been frightened by the cry of the cock every morning.My lord,please make the cock not cry every morning!"Instead of answering the lion's request,God said,"You can turn to the elephant,and he will give you a satisfying explanation."
The lion ran to the elephant with joy.But he found the elephant was stamping(跺脚) with anger when he got there."What makes you so angry?""An annoying mosquito has been trying to get into my ear.It almost makes me mad."
The lion left the elephant and understood the meaning of the God.
Everybody will meet embarrassment in his or her life,no matter how strong or mighty he or she is.Most of the time,others cannot help us.It is unnecessary and useless to blame the unfairness of the world.There are positive aspects at any time.Embarrassment can become opportunity if you try to face and enjoy it.It is also opportunity for you to surpass(超越) yourself.

21.According to the text,the reason why the lion came to the God is thatA.
A.he turned to the God for help
B.He begged the God to punish the cock
C.he praised the God for giving him so much
D.He sought God's advice on how to make the cock not cry himself
22.How do you understand the underlined part"the meaning of the God"in Paragraph 4?D
A.Learn to tolerate whatever other may do to you.
B.Treat others the same way you are treated by others.
C.Believe in whoever will help you when you are in need of help.
D.When meeting embarrassment in life,you cannot always get help from others.
23.The underlined word"it"in the last paragraph probably refers toB.
A.the meaning of God       
B.embarrassment in life
C.unfairness of the world     
D.opportunity you get in life
24.The author's purpose of writing the passage is most likely toC.
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