
13.There is something very wrong with the system of values in a society that has only unkind terms (措辞) like nerds and geeks for the intellectually curious and academically serious people.
We all know what a nerd is:someone who wears thick glasses and ugly clothes; someone who knows all the answers to the chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night.And a geek,according to Webster's New Word Dictionary,is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens.It is an obvious fact about our language and our culture that someone who is devoted to pursuit (追求) of knowledge is compared to such a strange person.
Even at a famous educational institution like Harvard,anti-intellectualism (反智主义) is widespread:Many students are ashamed to admit,even to their friends,how much they study.The same thing happens in U.S.primary and high schools.
Enough is enough.The anti-intellectual values that have spread throughout American society must be fought.There are very few countries in the world where anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as it does in the US.In the most industrialized nations,especially in East Asia,a kid who studies hard is praised.But in America,average professional ballplayers are much more respected and better paid than professors of the best universities.
How can a country where typical parents are ashamed of their children studying mathematics instead of going dancing be expected to compete in the technology race with Japan?How long can America remain a world-class power if we constantly put social skills and physical strength over academic achievement and intellectual ability?
Do we really expect to stay afloat largely by bringing in our scientists and intellectuals from abroad,as we have done for a major part of this country without making an effort to also develop a pro-intellectual (有利于知识分子的) culture at home?
Not until the words"nerd"and"geek"become terms of praise rather than insults 
(侮辱) do we have a promising future.
21.What is the meaning of the words"nerd"and"geek"in this passage?B
A.They are used in the U.S.to describe students from other countries.
B.They are insulting terms which are used to describe smart students.
C.A nerd is a good student and a geek is a poor student.
D.Nerds and geeks are proper descriptions of strange students.
22.What can be learnt from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4?C
A.The US government doesn't mean to spend much money on education.
B.Few students work hard for their grade in famous universities like Harvard.
C.Anti-intellectualism is not popular in industrialized countries in East Asia.
D.Professors earn more than professional basketball players on average in the US.
23.What is probably the author's attitude towards the present society's anti-intellectualism?C
24.What can be a suitable title for the text?D
A.What is anti-intellectualism?
B.Why does society avoid nerds?
C.Don't laugh at nerds.
D.America needs its nerds.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了美国的反知识分子价值观在许多工业国家都是弃之不用的,并且十分令人担忧.

解答 21.B.推理判断题.根据第二段We all know what a nerd is:someone who wears thick glasses and ugly clothes; someone who knows all the answers to the chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night.And a geek,according to Webster's New Word Dictionary,is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens可知它们是用来形容聪明学生的侮辱性词语;故选B.
22.C.细节理解题.根据文章There are very few countries in the world where anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as it does in the US.In most industrialized nations,especially in East Asia,a kid who studies hard is praised可知反智主义在东亚的工业化国家是不流行的;故选C.
23.C.推理判断题.根据文章How can a country where typical parents are ashamed of their children studying mathematics instead of going dancing be expected to compete in the technology race with Japan可知作者对反知识分子价值观的态度是担忧的;故选C.
24.D.推理判断题.根据最后一段Do we really expect to take the lead largely by bringing in our scientists and intellectuals from abroad,as we have done for a major portion of this century without making an effort to also cultivate (培养) a pro-intellectual culture at home可知文本的一个合适的标题为美国需要自己的书呆子;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

4.A man and his girlfriend were married.All of their friends and family came to partake in the festivities and celebrations.In the ceremony,everyone could tell the couple's(31)Dfor each other was true.
A few months later,the wife came to the husband with a(32)B,"I read in a magazine a while ago,about how we can(33)Aour marriage,"she offered."Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit(34)A with the other person.Then,we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives(35)B."
The husband(36)B.So each of them went to a(37)B room and thought of the things that annoyed (使生气) them about the other.Then they thought about this question and wrote down what they(38)A.
The next morning,they decided that they would(39)Ctheir lists.
"I'll start,"offered the wife.She took out her list.It had many items on it,(40)Dto fill three pages.In fact,as she started reading the list of the little annoyances,she noticed that(41)Bwas starting to appear on her husband's face.
"What's wrong?"she asked."Nothing,"the husband replied,"(42)D reading your list."
The wife continued to read(43)Ashe had read all three pages to her husband.
"Now,you read your list and then we'll talk about the things on both of our lists,"she said(44)B.
Quietly the husband stated,"I don't have anything on my list.I think you are(45)Cthe way that you are.You are lovely and wonderful and I wouldn't want to try and(46)A anything about you."
The wife,(47)B by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his(48)Aof her,turned her head and wept.
In life,there is enough time when we are disappointed,(49)Cand annoyed.We don't really have to go looking for them.We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty,light and promise.Why(50)C time looking for the bad,disappointing or annoying when we can see the wonderful things before us?

38.A.came up withB.dreamed ofC.took part inD.made use of
39.A.carry outB.answer forC.go overD.look for
1.An American teacher walked up and down in a classroom while she was teaching stress management to her students.As she(41)Ba glass of water,everyone(42)D they would be asked the"half empty or half-full"question.
(43)C,with a smile on her face,she asked,"how (44)Ais this glass of water?"
Answers called out(45)B from eight to twenty ounces(盎司).
She quieted the students down and then replied,"The absolute weight doesn't (46)D.It all depends on how long I hold it.If I hold it for a minute,it's not a(47)C.If I hold it for an hour,I'll have an ache in  my(48)A.If I hold it for a day,my arm will feel(49)C and paralyzed.In each case,the(50)Aof the glass of water doesn't change,but the longer I hold it,the heavier it becomes.Do you know why?"
All the students kept silent and listened carefully,lost in thought.
She continued,"Our(51)Band worries in life are like that glass of water.Think about them for a while and(52)D  happens.Think about them a bit longer and they begin to(53)B
.And if you think about them all day long,you will feel paralyzed(54)C to do anything."
It's important to remember to(55)Dyour stresses.As early in the evening as possible,put all your (56)Adown.Don't carry them through the evening and into the night.Remember to put the glass down!
More often than not life gets terrible (57)Bwe think too much.And the moment you remove your burden,you'll find yourself feeling so much more (58)D.
So rather than moping around (闲逛) and feeling sorry for yourself,(59)Bdoing something about it.After all,life is too short to (60)Cyourself to anything that's not making you happy.
55.A.catch up withB.take charge ofC.put up withD.let go of
8.A team led by a nurseryman (花圃工人) and his sons has raced against time for 20years,using branches from some of the world's biggest and most long-lasting trees to produce clones that could restore ancient forests and help fight climate change.
Now comes the most ambitious step of the project:getting the new trees into the ground.Plantings of two dozen clones from California's huge coastal redwoods will take place Monday in seven nations:Australia,New Zealand,Great Britain,Ireland,Canada,Germany and the U.S.
The lab-produced trees are genetic copies of three huge trees that were cut down in northern California more than a century ago.Remarkably,new branches still grow from the stumps (树桩),including one known as the Fieldbrook Stump,which measures 35feet in diameter (直径).It's believed to be about 4,000years old.
"We need to reforest the planet.To do that,it just makes sense to use the largest,oldest trees that ever lived,"said David Milarch,co-founder of the non-profit Archangel Ancient Tree Archive.
Milarch and his sons Jared and Jake,who have a family-owned nursery,became concerned about the condition of the world's forests in the 1990s.They began traveling across the U.S.in search of"champion"trees that have lived hundreds or even thousands of years,believing that better genes make it possible for them to outlive others of their species.Scientific opinion varies on whether that's true,with skeptics saying the survivors may simply have been lucky.
The Archangel team says they've developed several methods of producing genetic copies.They focus on towering sequoias (高耸的水杉)and redwoods,considering them best suited to absorb great amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2),the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for climate change.
The challenge is to find places to put the trees,people to look after them and money to continue the project,Jared Milarch said.The group is funded through donations and doesn't charge for its clones.
"A lot of trees will be planted by a lot of groups on Arbor Day,but 90percent of them will die,"David Milarch said."You can't plant trees and walk away and expect them to take care of themselves."Those receiving Archangel redwoods have promised to care for them properly.

28.According to the text,the clonesC.
A.are rather expensive
B.are based on dead ancient trees
C.have been experimented for 20years
D.have been widely grown across the U.S.
29.To reforest the planet,David Milarch chooses the largest,oldest trees becauseB.
A.they are lucky treesB.they have better genes
C.they are easier to plantD.they look more beautiful.
30.David Milarch's team believes that genetic copies from sequoias and redwoodsA.
A.can take in more greenhouse gases
B.are hard to survive for a long time
C.are likely to cause climate change
D.may be a threat to existing plants
31.What is stressed by David Milarch in the last paragraph?C
A.The need of financial support.
B.The difficulty of finding places.
C.The importance of caring for trees.
D.The challenge of running his group.
2:30AMSave My Planet (Repeat)
Learn how to keep electronics out of rubbish; a man that changes old shipping containers into homes; a community in Costa Rica that does well in eco-tourism.
3:00AMMary Talks Money (Repeat,TVPG)
Tips on lending money to family and friends.
4:00AMMirror Mirror Thrift
How to find the best deals in thrift stores (二手店); commonly asked beauty questions,breaking fashion rules.
4:30AMHome with Lisa Quinn
Mixing traditional and modern design elements (元素); how to style impressive food; creating a comfortable home.
5:00AMSay Ahh (Repeat)
The hosts discuss the causes of heart disease,its diagnosis,and the treatments for those with the disease.
6:30AMEveryday Living
Quick beauty tips; protect yourself from money problems; the four most common parenting mistakes.
7:00AMMy Green House
Jesse looks into global warming; Andy talks about sustainable (可持续的) cleaning; an eco-friendly supply store.
7:30AMAdvice for Life (Repeat)
Cap you save your father from himself?Starting over at 60?Laughter really is the best medicine.
*TVPG:Programs for children with parents'guidance
25.According to the text,Save My Planet is mainly aboutC.
A.science development
B.international tourism
C.environmental protection 
D.ways to build homes
26.Which of the following content can't children watch alone?A
A.Tips on lending money to family and friends.
B.The four most common parenting mistakes.
C.Commonly asked beauty questions.
D.Creating a comfortable home.
27.Which of the following programs may help you deal with money problems?D
A.Advice for Life.
B.Home with Lisa Quinn.
C.Say Ahh.
D.Everyday Living.
5.One day a man was walking in the street when he met a penguin (企鹅).It was a handsome and very brave bird. It seemed to take an immediate liking to the man,because it walked up to him and then followed him wherever he went.This was funny for a while but in the end became rather embarrassing(尴尬的).
"Go away,you silly bird,''the man said to the penguin,but the bird ignored him.It simply would not leave him alone.Wherever he went,the bird went too.At last,in desperation (绝望) the man walked into a police station."Excuse me,officer."he said."I need some advice.I met this penguin in the street and I don't know what to do with it."
A bored policeman looked up from what he was writing and said,"Just take it to the zoo,sir.''
"Oh,all right.''said the man.
The next day the man was walking along the street,still accompanied (陪伴) by the penguin,when he met the policeman he'd spoken to the day before.The policeman was not pleased to see them."I thought I advised you to take that animal to the zoo,"he said.
"Well,yes,officer,you did.And I did take him to the zoo,"the man explained."And we had a great time. But we can't go to the zoo every day.I thought today I'd take him to the movies.''
21.Which of the following expressions can be used to describe the penguin?D
A.Ugly looking.  
B.Beautiful in heart.
C.Silly in look. 
D.Friendly to human.
22.The man went into the police station toC.
A.sell the bird to the police
B.get something to feed the bird
C.ask for advice about what to do with the penguin
D.ask the police to kill the bird
23.Which statement is true?C
A.The penguin received a nice treat at the police station.
B.The policeman took the bird to the zoo.
C.The policeman who received the man was not patient with him.
D.The policeman felt sorry for not giving any help.
2.The Disney theme park,its first on the Chinese mainland and the second in Greater China,after Hong Kong Disneyland,will open in Shanghai on June 16,a Thursday.Tickets on sale will begin on March 28,2016.
A standard single day ticket for the Shanghai Disney Resort costs 370 yuan ( 56.2),while a peak-day ticket for festival and holiday periods will be sold for 499 yuan,the resort announced on February 3rd.
Children between 1 and 1.4 meters tall and seniors aged over 65 years old can enjoy a 25% discount on the ticket price.A two-day ticket will be available at a 5 percent discount.
Tickets can be booked on the official website www.shanghaidisneyresort.com or through the hotline 400-180-0000.
In comparison with the other five Disney parks around the world,a one-day ticket for the Hong Kong Disney costs 539 Hong Kong dollars ( 69.2)for adults aged 16 to 64 years old,while that for the theme park in Tokyo is being sold at 6,900 yen ( 58).
Disney says the park will also reflect Chinese culture.The combination of Disney and Chinese cultures will be seen in many classic Chinese designs,such as a teahouse-Wandering Moon.Celebrations of seasonal festivals and stage shows will also include Chinese language,performers,theatrics and acrobatics(杂技).
The resort is expected to bring 5 million new passengers annually to the Pudong International Airport after it opens.It is also expected to attract 10 million visits a year.
21.How much will a couple pay if they visit the park with a 1.3-meter tall kid on National Day?D
A.About 830 yuan.
B.About 1020 yuan.
C.About 1120 yuan.
D.About 1370 yuan.
22.According to the text,what makes the Shanghai Disney Resort special?B
A.Its ticket system.
B.Its Chinese characteristics.
C.The size of the park.
D.The entertaining equipment.
23.Which is TRUE about the Shanghai Disney Resort?A
A.10 million visits are expected a year.
B.Its single day admission is the highest.
C.Tickets are available only on the website.
D.It is the first theme park on the Chinese mainland.

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