
9.Holidaymakers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel rooms head for a big igloo.Swedish businessman Nile Bergqvist is delighted with his new hotel,the world's first igloo hotel.Built in a small town in Lapland,it has been attracting lots of visitors,but soon the fun will be over.
In two weeks'time Bergqvist's ice creation will be nothing more than a pool of water."We don't see it as a big problem,"he says."We just look forward to replacing it."
Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991for an art exhibition.It was so successful that he designed the present one,which measures roughly 200square meters.Six workmen spent more than eight weeks piling 1,000tons of snow onto a wooden base; when the snow froze,the base was removed."The only wooden thing we have left in the igloo is the front door,"he says.
After their stay,all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success.With no windows,nowhere to hang clothes and temperatures below 0℃,it may seem more like a survival test than a relaxing hotel break."It's great fun,"Bergqvist explains,"as well as a good start in survival training."
The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt:it is now attracting tourists from all over the world.At least 800people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10rooms."You can get a lot of people in,"explains Bergqvist."The beds are three meters wide by two meters long,and can fit at least four at a time."

32.When the writer says"the fun will be over,"in Paragraph 1,he refers to the fact thatC.
A.hotel guests will be frightened at the thought of the hard test
B.holidaymakers will soon get tired of the big igloo
C.Bergqvist's hotel will soon become a pool of water
D.a bigger igloo will replace the present one
33.According to the text,the first thing to do in building an igloo isD.
A.to gather a pool of water        
B.to pile a large amount of snow
C.to cover the ground with ice   
D.to prepare a wooden base
34.Which of the four pictures below is the closest to the igloo hotel as described inthe text?A

35We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.Bergqvist built his first igloo because he was inspired by an art exhibition
B.all visitors can get a survival certificate after the experience
C.the igloo attracts many people because it provides a relaxing hotel break
D.many people around the world are interested in trying something new.

分析 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读.文章主要讲述了一种用冰做成的新型宾馆.并仔细描述了这个宾馆的具体情况.

解答 32-35 CDAB
32.C.推理判断题.根据"Built in a small town in Lapland,it has been attracting lots of visitors,but soon the fun will be over."和"Six workmen spent more than eight weeks piling 1,000tons of snow onto a wooden base"可知当温度升高的时候,这些东西就会融化变成水.故选C.
33.D.细节理解题.根据"Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991for an art exhibition.It was so successful that he designed the present one,which measures roughly 200square meters.Six workmen spent more than eight weeks piling 1,000tons of snow onto a wooden base"可知要见一个冰屋首先要建一个木底座.故选D.
34.A.推理判断题.根据"With no windows,nowhere to hang clothes and temperatures below 0℃,it may seem more like a survival test than a relaxing hotel break"和"The only wooden thing we have left in the igloo is the front door"可知没有窗户只有木头做的前门.故选A.
35.B.细节理解题.根据"After their stay,all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success."可知所有的游客在体验后都可以获得生存证明.故选B.

点评 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读.文章主要讲述了一种用冰做成的新型宾馆.此类题型主要考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.细节理解题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,所以在做细节理解题时要结合原文和提干有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,再结合选项选出正确答案.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要联系上下文根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

17.Easy Ways to Boost (改善) Your Mood
(16)D.Taking an extra moment for yourself will make your day brighter and give you a healthier outlook on life.Here are some simple ways you can bring a little happiness into your life right now:
1.Go for a walk.
Grab your dog,best friend,or your significant other and head out on a brisk (轻快的) walk.Just a little bit of exercise can boost your mood and give you a fresh perspective (态度) on problems that have been bothering you.Think walks are boring?(17)BTake a trip to the mall,or even walk to get some frozen yogurt.Make it a fun trip and you'll surely make it part of your routine.
2.(18)GAfter all,laughte r is the best medicine.Pick up something that makes you laugh like a funny picture,book,magazine,or a DVD of your favorite comedy.(19)FGiving yourself time to laugh boosts feelgood endorphins(胺多酚).
3.(20)ATake a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy,like roller skating,skiing,swimming,playing an instrument,or being with friends and family.Place the picture  on your desk to remind yourself that you lead an amazing life and have lots to be happy about.
A.Model behavior.
B.Try walking to a place that seems exciting to you.
C.Ten minutes of relaxation can do wonders.
D.Even the most optimistic people can use a mood bo ost every once in a while.
E.Tell someone that you're guaranteed to brighten their day.
F.You could even plan a date night out to a comedy club.
G.Buy something interesting.
14.Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening,I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend's roof-tops.I stopped to watch it for a few moments,thinking about what a pity it was that most citizens,myself included,usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.
My friend had also seen it.He grew up living in a forest in Europe,and the moon meant a lot to him then.It had touched much of his life.
I know the feeling.Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends.We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water.Our group had campfires outside every night,and indoors when it was too cold outside.The moon grew to its fullest during our trip.Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys.Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard.It was one of the quietest places I have ever known,a bottomless well of silence.And above me was the full moon,which struck me deeply.
Today our lives are filled with glass,metal,plastic and fiber-glass.We have televisions,cell phones,papers,electricity,heaters and ovens and air-conditioners,cars,computers.
Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day,most of which was spent in doors,I thought that before long I would like to live in a small cottage.There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains,and perhaps write,but not in anger.I may become an old man there,and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.
25.The writer felt sorry for himself becauseA.
A.he usually failed to see the fullest moon      
B.there was too much pollution
C.he didn't get used to modern inventions 
D.there were too many accidents on the road
26.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?B
A.No modern equipment.
B.The nice moon.
C.The high mountains.
D.Complete silence.
27.Modern things (in Paragraph 4)are mentioned mainly toC.
A.show that the writer likes city life very much
B.tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life
C.explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature
D.show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them
28.The author wrote the passage toB.
A.show the love for the moonlight
B.express the feeling of returning to nature
C.advise modern people to learn to live
D.want to show his longing (渴望) for modern life.
18.Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weβel made a remarkable discovery.He was examining are papers of the late Swiss publisher Emil Oprecht for an essay on Arthur Koestler's switch from writing in German to writing in English at the end of the 1930s.Oprecht was a 1eft-wing know traveler who had founded his famous publishing house Europa Verlag in Zurich in 1933.and was well known for his anti-Nazi views and support for writes who were forced to flee their homes,including the young Arthur Koestler.Weβel once said,"I was looking for letters and royalty reports,because I wanted to know how many copies were printed of the first German edition of Koestkr's Spanish Testament."He failed to find the answer to his question,but while 1ooking over the Europa holdings in the Zurich Central Library he came across a puzzling entry:"Koestler,Arthur.Rubaschow:Roman.Typescript,March 1940,326pages."
This was extremely strange Weβel knew of no such novel(Roman)in Koestler's German writings.but the name Rubaschow rang a bell.Rubasehow is the hero of Koestler's novel,Darkness at Noon.weβel hardly dared think about what he had found,suspecting a sequel(续集)or perhaps a false entry,for it was well known that the original text of the novel-the last one Koesder wrote in German before he switched to English-was lost during his flight from France at the start of World War II.That was seventy-five years ago and it has never been seen since.With unease,Weβel ordered a scan,which showed a typed carbon copy,with corrections in Koestle's handwriting.The date on the title page,March 1940,was the date on which Koestler is known to have finished the novel.There was no doubt Weβel had come across a copy of the German manuscript(手稿)of Koestler's masterpiece.
32.What is Weβel's main field of research?C
A.A Swiss publisher's papers     
B.The left-wing writers.
C.Arthur Koestlefs works           
D.The publishing house.
33.How dld Weβel feel about his discovery at first?D
34.What do we know about Rubasehow?C
A.The title of a book            
B.A Swiss publisher.
C.A character of a novel       
D.A left-wing fellow writer.
35.Weβel ordered a scan toB.
A.find out the date of the copy  
B.make out the copy's real identity
C.cheek the errors of the copy  
D.examine Koestler's handwriting.

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