1.One of the strangest features of motherhood is that the vast majority of mothers prefer to cradle their babies in the left arm.Why should this be?The obvious explanation is that the majority of mothers are right handed and they wish to keep their right handed and they wish to keep their right hand free.Unfortunately,this explanation cannot apply,because left-handed mothers also favor their left arm for holding their babies.The precise figures arc 83 percent for right-handed mothers and 73 percent for left-handed mothers.
The most likely explanation is that the mother's heart is on the left side and,by holding the baby in her left arm,she is unconsciously bringing her baby closer to the sound of the heart beat.This is the sound the baby heard when it was inside the mother's womb and which is therefore an association with peace,comfort and security.
Tests were carried out in nurseries where some babies were played the recorded sound of a human heart beat,and,sure enough,went to sleep twice as quickly as the others.We also know that the sound of mother's heart is quite audible inside the womb and that the unborn baby has a well-developed hearing.
It is interesting that fathers show less of this left-side bias (偏爱) than mothers,suggesting that the human female is better programmed than her partner for carrying a baby.Alternatively,she may unconsciously adjust her holding behavior to make baby fell more secure.Some new observations on our closest animals'relatives,the chimpanzees and gorillas,have revealed that they too show a strong bias for holding their babies on the left side.The precise figures were 84 percent for chimpanzees and 82percent for gorillas,remarkably close to the human percentages.
Recently a possible additional value in cradling babies on the left side has been suggested.It has been pointed out that,because,the two sides of the brain are concerned with different aspects of behavior,it is possible that the mother,in cradling the baby to her left,is showing the baby her"best side".It is claimed that the emotions are expressed more strongly on the left side of the human face and that she therefore gives the baby a better chance to read her emotional mood changes as it gazes up at her.Furthermore,the mother's left eye and ear are more tuned into emotional changes in her baby than her right eye and ear would be.So in addition to the baby's seeing the more expressive parts of its mother,there is further advantage that the mother is herself more sensitive to the left-held baby.This may sound far-fetched,but just possibly,it could provide a slight extra benefit for those mothers displaying the strange one-sided bias when cradling their infants.
How does a bias occur?Do the mothers have an instinctive preference for it,or do they learn it by trial and error,unconsciously adjusting the position of the babies until the babies are calmer?The surprising answer is that it seems to be the baby not the mother who controls the bias.Observation of new born infants when they were only a few hours old revealed that they come into the world with a pre-programmed tendency to turn their head to the right.If the new born baby is gently held in a dead central position and then released,it naturally swings to the right far more often than to the left.This happens in nearly 70percent of babies.This may be only a part of explanation,because the holding bias is 80percent not 70percent,but it adds a further intriguing chapter to the story.

61.How does the author develop Paragraph 1?C
A.By giving an example as a hook.
B.By giving a general statement and narrowing it down.
C.By asking a question and showing an answer.
D.By explaining the importance of understanding a phenomenon.
62.The underlined word"audible"in Paragraph 3meansB.
63.What's the main idea of Paragraph 5?D
A.The left side of the human face expresses emotions more strongly than the right.
B.A mother's left eye and ear are more sensitive to the emotional changes in her baby.
C.A baby may be more able to"read"its mother's emotions than was previously believed.
D.Holding her baby in the left arm may improve a mother's emotional communication with it.
64.What is the author's tone when he discusses why most mothers cradle their babies in the left arm?A
20.When Breath Becomes Air gives an autobiography about Paul Kalanithi's experiences as a doctor and as a terminally ill patient.The book discusses Kalanithi's longtime fascination with questions of human biology,mortality (生命的有限),and meaning.It then examines how these questions are heightened by the author's own confrontation (冲突) with lung cancer,sickness,and death.
Kalanithi's father was a doctor from New York City.The family moved to Kingman,Arizona,so that his father could pursue his medical career when Paul was young.His father worked long hours and was rarely home,which convinced young Paul that the last thing he wanted to do was to become a doctor himself.Paul's mother was concerned about the weak school system in Kingman,and so e a long list of literary classics which she made Paul and his brothers read.As a result,Paul became fascinated by literature.He attended Stanford University,from which he graduated in 2000 with a B.A.and M.A.in English Literature and a B.A.in Human Biology.He earned an M.Phil in History Philosophy of Science and Medicine from the University of Cambridge.In 2007,Paul graduated from the Yale School of Medicine with the highest honors.He returned to Stanford for residency training (住院医生实习) in Neurological Surgery.As he neared the end of his 7-year residency he was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.The hopes and dreams he and Lucy,his wife,have held to are dramatically changed.
When Breath Becomes Air gives an account of Kalanithi's transformation from an innocent medical student troubled by the question of"what,given that all organisms die,makes a virtuous and meaningful life"into a young neurosurgeon (神经外科医生) at Stanford,guiding patients toward a deeper understanding of death and illness,and finally into a patient and a new father to a baby girl,confronting his own mortality.What makes life worth living in the face of death?What do you do when the future,no longer a ladder toward your goals in life,flattens out into a continuous present?What does it mean to have a child,to care for a new life as another fades away?These are some of the questions Kalanithi wrestles with in this deeply moving,delicately observed autobiography.
Paul Kalanithi died in March 2015,while working on this book,yet his words live on as a guide and a gift to us all."I began to realize that coming face to face with my own mortality,in a sense,had changed nothing and everything,"he wrote."Seven words from Samuel Beckett began to repeat in my head:'I can't go on.I'll go on.'"When Breath Becomes Air is an unforgettable,life-confirming reflection on the challenge of facing mortality and on the relationship between doctor and patient,from a gifted writer who became both.

58.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?D
A.What led to the diagnosis of Kalanithi's lung cancer.
B.Why Kalanithi changed his mind to become a doctor.
C.When Kalanithi decided to follow in his father's footsteps.
D.How Kalanithi developed his interest in English literature.
59.Which of the following words can be used to describe the book?B
60.Kalanithi began to seek the meaning of lifeA.
A.when he was a medical student
B.when he became a neurosurgeon
C.when he studied English literature
D.when he was diagnosed with cancer.
17.Tips for Shortening Homework Time
Homework can be a long,hardtask for many students.(36)FStaying focused on the task at hand?while avoiding distractions?(干扰)is another struggle that many students face.
Here are some strategies you can try to make homework time shorter and easier.
1.Power down electronics.While students think they?may need their computers for completing their assignments,devices can often be more of a distraction than helpful tools for getting homework done quickly.(37)G
2.Get a little exercise!Before beginning any homework,try having your childdance to music,or even do a few push-ups.(38)DTheywillalsohelp studentsfinishhomework in a more efficient manner.While some students are fine starting their work right after school,others benefit from this type of physical activity before beginning their school work.
3.(39)ASome students might prefer a desk in their room,while others may use a table in an office space or play room.Any of these choices work fine,as long as they are in a quiet area with minimal noise.
4.Arrangebreak timeswisely.(40)CAnd they will reward themselves with a break after each partis complete.For instance,they might start with their first assignment.Once that is complete,they can give themselves a five-minute break for a snack.But make sure the break doesn't extend beyond the limited time.
With thesestrategies,your child will become more efficientand can complete homework much faster.

A.Find a quiet area to work.
B.Look for a desk or a table to use.
C.Students often divide their homework assignments into several parts.
D.These types of physical exercises will help increase alertness and?focus.
E.Doing some physical exercises can contribute to good health.
F.Sometimes the simple task of sitting down and getting started can be a challenge.
G.Encourage your child to power them off,and only use them when necessary.
16.Some Most Common Senior Year Mistakes
Almost every high school senior makes some mistakes.(36)F.Finding a balance between having fun and studying for your courses is a great way to start preparing for college,since you will be called upon to do this during your college years.
Here we've listed some top mistakes students make so that you can make sure you don't make them.
Skipping Classes
Skipping classes could mean missing valuable information for the coming tests.(37)D.As is known to all,information you'll need for your major in your college program may be covered during a high school lecture you miss.
Forgetting to Study
When you feel less motivated to study,remind yourself that every good grade gets you closer to finding a college that offers a great program in the major you want.Keep your eyes on the prize!
To stay on top of your assignments,calculate how long you think something will take you,and then double it.That way you'll have ample time to get your work done.
Daydreaming about Your Future Too Much
Your mind now might be wandering,thinking around about degrees,majors,possible careers,study abroad and many other things.These are all exciting future possibilities,but don't forget the here and now.(39)G
Failing to Use Available Resources
And many of them are nice enough to offer extra help.This help can be in the form of extra office hours,a review of topics covered,study guides,sample exams,or other tools to help you improve your grade.Take advantage of them.

A.Mismanaging Your Time
B.Start preparing for college
C.Your senior year of high school is a busy time
D.And don't forget to think ahead to university classes
E.Teachers know about all the challenges you're facing
F.You'd better find out how to avoid these common mistakes
G.Spending too much time daydreaming could seriously limit those future plans.
15.For thousands of years,poetry has been the favorite type of literature for many in China.As China Highlights website noted,"Chinese literature is one of the major parts of China's ancient traditions,and Chinese poetry is just like the best prize in this famous culture's literary treasure house."There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese history,and thousands of their poems are still read and appreciated today.
To remind people of those classic Chinese poems and to promote cultural heritage,China Central Television (CCTV) has produced a TV show-Chinese Poetry Competition.The finale of the hit show's second season was shown on Feb 7.Wu Yishu,16,who studies at the High School Attached to Fudan University in Shanghai,came out on top."I really admire her knowledge of poems,"said Huang Zijin,16,a senior 2 student from Ningbo High School in Zhejiang province.
As the old saying goes:"One who is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance.""Learning poems isn't about winning or losing.The power of poetry lies in shaping one's view of life and developing one's inner world,"said Li Bo,an expert guest at the Chinese Poetry Competition's second season.
"Although the proportion of ancient Chinese poems in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased,many students still learn them for exams,"Li Dingguang,the show's academic advisor,told China.org.cn."Therefore,it's important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry."

32.What is the main purpose of Chinese Poetry Competition?C
A.To encourage the students to remember as many poems as possible.
B.To find out who is the best competitor.
C.To raise people's awareness of classic Chinese culture.
D.To make more money from the TV program.
33.Which of the following statements is true?A
A.We should help students truly enjoy the beauty of poetry.
B.Wu Yishu is the first champion of this competition.
C.Learning more poems means winning.
D.Chinese poems are the most important heritage.
34.What is Li Dingguang's attitude towards the show?A
35.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Getting knowledge means making money.
B.Getting knowledge helps people behave elegantly.
C.Getting knowledge is the only way to promote your behaviors.
D.Getting knowledge is good for people's health both mentally and physically.
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