
17.Tips for Shortening Homework Time
Homework can be a long,hardtask for many students.(36)FStaying focused on the task at hand?while avoiding distractions?(干扰)is another struggle that many students face.
Here are some strategies you can try to make homework time shorter and easier.
1.Power down electronics.While students think they?may need their computers for completing their assignments,devices can often be more of a distraction than helpful tools for getting homework done quickly.(37)G
2.Get a little exercise!Before beginning any homework,try having your childdance to music,or even do a few push-ups.(38)DTheywillalsohelp studentsfinishhomework in a more efficient manner.While some students are fine starting their work right after school,others benefit from this type of physical activity before beginning their school work.
3.(39)ASome students might prefer a desk in their room,while others may use a table in an office space or play room.Any of these choices work fine,as long as they are in a quiet area with minimal noise.
4.Arrangebreak timeswisely.(40)CAnd they will reward themselves with a break after each partis complete.For instance,they might start with their first assignment.Once that is complete,they can give themselves a five-minute break for a snack.But make sure the break doesn't extend beyond the limited time.
With thesestrategies,your child will become more efficientand can complete homework much faster.

A.Find a quiet area to work.
B.Look for a desk or a table to use.
C.Students often divide their homework assignments into several parts.
D.These types of physical exercises will help increase alertness and?focus.
E.Doing some physical exercises can contribute to good health.
F.Sometimes the simple task of sitting down and getting started can be a challenge.
G.Encourage your child to power them off,and only use them when necessary.

分析 本文讲述的是如何提高效率以减少完成家庭作业的时间.作者提出四点建议:第一,关闭电子设备;第二,适当进行锻炼;第三,在安静的地方学习;第四,适当安排休息时间.

解答 36-40.FGDAC
36.F 考查上下文联系.前面提到"Homework can be a long,hardtask for many students"可知,有时候,坐下来并开始工作是一项挑战.故选F.
37.G 考查上下文联系.根据"Power down electronics,关闭电子设备."可知,要鼓励你的孩子把电子设备关闭,且在必要时才使用它们.故选G.
38.D 考查上下文联系.根据"others benefit from this type of physical activity before beginning their school work"可知,这些体育锻炼将有助于提高警觉性和注意力.故选D.
39.A 考查上下文联系.根据"Any of these choices work fine,as long as they are in a quiet area with minimal noise."可知,要找一个安静的地方学习.故选A.
40.C 考查上下文联系.根据"And they will reward themselves with a break after each partis complete"可知,学生经常把作业分成几部分,并且在各部分完成后,他们就会奖励自己.故选C.

点评 七选五"这样的题型,主要目的在于"考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握.解题时最主要的两个步骤就是1.理清文章的逻辑和结构,2.在所给的原文中找出关键词或者说是线索词.文章的整体思路能帮助你在答案中筛选出符合逻辑的选项,关键词则能帮助你确定更多的细节,排除相近的选项.这些技巧多练练就能孰能生巧.

19.Sheila Green was married 12 years ago.(36)EWhen her youngest child reached school age,she decided to go back to work.(37)BHer salary could make a difference between a financial struggle and a secure financial situation for her family.Sheila also felt bored and frustrated in her role as a homemaker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home.
However,Sheila was worried about her children's adjustment to this new situation.She arranged for them to go to stay with a woman nearby after school each afternoon.(38)AWhile a problem seemed to appear between Sheila and her husband Sandy.When Sheila was at home all day,she was able to clean the house,go grocery shopping,wash the clothes,take care of the children and cook two or three meals each day.(39)G
Now the same things need to be done,but Sheila has only evenings and early mornings to do them.(40)DSandy is accustomed to sitting down and reading a paper of watching TV until dinners is ready.This is exactly what Sheila feels like doing,but someone has to fix dinner and Sandy expects it to be Sheila.Sheila is becoming very angry at Sandy's feels that everything should be the same as it was before Sheila went back to work.

A.They seemed to be happy with the arrangement.
B.Sheila thought that she should contribute to the household finances.
C.Her oldest child studies in a school near her home.
D.Both Sheila and Sandy are tired when they arrive home at 6p.m.
E.She has three children and lives in a suburb outside Columbus,Ohio.
F.Sheila does not only work in a company,but also the housework.
G.She was very busy,of course,but she succeeded in getting everything done.
5.Dr.Michael Prager,a leading Botox expert,said that a growing number of women are developing something called"computer face".He also mentioned that professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy jowls(颚骨),"turkey neck"and deep-set wrinkles on their forehead and around their eyes.
The Botox expert said that,of all his clients,office workers were most likely to show premature (过早的)signs of aging."If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown(皱眉)while you are concentrating on the screen then,over time,you will inevitably end up with frown lines.''Dr.Prager said."What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long.If you spend most of the time looking down then the neck muscles shorten and go saggy,eventually giving you a second neck."
Dr.Prager,who has a practice near Harley Street in London,said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen."When people are stressed or thinking hard about something,then they will often put on a‘grumpy(脾气暴躁的)face'without even knowing what they are doing.When my clients put a mirror next to their desk,they are often shocked by the angry,frowning face which stares back at them."
He said,"The women I am seeing at the moment have only been using computers at work for the last decade or so.But women in their 20s have grown up with them and use them for every single task.I think the problem is going to become much,much worse.In another ten years,they could be looking quite awful."
Dr.Prager said there were several simple steps which could avoid"computer face"such as regular screen breaks and stretching the neck muscles.And,of course,there was always Botox.He said that,after a couple of sessions of Botox,the habit of"grumpy face"could be broken.
45.In what way do women develop a"computer face"?C
A.Frowning every now and then
B.Concentrating on computers frequently
C.Working for too long in front of a screen
D.Sitting in the same place for along time
46.According to the passage,which of the following are signs of aging?B
A.Saggy jowls and short necks
B.Turkey neck and frown lines
C.Deep-set wrinkles and angry faces
D.Second neck and stressed muscles
47.Why does Dr.Prager suggest a mirror for his clients?A
A.To be aware of their"computer face"
B.To see if they have got a second neck
C.To make sure their make-up is perfect
D.To find more signs of premature aging
48.From the last 2paragraphs,we can know thatA
A."computer face"is avoidable
B.we should give up using computers
C.we should break the habit of"grumpy face"
D.the younger generation is worse at computers.

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