5.住房条件宽敞、整洁、环境优美语言优势擅长英语,父母是英语老师,没有交流困难接待经验两个月前接待过 3 名英国学生参观游览母亲可驾车陪同参观附近的名胜其它(内容由考生自己添加)
假如你是李华,是重庆市某中学学生.最近你校在为一批来自澳大利亚的学生征寻住宿家 庭,你有意申请.请根据下面提供的信息用英语给校长写封信,说明你申请的理由.
2.词数 100 字左右.信的开头与结尾已经写好,不计入总词.
Dear sir,
I'm writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families of the Austrilian students.
(介绍住房条件) We have a large and clean house,which lies in a beautiful area of the city.(高分句型一)I'm good at English and my parents are both professors of English,so I'm sure we won't have any difficulty communicating with English speakers.(语言优势)My father is an excellent driver and we will be very glad to show foreign students around some nearby places of interest in our own car.(接待经验)Last month we received two American students.We had a great time.Besides,my mother cooks well,so the students will be able to enjoy delicious Chinese food.
(高分句型二) I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance to make friends with them.
Looking forward to your reply.

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