When I was 11£¬my parents worked in Beijing and I was taken care by my grandpa£®I was crazy about play computer games because of loneliness£®My parents was disappointed and angry£®They force me to drop out£®But my grandpa disagreed£®He decided to sending me to school and wait for me outside till the ends of my study£®He used his own way to get him back from the wrong way£®Now he is getting older and older£®I can't afford to buy him expensive gifts£¬and I can help him with housework£®What's the more£¬I'm determined to work harder to make him feel proudly of me in the future£®
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½â´ð When I was 11£¬my parents worked in Beijing and I was taken care¡Äby my grandpa£®I was crazy about play computer games because of loneliness£®My parents was disappointed and angry£®They force me to drop out£®But my grandpa disagreed£®He decided to sending me to school and wait for me outside till the ends of my study£®He used his own way to get him back from the wrong way£®Now he is getting older and older£®I can't afford to buy him expensive gifts£¬and I can help him with housework£®What's the more£¬I'm determined to work harder to make him feel proudly of me in the future£®
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OK£® £®You can take it£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | Keep cool | B£® | Deal | ||
C£® | It is free of charge | D£® | It's up to you |