
7.Cutting trees in half can help scientists understand the past and now it appears it can be used to predict the future.Researchers have been looking at ring growth from trees to make sense of past weather patterns such as droughts and rain.
    Combining data from the rings allowed them to create a copy of pictures of climate changes over the past 2,000 years and this information could also be used to foresee future famine(饥荒),unrest and conflict.The project has been named Old World Drought Atlas,or OWDA.
     Its main author,Columbia biologist Edward Cook,has already carried out similar projects using trees to create chronological(按顺序排列的) maps of drought  in Asia and North-America.He believes that combining the three atlases could throw light on the global causes of drought and climate change.
     The study,for instance,gave special attention to the importance of one of such causes,the North Atlantic Oscillation(涛动),in affecting climate patterns in Europe,and specifically in making Europe wetter north of the Alps and drier south of them.
     The OWDA also helped analyse historical events from a climatic perspective.For  instance,the 1740-174l famine in Ireland had so far been explained by an unusually cold winter and spring,but the atlas shows that unusually low rainfall over the spring and summer of 1741 could also have played a role.Finally this made growing food nearly impossible and caused a continent-wide famine.
      A better grasp of these processes could even make it possible to predict future  famine,unrest and conflict.
      Cook said,64The Old World Drought Atlas fills a major geographic gap in the data that's important to determine patterns of climate changes in time.That's important for understanding causes of many droughts,and it's important for climate modelers to test hypotheses(偎说)  of climate forcing and change.
32.Why is ring growth useful in research?B
A.It's the best way to understand the past.
B.It could be used to predict the future.
C.It could be used to prevent the outbreak of droughts and rain.
D.It isn't mentioned in the passage.
33.People worldwide can read chronological maps of droughtA.
A.in Asia
B.in Africa
C.in Europe
D.in South America
34.What is the author's attitude toward the study of OWDA?C
35.Why did the author of the passage mention what Cook said?B
A.To show he interviewed Cook himself.
B.To tell us the importance of OWDA.
C.To compare climate variability.
D.To analyse how to predict droughts.

分析 本文主要讲述科学家经过研究得出结论,树龄有助于预知将来的天气变化.

解答 32--35 BACB
32.B.细节理解题.根据第一段now it appears it can be used to predict the future可知,利用年轮的增加来预测未来.故选B.
33.A.细节理解题.根据第三段中Columbia biologist Edward Cook,has already carried out similar projects using trees to create chronological maps of drought in Asia and North America可知,世人可以读到有关亚洲的干旱图.故选A.
35.B.推理判断题.根据最后一段中的几个部分很重要,如The Old World Drought Atlas fills a major geographic  gap和That's important for understanding causes of many droughts,and it's important for climate modelers.由此可判断"其目的是说明古老地图册的重要性".故选B.

点评 高考中选用的科技文往往反映的是当今人类最先进的科技水平和最新的科研成果.我们阅读它的过程其实就是学习科学知识,掌握科技信息的过程.然后,理解文章,分析文章,以阅读材料所提供的科学事实为依据,同时得出的结论还应符合基本的科普常识,对照时要特别注意范围大小、程度高低、数量多少、条件与结果、方法与目的、成就与问题、可能性与现实性.在细心对照基础上,经过一番分析、综合,然后就要根据题目要求对选项作出正确判断了,这些判断包括选项的表达是否符合原文的意思,对概念,文句的理解是否正确,对要点归纳是否全面等,从而排除错误选项,选择最合适的答案.

17.Ten-year-old Cara Turner loves the giant saltwater pond on her grandparent's farm.When her grandfather Tom Turner bought the land 15 years earlier,he stocked the pond with fishes.(41)A  in winter,Tom  (42)D  regularly visit the 5.5-acre pond to feed the fishes.One afternoon,(43)C  the sun melted toward the horizon,Tom (44Bto head home from the pond.(45)D,he was unable to put one foot in front of the other and then  (46)A  backward into the ponds deep water.When he didn't surface immediately,Cara jumped in.It was too deep to touch the  (47)A.With one hand,Cara grabbed the bank.With the other,she  (48)C  for her grandfather.
Tom had (49)Da stroke(中风)the year before.Now Cara wondered if he had  (50)B  again.She grabbed her grandfather's head,pulled his face out of the water and then pulled him up onto the solid ground.The winter sun almost disappeared,and they were both shaking from the (51)A.Cara knew she would have to get Tom to (52)Cfirst,a quarter mile away.But sixty feet from the car,Tom fell.From there,he crawled (爬),(53)D  himself under a gate,to the car.Caro helped him into the passengers'side and then got into the driver's seat."I used to sit on my dad's lap and watch him  (54)A,"said Cara.Although she felt (55)B,she pushed (56)Bhe gas and drove toward the nearest hospital where her grandmother Esca was to meet (57)A.
Tom spent six days (58)Ain the hospital from a stroke.Since the accident,he has (59)D  going to the pond alone."If Cara hadn't helped,she might not have a grandpa (60)B,"said Esca.
44.A.turned overB.turned backC.turned upD.turned out
45.A.Once in a whileB.As a resultC.By all meansD.All of a sudden
52.A.the farmB.the gateC.the carD.the house
60.A.after allB.any moreC.at leastD.any better
18.Choose your oneday tours!
Tour A-Bath & Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge-£37 until 26 March and£39 thereafter.
Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey,the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum.Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.
Tour B-Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's house-£32 until 12 March and£36 thereafter.
Oxford:Includes a guided tour of England's oldest university city and colleges.Look over the"city of dreaming spires(尖顶)"from St Mary's Church Tower.Stratford:Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.
Tour C-Windsor Castle & Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace-£34 until 11 March and£37 thereafter.
Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court,HenryⅧ's favourite palace.Free time to visit Windsor Castle(entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history,Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen.Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction.Visit the palace and its various historic gardens,which include the famous maze(迷宫) where it is easy to get lost!
Tour D-Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great-£33until 18 March and£37thereafter.
Includes a guided tour of Cambridge,the famous university town,and the gardens of the 18th century.

13.Which tour will you choose if you want to see England's oldest university city?B
A.Tour A.B.Tour B.C.Tour C.D.Tour D.
14.Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on 17 March?D
A.Windsor Castle & Hampton Court.
B.Oxford & Stratford.
C.Bath &Stonehenge.
15.Why is Hampton Court a major tourist attraction?A
A.It used to be the home of royal families.
B.It used to be a wellknown maze.
C.It is the oldest palace in Britain.
D.It is a worldfamous castle.
15."It seems that you had a rough day,Tyler.Is there anything I can do to help?"
"That's just the thing,Mom.We can't help.Today,our science teacher talked about Earth Day and the environment.Earth Day is supposed to be a day when every person promises to do something to help take care of our world.Mrs Green told us our world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying.She wants us to think of something we can do to help and I thought all the way home and there is not anything that I can do to make a difference."
"Let me tell you a story that might help you think about your problem in a different way."She began,"One morning a man was walking down a beach that was covered with dying starfish.Thinking what a shame it was that all of those starfish would die on the beach,he came across a boy who was throwing starfish back into the ocean as fast as he could.‘Son,'the man said,‘you'd better quit.There are thousands of them.They are washed up all over the beach.There is no way you can make any sort of a difference.'The boy spoke to the man without even a pause,‘I can make a difference to this one,and this one,and this one.'The man thought a while,and he knew the boy was right.He began to help return the animals to their home."
Tyler stared at his mother,"But he did make a difference,didn't he?To every starfish that he threw back?So,what it means is that even though I can't change everything,I can make a big difference by doing the little things that matter?"His mother nodded,smiling,"That is exactly what I am saying."
On Earth Day,there was a meeting and everyone in the community was invited.Many of them were surprised to see a large brown tree without leaves.Soon performances began.A boy walked across a stage filled with starfish.The play went on as Tyler and his class showing the story and ended with the audience's applause."At first,we thought we couldn't do anything.The problems seemed too big for us.But then we realized that together,even the little things we do could add up to mean a lot to our world."The kids began passing out the green leaves and pens to the audience."We want every person to think of one thing you can do to make a difference to our world.Even if it seems like something small,it will matter."The audience began writing."I will walk to work.""I will use both sides of my paper to save trees."…
Soon the tree was green and covered with the Earth Day promises.Seeing the people laughing and talking as they left,Tyler smiled,thinking of the difference they would make.

21.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?C
A.Mom's Story
B.Earth Day Promises
C.Let's Make a Difference
D.Do Something on Earth Day
22.Tyler's mother told him the story of starfish in order toD.
A.cheer him up
B.provide a solution to his problem
C.tell him a meaningful story
D.help him consider the problern in another way
23.A large tree without leaves standing there was usedB.
A.as a decoration of the stage
B.as a reminder of air pollution
C.to hang up promises on
D.to help perform the play
24.After the meeting,Tyler feltA.
A.relieved and hopeful
B.depressed and upset
C.worried and anxious
D.eager and passionate.
19.One of our expectations about education is that it will pay off in terms of upward mobility.Historically,the relation between education and income has been strong.But in the early 1970s,a contradiction developed between education and the economy.Our value of education and our average educational attainment(获得)run faster than the capacity of the economy to absorb the graduates.
Since the 1970s,high-school graduates have experienced a striking decrease in earnings,making them the first generation since World WarⅡto face a lower standard of living than their parents had.Experts have argued that this contradiction is at the heart of the problem of public education today.It is not,as business leaders claim,that the schools are failing to properly educate students,that they are turning out young people who are inadequately prepared to function in the workplace.The real problem is a shortage of economic opportunities for students who are not continuing on to college.College graduates also are having difficulty finding jobs.Even when they do,the jobs may not be consistent with their training and expectations.Part of the problem is that too many young Americans expect to have professional jobs,making disappointment and frustration unavoidable for some.
Many students assumed that what was true of an individual-that the higher the education,the better the job opportunities-would also be true for an entire society.But when the numbers of better-educated young people became too great,the economy could no longer absorb them.Another part of the problem is the assumption that greater educational attainment guarantees career advancement.In fact,employers do not routinely reward educational attainment; rather,they reward it only when they believe it will contribute to the employee's productivity.
We should not overlook the fact that there is still a strong relationship between education and occupation and income.College graduates have a strong advantage over those with less education.But the payoff is neither as large nor as certain as it once was.Unfortunately,Americans have focused so strong on the economic payoff that many consider their college education useless if it does not create a desirable,well-paying job.Only in this sense can we speak of an"oversupply"of college graduates.
We could argue that all or at least the majority of Americans would profit by some degree because higher education can enable the individual to think more deeply,explore more widely,and enjoy a greater range of experiences.

28.The underlined phrase"turning out"in Paragraph.2probably meansA.
A.bringing up          
B.putting out
C.bringing out       
 D.putting up
29.When do employers reward higher education?B
A.It offers better job opportunities.
B.It makes for higher productivity.
C.It guarantees career advancement.
D.It brings a definite advantage over others.
30.The passage mainly talks aboutC.
A.our expectations about education
B.the problem of public education today
C.the contradiction between education and economy
D.the connection between education and occupation
31.What's the writer's attitude towards higher education?D
17.Many artists lived in the Greenwich Village area of New York.Two young women named Sue and Johnsy shared a studio apartment at the top of a three-story building.In November,a cold,unseen stranger came to visit the city.A disease,pneumonia,killed many people.
Johnsy lay on her bed,hardly moving.One morning,a doctor examined Johnsy and took her temperature.Then he spoke with Sue in another room."She has one chance in ten,"he said."She can hardly make it."After the doctor had gone,Sue went into the workroom and cried.Then she went to Johnsy's room with her drawing board.She began making a pen and ink drawing for a story in a magazine.After a while,Sue heard a low sound,several times repeated.She went quickly to the bedside.
Johnsy's eyes were open wide.She was looking out the window and counting-counting backward."Ten,"she said,and a little later"Nine"; and then"Eight"and"Seven,"almost together.Sue looked out the window.What was there to count?There was only an empty yard with an old ivy vine (常春藤),which went bad at the roots and climbed half way up the wall.The cold breath of autumn had struck leaves from the plant until its branches,almost bare,hung on the bricks.
"Six leaves are still there,"said Johnsy,quietly."When the last one falls I must go,too.I've known that for three days.Didn't the doctor tell you?"
"Don't be silly."said Sue."Try to eat some soup now.And,let me go back to my drawing,so I can sell it to the magazine and buy food and wine for us.I must call Mister Behrman up to be my model."
Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor of the apartment building.Behrman was a failure in art.For years,he had always been planning to paint a work of art,but had never yet begun it.He earned a little money by serving as a model for artists who could not pay for a professional model.
Sue found Behrman in his room.In one area was a blank canvas(画布) that had been waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint.Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf.
Old Behrman yelled,"Miss Johnsy should not be so sick!Someday I will paint a masterpiece,and we shall all go away."Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs.Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window.She and Behrman went into the other room.They looked out a window fearfully at the ivy vine.Then they looked at each other without speaking.A cold rain was falling,mixed with snow.Behrman sat and posed as the miner.
The next morning,Sue awoke after an hour's sleep.She found Johnsy with wide-open eyes staring at the covered window."Pull up the shade;I want to see,"she ordered,quietly.Sue obeyed."There's still one,"said Johnsy."I thought it would fall during the night.I heard the wind."
The next morning,when it was light,the ivy leaf was still there.Johnsy lay for a long time,looking at it.And then she called to Sue,who was preparing chicken soup."Would you please bring me a little soup now?"asked Johnsy.
Later in the day,the doctor came."Even chances,"said the doctor."With good care,you'll win.And now I must see another case,Behrman,which is severe."
Later that day,Sue came up to Johnsy,and put one arm around her."Mister Behrman died of pneumonia today,"she said."He was sick only two days.They found him on the morning of the first day very weak,and his shoes and clothing were completely wet and icy cold.Do you know why?Look out of the window,dear,at the last ivy leaf on the wall.Didn't you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew?Behrman painted it there the night when the last leaf fell."

65.What does the first paragraph one serve as?A
A.The background.B.The topic.C.An explanation.D.An example.
66.What does Johnsy's counting back suggest?B
A.She felt very bored.      B.She was very hopeless.
C.She tried to keep awake.D.She wanted to sleep quickly.
67.According to the passage,Sue and JohnsyD.
A.were famous artists                       B.painted for the poor
C.worked in a publishing house        D.lived a poor life
68.What can we infer about Behrman?A
A.He painted nothing because he was lazy.
B.He suffered pneumonia for several days.
C.He finished a masterpiece before he died.
D.He didn't get along well with Sue and Johnsy.
69.Why did Sue and Behrman look at each other without speaking?C
A.They didn't know what to do.
B.They were enjoying the ivy vine.
C.They were worried about Johnsy.
D.They agreed with each other silently.
70.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.Three Artists                            B.The Last Leaf
C.An Artist Finally Saved            D.A picture Painted for 25 Years.

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