
·ÖÎö ¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£º
It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student£¬Miss Shen Ming£¬a 21-year-old graduate of our institute this year£®ºÜÈÙÐÒ°ÑÎÒ×îÓÅÐãµÄѧÉúÖ®Ò»½éÉܸøÄ㣬ÉòÃ÷21Ë꣬½ñÄ꽫±ÏÒµ£®¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£º
Coming from a family of English teachers£¬Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English£®³öÉúÓÚÒ»¸ö½Ìʦ¼ÒÍ¥£¬ÉòÃ÷¶ÔÓ¢ÓïÓÐÌرðµÄ°®ºÃ£®
¾äÐÍÒ» It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my¡­¸Ã¾äÖÐÓÐÒ»¸ö³£ÓõĹ̶¨¾äÐÍ£ºit is+adj+for sb+to do sth¶ÔÓÚijÈ˶øÑÔ×ö£®£®ÊÇÔõôÑùµÄ
¾äÐͶþ Coming from a family of English teachers ¸Ã¾äʹÓÃÁËÏÖÔÚ·Ö´ÊλÓÚ¾äÊ××÷×´Ó±íÖ÷¶¯

½â´ð The Second Department of English
Beijing Foreign Language Institute
July 17£¬2008
Lemon Language Institute
Dear President£¬
¡¡¡¡  It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student£¬Miss Shen Ming£¬a 21-year-old graduate of our institute this year£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©Miss Shen entered our institute in 2005 and she has ever since been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress£®During the four years of study£¬she is always one of the top students in her class£®In 2008£¬she came out first at the National College Students English Speech Contest£®Coming from a family of English teachers£¬Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English£®£¨Ñ§ÉúÇé¿ö½éÉÜ£©£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©It is her wish to her further studies on linguistics£¬methodology as well as on the English language£®It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance in your Institute£®£¨±í´ïÒâÔ¸£©
¡¡¡¡    With best regards£¬
                                                                                                              Yours sincerely£¬
                                                                                                                  Wang sen

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7£®Alone But Not Lonely
In today's fast-paced society£¬we've become uncomfortable with silence£®We try to find different types of activities that can help us escape feelings of laziness or boredom£¬£¨36£©D Solitude£¨¶À´¦£©does not have to be uncomfortable or lonely£®In fact£¬solitude and loneliness are very different things£®
The death of a loved one or the inability to find people who understand you can leave you feeling lonely£®Even if you are surrounded by other people£¬it's natural to experience an emptiness while longing for love or acceptance£®£¨37£©A
Geoffrey F£®Fisher once said£¬"In cities£¬no one is quiet but many are lonely£®£¨38£©E
We often fill loneliness with all types of unsatisfying activities£®Young people would rather spend a Friday night out with strangers£¬than spend the night alone£®They're looking for a way to kill time while they await true friendship£®Then there are young adults in gangs where they don't really like their companions£®£¨39£©BWhy does being alone scare us£¿
Do not be afraid of silence£®£¨40£©FIt teaches you how to truly listen£®It teaches you to pay attention to what's going on inside of you£®Only when we are alone can we have the space and peace we need to think without being outwardly influenced£®It therefore becomes easier to make important decisions as well as to reflect on how we are feeling£®

A£®Loneliness is therefore a feeling that can be experienced whether or not one is physically alone£®
B£®They would rather feel accepted on a shallow level than risk feeling alone£®
C£®The problem of loneliness can be easily solved in a modern world£®
D£®But£¬when doing so£¬the main thing we£®-are trying to avoid is loneliness£®
E£®In the country£¬people are quiet but few are lonely£®
F£®It can provide you with amazing benefits£®
G£®It guides you through hardships£®
8£®A simple life means getting rid of many of the things you do so that you can spend more time with people you love and do the things you love£®£¨36£©F It's often a journey of two steps forward and one backward£®
Evaluate your time£®£¨37£©CWhat things do you do from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep£¿Make a list£¬and evaluate whether they're in line with your priorities£®If not£¬remove them and focus on what's important£®Redesign your day£®
Limit your communications£®Our lives these days are filled with a vast flow of communications£ºemail£¬cell phones£¬paper mail£¬Twitter£¬forums£¬and more£®£¨38£©E Instead£¬set a limit on your communications£ºonly deal with emails at certain times of the day£®Limit phone calls to certain times too£®It is the same with other communications£®Set a schedule and stick to it£®
Try living without a car£®OK£¬this isn't something I've done£¬but many others have£®£¨39£©D Walk£¬bike£¬or take public transportation£®It reduces expenses and gives you time to think£®A car is also very complicated£¬needing not only car payments£¬but insurance£¬maintenance£¬repairs£¬gas and more£®
£¨40£©AIf you rid your home of stuff£¬you might find you don't need so much space£®I'm not saying you should live on a boat £¨although I know some people who happily do so£©£¬but if you can be comfortable in a smaller home£¬it will not only be less expensive£¬but easier to maintain£¬and greatly simplify your life£®
A£®Consider a smaller home£®
B£®Have a place for everything£®
C£®How do you spend your day£¿
D£®It's something I would do if I didn't have kids£®
E£®They can take up your whole day if you let them be£®
F£®However£¬getting to simplicity isn't always a simple process£®
G£®Most people don't know what"enough"is£¬and thus they keep buying more£®
5£®Food Waste
Did you eat all of your dinner last night£¿If not£¬what did you do with the leftovers£¿£¨36£©CActually£¬food waste has become a major problem around the world£®Recent studies show that almost a third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted£®
Where it occurs
£¨37£©GYet the percentage of food loss is about the same in developing countries and wealthy nations£®The reasons£¬though£¬are very different£®
In poor countries£¬40percent of food loss occurs before it reaches the buyer£®£¨38£©FThe long trip in the hot sun can cause the milk to spoil£®In industrialized nations£¬over 40percent of food loss happens at the retail£¨ÁãÊÛ£©and consumer levels£®
¡ñStores threw out fresh produce that doesn't look perfect£®
¡ñRestaurants usually prepare more than they need each day£®Then they get rid of the extras£®Many owners fear being sued£¨ÆðËߣ© if they give the food away and it makes someone sick£®
¡ñAmerican restaurant-goers leave about 17percent of their food on their plates£®
¡ñFamilies in the U£®S£®throw away around US  640per year worth of groceries£®
What you can do
¡ñPlan meals and buy food you need
¡ñOrder kid's meal or half-portions in restaurants£®Share a meal with another person£®
If we all do our part£¬we can help take a bite out of food waste£®

A£®What is wasted
B£®Who is to blame
C£®Many people just throw them into the garbage without a second thought
D£®Food waste£¬as is known to all£¬occurs all over the world
E£®Take home your leftovers£¬and enjoy them the next day
F£®In Bangladesh£¬for example£¬farmers often place milk on a chart
G£®Most people think food waste only happens in industrialized countries£®
Malta is a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea£¬which has a rich history and culture£®There are amazing sky-high cliffs to climb£¬wonderful temples to explore£¬mysterious hidden caves£¬and lots of wonderful places to go scuba diving£®In fact£¬there are plenty of interesting things to see and to do in Malta and this island country has something for everyone£®The historic part of Malta has incredible architecture£¬great walled cities£¬and many underground tunnels to explore£®
Australia is an amazing continental island country£¬which everyone should visit at least once in life£®It's often identified as mega diverse country as it boasts a rich culture£¬fantastic wildlife£¬nice people£¬and a plethora of fun and interesting things to see and to do£®Australia has literally everything£¬from the spectacular beaches£¬canyons£¬to breathtaking green forests to explore£®
C£®The Maldives
Not only is the Maldives one of the most beautiful island countries£¬it is also one of the most popular honeymoon destinations£®Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean£¬the Maldives is made up of an entire series of incredible ancient coral reefs that grew up along the sides of ancient volcanoes£®There is a magnificent ocean£¬with fascinating beaches and luxury resorts£®If you are looking for the best honeymoon destination£¬the Maldives will be perfect for you£®
Unfortunately£¬many people don't even think of visiting Cuba these days£®However£¬Cuba is a charming island country that boasts the clear blue waters£¬the white sandy beaches£¬the best coral reefs in the world£¬the small shops and numerous attractions£®This country has a rich culture and history to explore£®And if you like to scuba dive or snorkel£¬Cuba should be number one on your travel bucket list£®Cuba is the closest island to North America£¬so why not visit it this year£¿
Fiji is a wonderful island that has plenty of surprises for any adventurous traveler£®There is one of the world's best surf scenes£¬and many surfing enthusiasts travel to Fiji yearly to ride the great waves£®If surfing is not for you and you love sitting on the beach and relaxing or hiking£¬seeing breathtaking waterfalls£¬Fiji is certainly the best island country to visit£®
I'm sure there's no other place on the planet like Japan£®It's an island country where East meets West£¬the cultures do not clash£¬and where you will never feel bored£®You will fill up on ramen£¬sushi£¬experience different culture£¬go hiking in the spectacular hills£¬and don't forget to visit Tokyo£®Tokyo's bars£¬restaurants£¬pubs£¬and clubs are busy each night of the week£®If you are a true shopaholic£¬Japan is a must visit place for you£®

46£®Peter and Jane have just got married£®They want to spend their honeymoon on an island where they can see ocean and beautiful beaches£®They would like to stay at a luxury hotel£®
47£®Linda is a young lady who likes shopping and colorful night life£®She hopes to spend her holiday in an island country where she will never get bored and do a lot of shopping£®
48£®Tom is a young man who likes to take adventures£®This summer£¬he wants to go surfing on an island£®Meanwhile£¬he also wants to see waterfalls£®
49£®James is from The United States£®He is planning a holiday to an island that is the closest to North America£®He likes scuba diving£¬and wants to experience the local culture and history£®
50£®Mary is a university student who majors in ancient history£®She prefers to visit an island where she can see historical architectures and experience the local culture£®

11£®We all have deciding moments in our life£¬ones that make us who we are£®
 One year ago£¬the surface of the track burned my£¨36£©Dfeet£®The sun was shining as bright as the hope in each £¨37£©Aeyes£®The stadium was filled with the noises of the crowd£¬£¨38£©Dall of my senses were focused on my favorite 4 x 200 relay£®
 The £¨39£©Bwent off£®I had a fast start£¬creating an obvious lead£®All I had left to do was hand off the £¨40£©Bbecause four months of£¨41£©Chand-offs before  this match made me confident£®As I pumped £¨°Ú¶¯£©my arms to run£¬suddenly the end of the stick hit my £¨42£©Aand flew out of my hand£®The stick hit the track hard and rolled away from me£¬taking with it all my £¨43£©D£®I was motionless£®There was nothing I could do but £¨44£©Cthe other runners pass me£¬stealing my race£®I £¨45£©Bmy head as I walked by my teammates£®I had let them down£®I felt £¨46£©C£®It seemed as if everything around me were laughing at me£¬and everybody were£¨47£©Dme£¬saying£¬"That's the girl who £¨48£©Cthe stick£®"
 I could have left the track that day and never £¨49£©Bagain£®
 Now here I was on the same track again£®I was _______£¨50£©Dand mentally prepared for this race£¬but could I get over the anxiety of last year's £¨51£©A£¿The sound that metal£¬hit the track kept playing in my mind£®Then the time for the race came£®I£®
 £¨52£©Cas if someone had lit fire under my shoes£®I gained my£¨53£©Dagain£®This time I did quite well£®
 An hour later as my £¨54£©Band I were standing on the winners'position£¬I knew I had got over my fear£®I had conquered one of the£¨55£©Athings a person can£¬myself£®£®
51£®accidentB£®sportsC£®defeatD£® running
52£®left outB£®went outC£®rushed outD£® jumped out
53£®respectB£®happinessC£®prideD£® confidence
54£®coachB£®teamC£®friendsD£® crowd
55£®hardestB£®easiestC£®worstD£® best
8£®For years Tom Anderson's life was withered£¨¿Ýή£© up by the memory of his part in an outdoor adventure that resulted in the death of one of his classmates£®He and his wife separated after six years of marriage£®Then the news about Tom changed£®His wife Betty came back£» he earned a fine position in a company£®
One day he told me what had changed his life£ºI used to think£¬¡®Nothing can undo what I have done£®'The thought of my guilt would stop me in the middle of a smile or a handshake£®It put a wall between my wife and me£®Then I had an unexpected visit from the person I feared most to see-the mother of the college classmate who died£®"Years ago"£¬she said£¬"I found it in my heart£¬through prayer£¬to                £®Betty forgave you£®So did your friends and employers£®"She paused£¬and then said strictly£¬"You are the one person who hasn't forgiven Tom Anderson£®Who do you think you are to stand out against the people of this town and the Lord Almighty£¿""I looked into her eyes and found there a kind of permission to be the person I might have been if her boy had lived£®For the first time in my adult life I felt worthy to love and be loved£®"
It is only through forgiveness of our mistakes that we gain the freedom to learn from experience£®But forgiving our shortcomings doesn't mean ignoring that they exist£®On the contrary£¬it means facing them honestly£¬realistically£®Unless you forgive£¬you cannot love£®And without love£¬life has no meaning£®Forgiveness is a good quality£®
76£®What is the best title of this passage£¿£¨Within 10 words£©Forgiveness is a good quality£®
77£®Fill in the blank with proper words to complete the sentence in paragraph 2£¿£¨Within 5 words£©forgive you
78£®Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one£¿The thought of my guilt would stop me in the middle of a smile or a handshake£®
I would hold back my smile and stop shaking hands with people at the thought of my fault in the adventure£®
79£®What would you do when someone does something wrong to you indeliberately£¿Why£¿£¨within 30 words£©£¨One possible answer£© I would surely forgive him because through forgiveness£¬a person would soon get out of his disturbance and learn from his mistakes and the kindness is sure to pass on£®
80£®Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese£®µ«ÊÇ£¬Ô­ÁÂÎÒÃǵĹýʧ²¢²»Òâζ×ÅÎÞÊÓÆä´æÔÚ£¬¶øÊÇÒª³ÏʵµØ¡¢ÏÖʵµØÃæ¶ÔËüÃÇ£®£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
