





A boy and a girl go playing together. The boy wanted to give the girl all his marbles in exchange of all her sweets. The girl agreed. The boy kept best marble aside and gave the rest to the girl, which gave him all her sweets. That night, the girl slept peaceful while the boy couldn’t fall sleep. He was wondering that if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marbles. You think the way you act. If you don’t give you one hundred percent in a relationship, you’ll keep doubt if the other has given his.














2.考查固定短语。句意:男孩想用他所有的弹珠来换女孩所有的糖果。固定短语in exchange for“交换”。故of改为for




6.考查固定短语。句意同上。短语fall asleep“入睡;睡着”。故sleep改为asleep




10.考查固定短语。句意:如果你在一段感情中没有百分百地付出,你就会怀疑对方是否付出了自己的。固定短语keep doing sth“一直做某事”。故doubt改为doubting


【题目】Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable statement from A-F for each blank. There are two extra statements, which you do not need.

Life would be a lot sweeter if you were a memory athlete. Most of us however, are not wired that way. But don’t be discouraged: thanks to neuroplasticity, anyone can transcend their fallible memory. 1

There are a few relatively simple things a person can do to help improve their memory function. First up, the basics: the foundation of good memory is good health. 2

Then there are more deliberate approaches like practicing mnemonics. A mnemonic device is a trick designed to make remembering things easier. So instead of remembering to buy eggs, rice, apples and dog food, it might be easier to think of READ, which stands for rice, eggs, apples, and dog food. This is the acrostic method.

3 Let’s use the same shopping list as an example. Instead of focusing on the word ‘rice,’ this technique works by focusing on the image of rice thrown on the ground in a yard. For eggs, picture a hen pecking at the rice, followed by a nearby tree of apple blossoms, the petals falling around the hen, falling on a sleeping dog. Once the interconnected scene is created it’s a simple visual to ease your way around the halls of the grocery store with no list needed. This technique, where you base a memory around visual images, is more formally called ‘method of loci’.

A recent study published in Neuron has unearthed some interesting insights about the brains of competitive memorizers. The researchers invited 23 of the world’s top 50 memory athletes to have their brains scanned in rest states, and while performing memory tests, and matched each champion to a control participant. Anatomically, the scans showed there was no difference in brain structure or region size between the groups. 4 And what’s more, after they gave the ‘naive’ control group training in the method of loci, their neural connectivity began to look more like that of the pros.

A. What you're born with isn't what you're stuck with.

B. Where the difference was observed was in connectivity.

C. Another more complicated mnemonic technique is called a mind palace.

D. Training in method of loci can physically change the way a person remembers.

E. Eating and sleeping right will lead to optimal brain function, the flow-on effect of which is a better memory.

F. The improved memory observed after mnemonic training persists for as long as 4 months after training concludes.


After the long boring winter kites everywhere couldn’t wait for the chance to go dance in the air to tumble(翻跟斗) freely and to run after the sun. Every kite was excited but one.

The kite sat in the back of a closet, looking depressed and thin. His lines were so classic with a rag tail. But he didn't like flying. Actually, it was the belief that the higher the flight, the further the fall that scared the kite most of all.

The kite thought it wouldn't be long before his boy would burst into the closet to cart him away for another embarrassing public display. At that very moment, the closet door opened. The kite shrunk in defeat.

"Come on, "said the boy excitedly. "It's the perfect kite day. "He headed outside to play with the kite. As they came to the park there were kids everywhere flying kites that sailed gracefully high in the air. The boy pointed up, "Look, flying is easy! With fear the kite looked, it made him feel uneasy, although the spring breezes were heartily blowing.

The boy started running to get the kite going. He ran all through the park while other kids stared at his kite that dragged. . . and tumbled. . and scraped. He heard a boy laugh and another one joke That kite must either be stupid or broken. ” The boy hung his head and went back to his kite. Kneeling he thoughtfully asked ” You alright? Why don’t you fly?The boy’s tone was calm. ” Don’t you know how?he asked. “Are you afraid? With all of his pride the kite tried to contest(反驳)it but the look in his eyes told the boy he had guessed it.

They sat in silence for a moment. Then with a kind smile the boy said” It’s alright. Everyone gets frightened. Dad says that’s okay. And by facing fears boldly we can scare some away. ” The glimmer(微光) of hope that shone in the boy’s eyes made the kite decide to give flying another try.

注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

The boy started running again to give the kite lift. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

The kite felt peaceful and delighted and new. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

【题目】 China will follow up on its successful mission (任务) to the far side of the moon by sending a probe to Mars next year, one of its top space scientists said Sunday. Wu Weiren, chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program, said the red planet was the natural next step. “Next year we’ll launch a Mars probe to orbit around the Mars, land on it and probe it,” he said. China will also send another probe to take back samples from the moon’s surface.

Wu’s comments came as a Mars simulation(模拟) base opened in Qinghai’s Qaidam Basin. According to the state-run Global Times, while the red rocky area bears a strikingly similarity to Mars, it’s extremely difficult to simulate Mars due to its special natural features and hostile environment—low air pressure, strong radiation and frequent sandstorms, as well as vast differences in geography.

China didn’t send its first satellite into orbit until 1970, by which time America had already landed an astronaut on the moon, but it’s been catching up fast. Since 2003, China has sent six crews into space and two space labs into Earth’s orbit In 2013, China successfully landed a rover, Yutu 1, on the moon, becoming only the third country to do so.

Last December, China landed another probe and a rover, Yutu 2, on the far side of the moon. Progress has been slow going since then: due to the extreme conditions there, the rover often has to hibernate to preserve its capabilities for further exploration, Wu said. “The temperature there is minus 190 degrees Celsius, which all components and parts cannot stand. So we let it sleep for a while, making sure it can spend the night safely. A few days ago, it woke up automatically to work. We’ve gained lots of data in the past few days, and we're going to make the data known to the world,” Wu said.

1What’s China’s next step in its space exploration?

A.To get back a probe from Mars.

B.To probe Mars next year.

C.To land a rover on Mars successfully.

D.To open a Mars simulation base.

2Which does the underlined word “hostile” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?



3What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.Yutu 2 often has to hibernate to save its energy.

B.The data from Yutu 2 is accessible to the world.

C.Progress has been steady in the past exploration.

D.Yutu 2 can survive the moon's extreme conditions.

4Which of the following has China achieved in exploring space?

A.Two space labs have been set up.

B.Six crews were sent into space in 2003.

C.Samples from the moon have been taken back.

D.China became the third to send a satellite to Earth’s orbit.

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