
【题目】 China will follow up on its successful mission (任务) to the far side of the moon by sending a probe to Mars next year, one of its top space scientists said Sunday. Wu Weiren, chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program, said the red planet was the natural next step. “Next year we’ll launch a Mars probe to orbit around the Mars, land on it and probe it,” he said. China will also send another probe to take back samples from the moon’s surface.

Wu’s comments came as a Mars simulation(模拟) base opened in Qinghai’s Qaidam Basin. According to the state-run Global Times, while the red rocky area bears a strikingly similarity to Mars, it’s extremely difficult to simulate Mars due to its special natural features and hostile environment—low air pressure, strong radiation and frequent sandstorms, as well as vast differences in geography.

China didn’t send its first satellite into orbit until 1970, by which time America had already landed an astronaut on the moon, but it’s been catching up fast. Since 2003, China has sent six crews into space and two space labs into Earth’s orbit In 2013, China successfully landed a rover, Yutu 1, on the moon, becoming only the third country to do so.

Last December, China landed another probe and a rover, Yutu 2, on the far side of the moon. Progress has been slow going since then: due to the extreme conditions there, the rover often has to hibernate to preserve its capabilities for further exploration, Wu said. “The temperature there is minus 190 degrees Celsius, which all components and parts cannot stand. So we let it sleep for a while, making sure it can spend the night safely. A few days ago, it woke up automatically to work. We’ve gained lots of data in the past few days, and we're going to make the data known to the world,” Wu said.

1What’s China’s next step in its space exploration?

A.To get back a probe from Mars.

B.To probe Mars next year.

C.To land a rover on Mars successfully.

D.To open a Mars simulation base.

2Which does the underlined word “hostile” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?



3What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.Yutu 2 often has to hibernate to save its energy.

B.The data from Yutu 2 is accessible to the world.

C.Progress has been steady in the past exploration.

D.Yutu 2 can survive the moon's extreme conditions.

4Which of the following has China achieved in exploring space?

A.Two space labs have been set up.

B.Six crews were sent into space in 2003.

C.Samples from the moon have been taken back.

D.China became the third to send a satellite to Earth’s orbit.








1细节理解题。根据第一段第一句China will follow up on its successful mission to the far side of the moon by sending a probe to Mars next year, one of its top space scientists said Sunday.(周日,中国一位顶级太空科学家表示,中国将继续其成功的月球背面探测任务,于明年向火星发射探测器。)可知中国太空探索的下一步是明年探测火星。故选B

2词义猜测题。根据下文low air pressure, strong radiation and frequent sandstorms, as well as vast differences in geography.为列举火星上的不利环境,如低气压、强辐射和频繁的沙尘暴,以及巨大的地理差异等。故可推测划线单词意思为“不宜的;不利的”,故选C

3推理判断题。根据最后一段中Progress has been slow going since then: due to the extreme conditions there, the rover often has to hibernate to preserve its capabilities for further exploration, 以及A few days ago, it woke up automatically to work. Weve gained lots of data in the past few days, and we're going to make the data known to the world(几天前,它自动醒来工作。在过去的几天里,我们获得了大量的数据,我们将把这些数据公之于众。)可知“玉兔2号”可以在月球的极端条件下生存。故选D

4细节理解题。根据第三段Since 2003, China has sent six crews into space and two space labs into Earths orbit(自2003年以来,中国已经将6名宇航员送入太空,并将两个太空实验室送入地球轨道。)可知中国在探索太空方面已经建立了两个太空实验室。故选A


【题目】The play The Doctors Dilemma by George Bernard opens on the day when Ridgeon, a famous research doctor,is knighted (封爵).His friends gather to congratulate him.The friends include Sir Patrick, a wellknown old physician, Walpole, an aggressive surgeon, Sir Ralph Bloomfield Bonington, an attractive society doctor, and Blenkinsop, an honest government doctor.Each one has his favorite theory of illness and method of cure._One_man’s_cure_is_another_man’s_poison,but they all get along.

A young woman (Mrs Dubechat) desperately seeks help for her husband from Ridgeon, who has evidently found a way to cure her husband’s illness.Ridgeon initially refuses, but then he changes his mind for two reasons — Mr Dubechat is a fine artist and Ridgeon falls in love with his wife.

When the doctors meet Mr Dubechat, however, they find that he is a dishonest person.Ridgeon eventually decides to treat Blenkinsop,who has the same disease, and refers the artist to Bloomfield Bonington.As a result, he will die.In the end, Ridgeon justifies his behavior as a plan to let Mr Dubechat die before his wife finds out how dishonest he actually was.This, in fact, happens and Mr Dubechat’s artistic reputation grows.

At one level this play deals with allocation (分配) of rare medical resources.Which of the two men will Sir Ridgeon save? Blenkinsop is an honest doctor who works for the poor.Mr Dubechat is a charming sociopath (反社会者),who happens to be an extraordinary artist.

Ridgeon solves this problem with an interesting moral twist — he explains that Mr Dubechat’s death will be a benefit because it will keep his reputation .It will also potentially benefit Ridgeon, who wants to get Mrs Dubechat.

1The author wrote the passage mainly to________.

A. give a brief introduction to George Bernard

B. introduce the play The Doctors Dilemma

C. introduce five famous doctors

D. give some critical opinions about The Doctors Dilemma

2How does Ridgeon feel about not saving Mr Dubechat?

A. Reasonable. B. Regretful.

C. Doubtful. D. Upset.

3How can Ridgeon benefit from Mr Dubechat’s death?

A. His reputation will grow.

B. He might get Mr Dubechat’s wife.

C. He might obtain Mr Dubechat’s wealth.

D. He will lose a competitor in his career.

【题目】Directions : After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Before age 3, most children lack the necessary skills to lie. Somewhere between the ages of 3 and 8 though, a lot of children become shockingly skillful at telling lies. A group of 3-year-olds 1(seat) in a room and told not to peek at a toy placed out of sight while the adult left the room. When they were later asked if they had peeked, only about half of the kids attempted to lie. This was repeated with 7-year-olds, and the majority of the kids avoided telling the truth.

At first, it is because they can 2 children lie. They reach a point developmentally 3 they realize that they can say something that is not true. These lies are not a sign of moral failures in 4 the parents or the child.

By age 7 or 8, most children lie for two reasons. One is to escape punishment and to remain in your good graces. Children figure out that 5 they say they did not do something, they may be able to avoid punishment. Older children are also better than the younger ones at reading human emotion and predicting your reaction. Since most of the children want to make their parents happy, their lies may be a 6(misguide) attempt to provide the right answer. The kid who tells you that he did not break the vase, even in the presence of a broken vase, is just telling you what you want to hear. He knows you would be upset about the vase, so he makes up a lie to make you happy.

Ironically, kids of strict parents are actually more likely to lie than 7 from a more laid-back home. A child who knows that he gets spanked for doing wrong may feel motivated to lie more often and he may become more skilled at it, because he knows 8(catch) will lead to punishment.

When it comes to telling the truth, when a child matures and ages you will see the lies become 9(frequent). This is a result of more mature kids learning responsibility and being accountable 10 their actions. If your youngster is telling lies, don’t panic. He will most likely grow out of this stage with the help of his parents setting the right moral values. The experiment in this article was performed by parents and children.

【题目】 Parents who fear their kids are spending too much time in front of screens now have more reasons for concern.

New research funded by the National Institutes of Health found brain changes among kids using screens more than seven hours a day and lower cognitive(认知的) skills among those using screens more than two hours a day.

When studies find links between screen time and negative outcomes, some have argued that this is just the latest moral panic over technology.After all, didn't today's grandparents once worry that their kids were watching too much TV or talking on the phone too much? Those kids( today's parents )turned out OK, right?

In a new paper, my co-authors and I found that children who spent four or more hours a day on portable devices(设备)--compared with no time-were over 44 percent more likely to sleep not enough.TV time was also connected to less sleep, but not as strongly or consistently.

For one thing, TV is not so psychologically stimulating(刺激性的)as a portable device like a smartphone, which, unlike TV.doesn’t exist to simply consume media.Smartphones have also become a huge part of social life, whether it's texting with friends or interacting with them on social media.

And unlike TV, portable devices can be silently carried into the bedroom or even the bed, resulting in some teens using them throughout the night.

That might explain why lack of sleep among teens spiked after 2012-just as smartphone use became common.

So what is a parent-or anyone who wants to sleep well-to do?

First, it's best for smartphones and tablets to stay out of the bedroom after"lights-out"time.Nor is it a great idea to use the devices within an hour of bedtime, as their blue light influences the brain’s ability to produce melatonin (褪黑激素).Finally, as a general rule, two hours a day or less spent on portable devices is a good guideline.These rules apply to parents, too -not only kids.

1What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Today's parents' health condition.

B.Grandparents’ influence on their kids.

C.Bad effects of too much screen time on kids.

D.Some people,'s opinion on the findings of the studies.

2What is a reason for portable devices' being more strongly associated with less sleep?

A.They only consume media.B.They are convenient to carry.

C.They are better used in daytime.D.They are independent of social life.

3What does the underlined word"spiked" in paragraph 7 probably mean?

A.rose quickly.B.stood still.

C.grew equally.D.decreased abruptly.

4What's the author's advice on how to get a good sleep?

A.Never bring screens into the bedroom.

B.Allow parents to adapt the rules for themselves.

C.Avoid the devices within an hour of bedtime.

D.Spend exactly two hours a day on the devices.

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