
Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 •天水市高三第五次检测]


We spend so much time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, and looking for that special love. Unfortunately, that's not usually how life works. To be loved, you should love and respect yourself as much as you do others. In order to love someone, you should love yourself.

•    Stop comparing yourself to others. 5 We all have different gifts. When you compare yourself to others for what they have, whether it is a car, a house, or a job, it makes you feel bad about yourself. Really be grateful about every?thing you have. Gratitude keeps your heart open to love.

•Practise receiving love. To truly love is to be able to receive it. When someone loves you, does some kind deeds to you, or says kind words, accept it. 6 Know that you are worthy of love. It is important to accept a gift of love by oth?ers. You give yourself a chance to learn more about yourself that you are lovable. 7

•        8 Write about your experiences, good and bad. When you write down good experiences, allow yourself to feel those feelings. When you remember bad experiences, allow yourself to feel self-compassion. Compassion is not self-pity, but rather willingness to accept one's own pain and regret.

•     Stop trying to be perfect. Stop blaming yourself for being less than perfect. 9

Just follow all the steps above and don't let anyone's ex?pectations of you put any pressure on you.

A.     Keep a diary.

B.     Appreciate yourself.

C.     Do not feel sorry about it.

D.     Always do your best, but not reaching perfection is not a failure.

E.     Allow yourself to feel the love that has come your way.

F.      You give someone a joy of giving by loving you.

G.     Everyone on the earth is unique.






7. F根据前文"接受别人爱的赠予是重要的,从中你可以更好地了解自己是多么可爱"可知,你在接受爱你的人给予你爱的同时,爱你的人也会感到快乐。故选F项。

8. A根据后一句"经常写下你的体验,无论好的还是坏的"可知,作者建议你经常写日记。故选A项。



Ⅲ.语法填空[2015 •黑龙江哈尔滨高三期末]


   Last Monday, my father would be on a 10._________(busy) trip for five days. 

Having gotten my promise of being great at home and taking care of my mother, he rest

assured and put his luggage into the trunk of his car. 11._____(see) my father's 

driving away, my mother and I waved our hands and said goodbye to him. For a moment, I

began to miss my father, 12.___(wish) that he would be safe and well the next days. I

thought everything would go well, as this was not the first time that my father 13.__

____ (be)away for several days. Yet:, 14._____(fortunate), my mother caught a cold 

the next morning. Looking at her pale face, I 15._____(experience) high levels of 


   However, I told myself that I had to calm down and look after my mum, 16.______I

promised to my dad. The moment I got my mum to sleep, I put cold towel on her forehead

, found pills in the medicine box, and made some noodles for her. Luckily, she woke up

 and felt 17.____ (good) after taking the pills and the noodles. 18._____ her fever 

was gone relieved and satisfied me a lot. In the next four days, I took her body 

temperature twice a day, ensuring that she was completely well.To our delight, my dad 

went backhome  safely and  healthily on Saturday. On hearing 19._____ I had done to

my mum, he, as well as my bmum, beamed at me and gave me a big thumb. Hearing their 

praises and seeing bright smiles on their faces, I really felt o-verjoyed and thrilled.

  Conceivably, taking care of my parents was, indeed and definitely, my mission and 



A [2015 .江淮名校高三第二次联考] People laugh and people cry. But it is thought that emo?tions such as anger, or joy, typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. The shedder of tears (落泪者)is likely to apologize, even when a great tragedy was the cause. The observer of tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional tears. But judging from recent studies of crying behaviour, both those responses to tears are often inappropriate and may even be counterproductive (适得其反).

Humans are the only animals clearly known to shed emo?tional tears. Since evolution has given rise to few purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that increase survival.

Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to ask for assistance from others (as a crying baby might from its mother) , the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help. Vocal(有声的)cries would have been quite enough, more likely than tears to gain attention. So, it appears that there must be something special about tears themselves.

Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in easing stress. University of Minneso?ta researchers who are studying the chemical composition of tears have recently separated two important chemicals from emotional tears. Both chemicals are found only in tears that are shed in response to emotion. Tears shed because of expo?sure to cutting onions would contain no such substance.

Other researchers are looking into the usefulness of tears as a means of diagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs. At Tulane University's Tear Analysis Laboratory Dr Peter Kastl and his colleagues report that they can use tears to detect drug abuse, to study the causes of "dry eye" syndrome(综合征)and the effects of eye surgery, and perhaps even to meas?ure exposure to environmental pollutants.

1.  What does the phrase " both those responses" in Para?graph 1 refer to ?

A.    Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happi?ness.

B.     The embarrassment and unpleasant feelings of the ob?servers.

C.     Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tears.

D.    丁he tear shedder's apology and the observer's effort to stop the crying.

 2. It is known from the first paragraph that .

 A.     shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to Americans

B.     crying may often result in tragedy

C.     crying usually wins sympathy from other people

D.     one who sheds tears in public will be blamed

3.What does the author say about crying?

 A.     It is a pointless physiological response to the environ?ment.

B.     It must have a role to play in man's survival.

C.     It is meant to get attention and assistance.

D.     It usually produces the desired effect.

4. From the passage we can infer that .

 A.     it is unnatural for people to shed tears

B.     we can reduce our stress by shedding emotional tears

C.     shedders of tears can't get help by crying loudly

D.     unlike animals, humans can shed tears for survival

Let's pretend we're sailing down the Rhine River on a pleasure boat. The Rhine is one of the main water?ways ofGermany, and the river traffic is heavy. It's in?teresting to watch many boats going up and down the river. But the river traffic is not nearly so interesting as the beautiful scenery along the banks and hillsides. The boat is passing many old castles. We can see people working in the vineyards (葡萄园)on the hillsides. There are vineyards as far as the eye can see. Wine from the Rhine Valley is famous all over the world.

Suddenly our boat slows down and begins to turn a little. We are coming to a sharp bend in the river. On our right we can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high. At first it looks quite ordinary, but there is nothing ordina?ry about it. There are many stories, poems, and songs about the cliff. We are looking at the Lorelei.

Then someone on the boat begins to sing in Ger?man* the song of the Lorelei. It is a song about a beau?tiful siren (美女)who has lured many sailors to their deaths.

The siren is supposed to sit on the rock combing her long golden hair and singing. The sailors who hear her song forget to steer, and the current of river hurls their boats on the rocks and dashes them to pieces.

Soon other people on the boat begin to sing. The beautiful song adds to special magic to the moment, and you begin to realize why so many people have made this trip down the Rhine to see the rock of the Lorelei. 1. The more interesting thing to those who are sailing down the Rhine  River on a pleasure boat is .

A.    to watch many boats going up and down the river

B.    to see the beautiful scene along the banks and hillsides

C.    to hear a song about a beautiful siren

D.    to see a beautiful siren combing her golden hair

2.    Which of the following is famous all over the world?

A.    The Rhine River.

B.    The River Traffic.

C.    Wine from the Rhine Valley.

D.    The Lorelei.

3.    We can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high .

A.    on our right when coming to a sharp bend

B.    on the Rhine hillsides

C.    from the Rhine Valley

D.    on the boat

4.    The song of the Lorelei is about .

A.    the Rhine wine

B.    a rocky cliff

C.    the beautiful scenery along the Rhine  River

D.    a beautiful and dangerous beauty

University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldn't stand seeing good food thrown out on their campus. "We basically noticed that some of the extra food from the dining hall was going to waste at the end of the day. And we met with the dining services and asked them whether it would be okay if instead of throwing out the food we would donate it. And they were on board," he said.

So 18 months ago, the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network. Each night, volun?teers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks. So far, they have donated more than 23, 000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out.

Nationwide, $ 165 billion worth of food is wasted each year, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Spokesman Bob Keefer says that is about 40% of the country's entire food production. **If we can re?duce our waste in this country by 15 %? we can feed 25 million hungry Americans. That is a huge benefit. That is what programmes like this Food Recovery Network are doing," he said.

Christian Life Centre is one of the beneficiaries (受益者)of the students' efforts. Ben Slye, the senior pas?tor (牧师),said? "It has been just amazing to see these students take their own time, their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this. Each week we are able with this food probably to feed over one hundred people.,,

University of Maryland's Food Recovery Network now has 200 volunteers and the programme has expand?ed to 18 schools across the country. "I want to grow 18 chapters to a thousand chapters within five years. And once we get to the Food Recovery Network being at ev?ery college campus inAmerica, we want to expand to restaurants and farms," said Simon.

The volunteers are committed to making that happen.

1.    The dining services in University  of Maryland

A.    threw out good food on campus

B.    enjoyed the talk with the students

C.    supported the volunteers' job

D.    donated their leftovers to the poor

2.    Volunteers  from  the  Food  Recovery Network

A.    started the Food Recovery Network two years ago

B.    delivered leftovers as well as money to shelters

C.    donated leftovers to avoid food waste

D.    helped to solve the hunger issues inAmerica

3.    Ben Slye's attitude towards the volunteers' efforts was that of .

A. unconcern  B. appreciation

C,  doubt      D. opposition

4.    What can be the best title for the text?

A.    Battles against the problem of hunger

B.    College students rescue leftover food

C.    How to pick up leftovers on college campus

D.    Waste problems in University  of Maryland

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