


Everyone has his own way of saying things and his own special expressions. Many everyday American expressions are based 9. __________ colours. Red is a hot colour. Americans often use 10. __________ to express heat. They may say they are red-hot about something unfair. When they are red-hot they

are very 11._____ (anger) about something. The small hot-tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods 12. ___________(call) red hots for their colour and their spicy taste. Fast loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red-hot, 13.______(especial) the kind called Dixieland jazz. Pink is a 14._____ (light) kind of red. People sometimes say they are in the pink 15.____ they are in good health. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the 16. ___________ (twenty) century. It probably comes from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink colour 17._____ shows that they are in good health.

  Blue is a cool colour. The traditional blues music in the United States is 18._____ opposite of red-hot music. Blues is slow, sad and soulful (深情的).Someone who is blue is very sad.


9.on   be based on依据,根据。

10. it用it特指前文的red。


12.are called   句子主语the small hot-tasting peppers与call之间是被动关系,结合语境时态可知填are called.

13. especially他们的音乐可以说是劲爆,尤其是那种被称为Dixie?land jazz, especially ac?". 特别,尤其。

14.lighter   粉红色是一种淡红色。故填lighter,

15. when当人们身体健康时会说红光满面。用when引导时间状语从句。

16.twentieth   at the beginning of the twentieth century在二十世纪


17.that/which   此句是一个定语从句,先行词a nice pink colour指物,从句缺少主语,故填that/which,

18.the美国传统的布鲁斯音乐正好与爵士乐相反。根据介词of 可知opposite前用定冠词表示"对立面"。


I.阅读理解[2015 •山东临沂高三第二次模拟]

  You may have experienced the annoyance of being fined because of parking illegally

or finding your car towed away(拖走)after leaving it parked somewhere for a couple of 

mi?nutes. But now a high-tech car sticker that's designed to be stuck to a car's 

windscreen could help motorists avoid such a situation.

    The TowStop sticker sends a text message to a driver when touched by a traffic 

policeman, to allow motorists to send a reply and give them time to move their cars 

immediate?ly. Frankfurt-based IT consultant, Daniel Kalliontzis?came up with the idea 

and is raising money to put his £ 54 (£43) sticker into production.Car owners can put 

the sticker inside their car's wind?screen, having set it up with key information, such

as their phone number. The slim design will include a sensor(传感器) that when touched

by a traffic policeman, will send a text message warning a driver of a possible fine. 

The driver could then type a reply for the policeman using a smart phone, which will 

appear on the sticker's screen.

    The smart sticker system will rely on the good will of traffic policemen and in 

a way,a German law. The law states: an officer has to choose the most efficient and 

inexpensive way for the car owner to remove the vehicle. It could be chea?per for the 

government to call the driver than to tow his car.

    Mail Online asked the Department of Transport whether the sticker could be used 

in the UK in a similar way. A spokesman said," In England there is no legal duty to 

warn the motorist before issuing the ticket. However, a policeman does have the 

discretion not to issue a ticket if he doesn't think the situation is that bad or he 

just wants to issue a warning."

    So far,Mr Kalliontzis has raised just over 362) of his ?50,000(£39,381) goal. 

If he manages to raise the money, the stickers will be shipped. But it appears that 

car owners using the smart system could get some unnecessary warning messages, because

anyone could touch the smart sticker.

1.The author wrote the third paragraph to .

A.explain how a smart car sticker works

B.advise drivers to buy a car sticker

C.show the importance of a sensor

D.tell drivers how to park a car

2.We may infer from the text that in Britain .

A. car owners don't have to worry about a parking ticket

B.smart car stickers wouldn't work as well as in Germa?ny

C.traffic policemen prefer to call a driver rather than tow his car

D.the Department of Transport thinks highly of smart car stickers

3.The underlined word " discretion" in Paragraph 5 can best be replaced by " ,,.

A. trouble B. pressure

C.  freedom D. opportunity

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Daniel Kalliontzis―a great inventor

B.Environment-friendly car stickers

C.Parking systems in Europe

D.End of the parking ticket?

Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 .洛阳高三二模]



If you feel depressed, it's best to do something about it―depression doesn't just go away on its owts. In addition to getting help from a doctor or counsellor, here are four things you can do to feel better.

Exercise. Take a 15-to 30-minute walk every day―or dance, jog, or bike if you prefer. People who are depressed may not feel much like being active. 5 Once you get in the exercise habit, it won't take long to notice a difference in your mood.

Cherish yourself with good nutrition. Depression can af?fect appetite. One person may not feel like eating at all, but another might overeat. If depression has affected your eating, you'll need to be extra mindful of getting the right food.

  6 So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get regular meals (even if you don't feel hungry, try to eat something light, like a piece of fruit, to keep you going).

Identify troubles. 7 When you know what's got you feeling blue and why, talk about it with a caring friend. Talk?ing is a way to release the feelings and to receive some under?standing. If there's no one to tell, pouring your heart out to a journal works just as well.

 8 Depression affects a person's thoughts making everything seem dark, negative, and hopeless. If depression has you noticing only the negative, make an effort to notice the good things in life. Try to notice one thing, and then try to think of one more.  Consider your strengths ? gifts , or blessings. Most of all, don't forget to be patient with your?self. 9

A. Look on the bright side.

B. Take action to solve problems.

C. But make yourself do it anyway.

D. Depression takes time to heal.

E. Proper nutrition can influence a person's mood and ener?gy.

F. With depression, a person's creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked.

G. Try to make out any situations that have contributed to your depression.

Ⅱ.完形填空[2015 城市时杨中学高三第三次调研]

I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education. If they can 9 it, they will certainly send them to the best universities. But they need not feel 10 if they can't. If the children really want to go, they'll find a 11 . There are plenty of loans and scholarships for the bright and 12 ones who can't afford to pay.

When children grow up and want to 13 , their par?ents do not owe them a down payment on a house. They do not have the 14 to babysit their grandchildren. If they want to do it, it must be considered a 15 but not an obli?gation (责任 ,义 务).

Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a person?al 16 A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly 17 to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so 18 , so afraid of failing that he (or she) wont try at all. Of course they should be 19 correc?ted when they do wrong, but it's often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves 20 . All our parents should do is trust them, respect them, tolerat"宽容)them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand 21 . When criticisms(批评)are really needed, they should be  22  with praises, with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

   Parents owe their children a set of solid values around 23  to build their lives.  This means teaching them to 24 the rights and opinions of others ; it means being respectful to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by deed and 25 . A child who is lied to will 26 . A child who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have difficulty laughing and loving.

   No child asks to be 27  If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child 28 .

9.A.find                                      B. afford
 C.get                                        D. accept

10. A. disappointed                           B. unhappy
C.  guilty                                 D. dissatisfied

11.A.supply                                   B. hope
C.way                                         D. hand

12. A. healthy                                  B. honest
C.  eager                                    D. wealthy

13.A. get a job                              B.  get married
C.  go abroad                           D.  live alone

14.A.time                                      B. duty
C.  right                                      D. energy

15. A. service                                    B. pleasure
C.  habit                                      D. favour

16.A.affair                                      B. value
C.  belief                                    D. ability

17. A. compared                                B. brought
C.  forced                                    D. taken

18. A. unusual                                  B. unsure
C.   unknown                               D. unfair

19.A. gently                                  B. properly
C.  nearly                                  D. possibly

20.  A. in time                            B.  now and then
C.  at once                                D.  right now

21. A. honour                                 B.  failure
C.  progress                                 D. test

22. A. mixed                                  B. included
C,   balanced                             D. shared

23.A.it                                     B. which
C.  whom                                  D. what

24. A. consider                                B. refuse
C.  follow                                 D. respect

25. A. blame                                 B. experience
C.  example                                D. lesson

26.A.lie                                     B. win
C. lose                                    D.cry

27.A.praised                                B. born
C. alone                                  D. poor

28. A. everything                               B. nothing

C. anything                           D. something

Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 •天水市高三第五次检测]


We spend so much time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, and looking for that special love. Unfortunately, that's not usually how life works. To be loved, you should love and respect yourself as much as you do others. In order to love someone, you should love yourself.

•    Stop comparing yourself to others. 5 We all have different gifts. When you compare yourself to others for what they have, whether it is a car, a house, or a job, it makes you feel bad about yourself. Really be grateful about every?thing you have. Gratitude keeps your heart open to love.

•Practise receiving love. To truly love is to be able to receive it. When someone loves you, does some kind deeds to you, or says kind words, accept it. 6 Know that you are worthy of love. It is important to accept a gift of love by oth?ers. You give yourself a chance to learn more about yourself that you are lovable. 7

•        8 Write about your experiences, good and bad. When you write down good experiences, allow yourself to feel those feelings. When you remember bad experiences, allow yourself to feel self-compassion. Compassion is not self-pity, but rather willingness to accept one's own pain and regret.

•     Stop trying to be perfect. Stop blaming yourself for being less than perfect. 9

Just follow all the steps above and don't let anyone's ex?pectations of you put any pressure on you.

A.     Keep a diary.

B.     Appreciate yourself.

C.     Do not feel sorry about it.

D.     Always do your best, but not reaching perfection is not a failure.

E.     Allow yourself to feel the love that has come your way.

F.      You give someone a joy of giving by loving you.

G.     Everyone on the earth is unique.

James Dean was not very tall—he was less than av?erage height. He had thick, light brown hair and blue eyes. He was so short-sighted that he could hardly see anything without his glasses.

He came to Hollywood when he was eighteen, ho?ping to get into the movies. At first, he was not suc?cessful at all, and for a time he was so short of money that he had to live entirely on dry oatmeal(燕麦片). Then he went to New York. He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan. Kazan was planning the movie East of Eden and realized Dean would be perfect for one of the main roles.

By this time, Dean already had a reputation for be?ing strange and difficult to work with. He then went back to Hollywood to make East of Eden and then made two more movies, Rebel Without a Cause and Giant. He almost always wore the same overcoat and jeans and he had hardly any friends at all. "If he didn't like you, he wouldn't even give you the pleasure of his anger. You could be in the same telephone booth with him, but you wouldn't exist,"someone who knew him said later.

In spite of his poor eyesight, he loved driving fast motorcycles and even faster sports cars. A few days af?ter he finished Giant , Dean went for a drive in his new Porsche. It was evening and the light was poor. Dean was not wearing his glasses. Suddenly, he saw a car in front of him. Il was slowing down and trying to turn off the highway. Dean tried to slow down too, but it was too late. He hit the car at high speed and was killed im?mediately.

Two German girls killed themselves when they heard the news because "life would be unbearable with?out him. " A few years later, a New York salesclerk wrote a book called Jimmy Dean Returns in which she claimed that she was in contact with Dean from the other side of the grave. Half a million copies of the book were sold. It was only the beginning of a strange legend that goes on, even today.

1.    According to the passage, James Dean  .

A.    had poor eyesight but wore no glasses

B.    went to Hollywood to direct a play

C.    often got his clothes changed

D.    was once a poor man in Hollywood

2.    Which is the most important to Dean's success in his career?

A, He directed a successful movie.

B.    He played a role in Elia Kazan's movie.

C.    He wrote a play for a famous director.

D.    His strange temper made him very famous.

3.    Which of the following is probably TRUE about Dean?

A.    He acted in two plays in Hollywood.

B.    He was too shy to express himself.

C.    He committed suicide on a highway.

D.    He was a crazy fan in fast driving.

4.    What does the passage intend to tell us?

A.    The death of James Dean.

B.    James Dean's movies.

C.    The beginning of a legend.

D.    The life of an actor.

The purpose of the TOEFL test is to evaluate the English level of people who are non-native English speakers. The TOEFL test on computer combines many of the same question types as the traditional paper-based test with new question types that are only offered in the computer format (格式).This is an easy-to-use testing system for even the most basic computer users.

Section,score and time:

1)    Listening Comprehension: 0〜30 points; measures a student's ability to understand North American English. 30 to 49 questions with 15〜25 minutes to answer the ques?tions. 40〜60 minutes to complete the entire section. The clock runs while you are answering questions , but not while you are listening to conversations and talks.

2)    Structure: 0~30 points; measures a student's a-bility to recognize language appropriate for standard written English. 20^-25 questions with 15〜25 minutes to complete the questions.

3)    Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension: 0〜30 points; measures a student's ability to understand non?technical reading material. 44〜55 questions with 70〜90 minutes to complete the section (includes time spent reading passages and answering questions).

4)Essay Writing: measures a student's ability to ex?press ideas in standard written English. One assigned es?say topic,with 30 minutes to write the essay.

The score from the essay in the Writing Section is included in the Structure score. The essay is graded on a scaled score of 0 to 6. Six is the highest possible score in the Writing Section.

You may take the TOEFL test only once in any cal?endar month. IMPORTANT: If you take the test more than once in a calendar month,your new scores will not be reported and your test fee will not be given back.

5.    Compared with the traditional test, the new TOEFL

test  .

A.    is much easier for non-native English speakers to pass

B.    requires exam takers to have good computer skills

C.    can better evaluate the English level of non-Eng?lish speakers

D.    has new question types that can only be carried out on the computer

6.    What can we learn about the Writing Section from the passage?

A.    Students are allowed to write freely in standard English.

B.    Essay Writing is the most difficult of the four sections.

C.    Essay Writing can best evaluate people's English level.

D.    Students can get six points at most in this sec?tion.

7.    The passage suggests that when you take a TOEFL

test, .

A.    you will spend less time answering questions than listening to them

B.    you will be examined on English grammar in the Structure Section

C.    your score will be reduced if you take it more than once a month

D.    you will have to pay larger test fees if you take a second test in a month

8.    If you take the TOEFL test in early May, the earli?est time you can take another is .

A.  in July    B.  in late May

C.   in June  D.  in early August

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