²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºseminar n£®ÑÐÌÖ»á agenda n£®Èճ̱í well-balanced adj¾ùºâ·¢Õ¹
How to Be an Efficient Learner£¿
Being Senior Three students£¬we have a tight schedule and seem to have endless homework to do every day£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄÌÖÂ۵Ļ°ÌâÊÇ"How to Be an Efficient Learner£¿"¿ÉÒÔ´Óʱ¼ä¹ÜÀí£¬Ô¤Ï°¸´Ï°£¬ÏàͬѧÀÏʦ½èÁ¦µÈ·½Ãæ×ÅÊÖÕ¹¿ªÐðÊö£¬Ìá¸ßѧϰµÄЧÂÊ£®ÒªÇó¿¼ÉúÔÚ±£Ö¤ÄÚÈÝÒªµãÈ«²¿¸ÅÀ¨µÄ»ù´¡ÉÏ¿ÉÒÔ³ä·Ö·¢»Ó×Ô¼ºµÄÏëÏ󣬽ø¶øÓÃ×Ô¼ºµÄÓïÑÔÀ´±í´ïijÖÖ¹Ûµã»ò¿´·¨£¬ÔöÌíÁËд×÷µÄÁé»îÐÔ£¬Í¬Ê±ÄܽϺõؿ¼²é¿¼ÉúµÄÏëÏóÄÜÁ¦ºÍÓ¢ÓïÓïÑÔ±í´ïÄÜÁ¦£®
ÁÁµã´Ê»ã¼°¾äʽ realistic agendaÏÖʵµÄ¼Æ»®±í refresh our mindʹͷÄÔÇåÐÑ All in all×ÜÖ® well-balanced ¾ùºâ·¢Õ¹
Firstly£¬we should make a realistic agenda£¬which lists all we have to do and the deadline to cover£®£¨¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍ£©
It's also important to read extra books to ensure you feed on new ideas from time to time£®£¨¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍ£©
½â´ð How to be an efficient learner£¿
Being Senior Three students£¬we have a tight schedule and seem to have endless homework to do every day£®Because of limited time£¬it's important to be an efficient learner£®But how can we become efficient learners£¿
Firstly£¬we should make a realistic agenda£¬which lists all we have to do and the deadline to cover£®£¨¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍ£©Secondly£¬divide our spare time into several parts to make sure we go through all the subjects and try to be well-balanced students£®Thirdly£¬take regular exercise to refresh our mind and energy and ensure we are healthy enough to get round our lessons£®Remember£ºAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy£®Besides£¬hold informal seminars to discuss with classmates about difficult problems and find best solutions£®It's also important to read extra books to ensure you feed on new ideas from time to time£®£¨¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍ£©
All in all£¬efficiency is the key to success£®
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Danny came to my school in seventh grade£®He was handsome and smart£®I fell for him at once and so were many girls£®That£¬£¨36£©A£¬soon changed£®
Danny had been in our school for about a week when his parents picked him up in a/an£¨37£©
D car that made loud noise£®Obviously that Danny was poor and he was no longer £¨38£©B material£®
I had a poor family too£» I just £¨39£©C it from everyone£®I was so ashamed of my situation that I never had kids come over to my house£®I felt like my friends would judge me if they knew the truth£®It was a lot of work keeping my £¨40£©B£¬but I figured it was easier than it would be to have no friends£®
One day£¬our teacher£¬Mr£®Sims£¬announced that the seventh-grade field trip would be to an amusement park£®The classroom was filled with £¨41£©C as the girls discussed what to wear and what to bring with them£®I felt£¨42£©D£®But not Danny£®He simply told everyone that he wouldn't be going£®When asked why£¬Danny stood up and stated£¬"I can't£¨43£©A it£®My dad hurt his back and has been out of £¨44£©B£®I'm not asking my parents for money£®"
Sitting back in his seat£¬Danny held his head up £¨45£©C£¬even though whispering had begun£®"Dan£¬I'm very proud of you for£¨46£©A the situation that your parents are in£®Not every student can do that£®"replied Mr£®Sims£®Glaring at us£¬he spoke again£¬only louder£®
"We're going to do things differently£®The trip is not until the end of the month£¬so we have plenty of time £¨47£©D fund-raising£®Each student will be responsible for bringing in an idea for fund-raising£®Bring them in tomorrow£®If a student doesn't want to£¨48£©B£¬he or she will be spending the field trip day here at the school£®Any questions£¿"
While walking home£¬I£¨49£©C some boys talking with Danny£®I worried that they were giving him a£¨50£©D time£¬but as I got closer£¬I realized they were just £¨51£©A about the best ideas for a fund-raiser£®
In order to £¨52£©D in the class£¬I lied and came up with excuse after excuse£®But Danny made a£¨53£©A in my life by standing up and admitting he was poor£®I no longer felt I had to £¨54£©B£®And the funny thing was that my friends stuck by me when I finally let them get closer£®
Danny£¬because of his courage and£¨55£©C rather than his great looks£¬is someone I will never forget£®
36£®A£®however | B£®therefore | C£®thus | D£®so |
37£®A£®expensive | B£®shining | C£®sports | D£®old |
38£®A£®boss | B£®boyfriend | C£®teacher | D£®actor |
39£®A£®distinguished | B£®separated | C£®hid | D£®heard |
40£®A£®word | B£®secret | C£®promise | D£®diary |
41£®A£®disappointment | B£®concern | C£®excitement | D£®pride |
42£®A£®confident | B£®curious | C£®surprised | D£®upset |
43£®A£®afford | B£®understand | C£®take | D£®believe |
44£®A£®debt | B£®work | C£®sight | D£®control |
45£®A£®sadly | B£®eagerly | C£®proudly | D£®worriedly |
46£®A£®understanding | B£®improving | C£®avoiding | D£®creating |
47£®A£®to | B£®on | C£®at | D£®for |
48£®A play | B£®contribute | C£®escape | D£®register |
49£®A£®imagined | B£®suggested | C£®noticed | D£®left |
50£®A£®meaningful | B£®free | C£®good | D£®hard |
51£®A£®debating | B£®complaining | C£®learning | D£®writing |
52£®A£®check | B£®live | C£®stay | D£®fit |
53£®A£®difference | B£®sense | C£®challenge | D£®fortune |
54£®A£®hesitate | B£®lie | C£®win | D£®suffer |
55£®A£®intelligence | B£®silence | C£®honesty | D£®kindness£® |