
15.Our modern life is changing our eating habits.We are spending too much time in front of TV or computers and(61)becoming(become)"couch potatoes"or"mouse potatoes".We also eat too much junk food and we don't get enough exercise.The foods we find in the supermarket are sometimes no  (62)benifinical(benefit) to us,and it is difficult to know exactly(63)whatwe are eating when we buy ready-made or pre-prepared dishes.Considering this situation,it is becoming(64)more(much) important than ever (65)to make(make) sure that we keep a healthy diet.
    A healthy diet gives us the calories we need and don't contain too much fat.The number of calo-ries we need(66)changes(change) depending on what kind of body we have (are we short,tall,heavy etc.)
and how active we are.Quality food,or healthy food,gives us calories in the best way.Junk food,(67)onthe other hand,gives us few calories and lots of fat and sugar.If we eat too much fat and sugar,we will put on(68)weight(weigh) easily.in order to live(69)ahappy and long life,we should keep a(70)balanced(balance)diet.

分析 本段文字告诉我们,现代化的生活方式改变了人类的生活习惯,现在很多人把大量时间都泡在电视和电脑上,并且经常吃一些垃圾食品而又得不到足够的锻炼.有些时候我们在超市里看到的事物对我们比一定有益处,健康的饮食能提供我们身体所需要的能量,而不会包含过多的脂肪,一个人所需要的能量取决于他的体型和活动量.健康的食物能以最好的方式给人类提供能量,相反,垃圾食品则包含过多的脂肪和糖分,会使人变胖.所以,为了保持健康延长寿命,人们应该保持饮食的平衡.

解答 61.becoming;考查并列结构,这里becoming和前面的spending是并列成分,所以形式要保持一致,用现在分词形式.
65.to make;考查动词不定式,结合上下文,空格处用不定式表示目的.
66.changes;考查动词的时态,本文通篇运用了一般现在时,句子的主语是The number,所以这里要用动词的第三人称单数形式.
67.on;考查固定短语,on the other hand是固定搭配,意为"另一方面".
68.weight;考查名词,根据句意,空格处应该用名词形式.weight做动词短语put on的宾语.
70.balanced;考查分词作形容词,这里用过去分词作形容词,balanced diet意为"健康的饮食".

点评 首先要通读全文,了解大意,抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,仔细分析带空格的句子,明确空格所要填的词义,词型和短语搭配给出所要填的正确形式,然后整体阅读短文,核对答案.

1.It was 6a.m.on a March day trip to the Tennessee Aquarium (水族馆).As the kids(21)C the bus,5th-grade teacher Amy King made a small talk with the 75-year-old driver.
She settled into a (22)A seat for the three-hour ride.About an hour later,(23)C,she felt the bus changed the direction across the highway.The children (24)B.
King's first thought was about the(25)D,and she turned around and said,"Guys,it's fine.Calm down."Then,the bus seemed to have resumed (恢复) course.(26)A when she turned to the driver,she saw him(27)C forward in his seat.Meanwhile the bus rushed,uncontrolled,down the road at 70miles an hour.She jumped to the driver's side and tired to wake him up--until a terrible thing focused her attention.They were going (28)B the road.
In a second,she made her (29)D.Leaning over the driver,she put one hand on the wheel and she pulled the wheel back to the right.(30)A,the bus didn't react so smoothly.It moved from side to side.King kept her balance,but the bus was (31)B her control.It was really (32)D.In all the chaos (混乱),a voice in King's head told her,"You'd better find something to hang on to."She grabbed a pole as (33)A as she could.Just then the bus turned over,(34)B children out of their seats and down the aisle (过道) and sending King through the fro nt window.The bus slid through the grass on its roof for several yards(35)B finally coming to rest,and the(36)C children began climbing their way out through the broken windows.
(37)D,none of the children were killed.King was immediately sent to the hospital,(38)Ddoctors treated her for bad injury.
King returned to the school this past August to cheers and praise--(39)C she seems embarrassed by all the attention."I don't think I'm a hero."she says,adding a lesson (40)A a teacher has passed on to her students:"I just did the best I could."

3.[1]It's summer time.A lot of people are eating outside while enjoying the sunshine. But if you don't properly take care of the grill or the food you're cooking on it,you could wind up making people sick.
[2]According to Dr.Elizabeth Hagen,the under secretary for food safety at the U.S.Department of Agriculture,people may neglect the importance of food safety during cookouts,because they're busy entertaining and do not have the same"sense of food handling"they might have in the kitchen.However,Hagen noted it's important to be cautious no  matter where you cook,because thousands of people are admitted to hospitals every year  for food-related illnesses."Forty-eight million people in the United States get sick every  year from food poisoning.Forty-eight million,"Hagen said."And 128,000 of them end up  in the hospital;30,000 of them will die from food-related illness each year in the United  States.That's why this is worth talking about,raising awareness,and giving people the in-formation they need to reduce the risk."
[3]Hagen listed________to keeping food safe.The first step is to clean your hands,tools and food surfaces before you cook.Then you should separate raw meat from foods that won't be cooked.Besides,you need to use a meat thermometer(温度计)to cook to the proper temperature.   
[4]"When you're eating outside the rule is two hours,"Hagen said."You really can't  leave things sitting out for more than two hours,and if the temperature is above thirty-two   degrees,which is often in July,you can't leave things out for more than one hour.So get   them back into the cooler,back into the refrigerator as soon as possible."
66.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.但如果你不妥善照顾烤肉或你做的食物,你可能会以使人生病收尾 
67.Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2.(no more than 3  words)
The number of patients withfood-related illnessestends to rise when summer comes.
68.Why do you think Hagen emphasizes the words"Forty-eight million"?(no more than 10 words)to stress the seriousness of the problem 
69.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 2 words)three steps
70.In what situation can you leave foods out for more than an hour?(no more than 8    words)Whenthe temperature isbelow thirty-two degrees.
17.As the population of the planet increases,so does the number of homes,businesses,parking lots,schools,airports and roadways.All these structures require electricity to be lighted.Humans demand these lights.They want their homes more comfortable and streets safe.The problem is that researchers have found that all this light has a negative effect on humans and wildlife as well,so please take care.
Less than 10 years ago I drove to a less populated section of my town,lay down in the middle of the road and watched an attractive meteor shower(流星雨).The area was short of buildings and street lights.If I did that today,I wouldn't be able to see the meteor shower,but I would be surely run over by a car.
Nowadays scientists are finding light pollution can be almost as bad as CO2 Pollution.If you have ever taken a flight at night,you must remember the view of colored lights all around--it's beautiful but wasteful.How extensive this phenomenon is around the world!
Additionally,electricity needs to be created,and the process of creating that electricity will cause pollution by giving off greenhouse gases.This affects the air we breathe and our quality of life.
Apart from humans,it has been proved that wildlife is also suffering from light pollution.Thousands of birds die each year when they crash into highly lit buildings,as they are confused which direction they should go in by the light.It has been long known that tiny sea turtles become lost and follow lights on the shore instead of heading towards the sea.
Fortunately,light pollution is one of the easiest sources of pollution that can be corrected without a negative effect.We should not only pay more attention to light pollution,but also reduce light pollution by avoiding using unnecessary lighting.
56.The story given in Paragraph 2 is toD.
    A.describe the past beauty of the town
    B.show the advantage of a smaller population
    C.analyze the changes of lights in town
    D.prove the disadvantage of light pollution
57.The birds and tiny sea turtles die or get lost,becauseD.
    A.they are unable to see clearly at night
    B.their eyes are destroyed by right light
    C.electric lights prevent them from heading
    D.the light created by people misleads them
58.What would be the best title for the passage?B
    A.The Causes of Lights                B.Take care of Light pollution
    C.Ways of Reducing Light Pollution      D.The New Finding on Light.

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