
1.It was 6a.m.on a March day trip to the Tennessee Aquarium (水族馆).As the kids(21)C the bus,5th-grade teacher Amy King made a small talk with the 75-year-old driver.
She settled into a (22)A seat for the three-hour ride.About an hour later,(23)C,she felt the bus changed the direction across the highway.The children (24)B.
King's first thought was about the(25)D,and she turned around and said,"Guys,it's fine.Calm down."Then,the bus seemed to have resumed (恢复) course.(26)A when she turned to the driver,she saw him(27)C forward in his seat.Meanwhile the bus rushed,uncontrolled,down the road at 70miles an hour.She jumped to the driver's side and tired to wake him up--until a terrible thing focused her attention.They were going (28)B the road.
In a second,she made her (29)D.Leaning over the driver,she put one hand on the wheel and she pulled the wheel back to the right.(30)A,the bus didn't react so smoothly.It moved from side to side.King kept her balance,but the bus was (31)B her control.It was really (32)D.In all the chaos (混乱),a voice in King's head told her,"You'd better find something to hang on to."She grabbed a pole as (33)A as she could.Just then the bus turned over,(34)B children out of their seats and down the aisle (过道) and sending King through the fro nt window.The bus slid through the grass on its roof for several yards(35)B finally coming to rest,and the(36)C children began climbing their way out through the broken windows.
(37)D,none of the children were killed.King was immediately sent to the hospital,(38)Ddoctors treated her for bad injury.
King returned to the school this past August to cheers and praise--(39)C she seems embarrassed by all the attention."I don't think I'm a hero."she says,adding a lesson (40)A a teacher has passed on to her students:"I just did the best I could."


分析 在去水族馆的途中,老师Amy King 和五年级学生乘坐的汽车因75岁老司机突发意外而失控.在危机关头,Amy King挺身而出,竭尽全力去控制失控的汽车,并最终保证了学生的生命安全,但是Amy King却被甩出车外而受重伤.在康复后,重新回到学校的Amy King受到英雄般的欢迎,但Amy King却表示自己并不是英雄,自己只是尽力做了自己能做的事.

解答 21.C  考查动词辨析 A.miss错过、漏掉;B.catch赶上、抓住;C.board上(船、车或飞机);D.move移动、感动.由前一句"…trip to the Tennessee Aquarium"可知,学生是去水族馆游玩,所以此处应为"登车",故选C.
22.A  考查上下文串联 A.front前面的;B.back后面的;C.middle中间的;D.side旁边的、侧面的.由第三段第一句"…she turned around and…"可知,老师Amy King是坐在前面的位置,故选A.
23.C  考查上下文串联 A.lately近来、最近;B.finally最终;C.suddenly突然;D.gradually渐渐地.根据后文所叙述的事故可知,此处应为"突然"感到汽车改变了方向,故选C.
24.B  考查上下文串联 A.cheered欢呼;B.screamed尖叫;C.laughed大笑;D.ran逃跑.根据前一句"Suddenly,…the bus changed the direction"可知,汽车突然改变方向,学生的正常反应应是"尖叫",故选B.
25.D  考查上下文串联 A.teacher老师;B.driver司机;C.parents父母;D.kids孩子们.由后一句"she turned around and said,"Guys,it's fine.Calm down.""可知,Amy King首先想到的是学生(孩子们),故选D.
26.A  考查连词辨析  A.But但是;B.And和、而且;C.Or或者;D.So所以.根据"the bus seemed to have resumed (恢复) course"和"Meanwhile the bus rushed,uncontrolled…"可知,Amy觉得汽车恢复正常了,而实际上汽车失控了,两者之间是转折关系,故选A.
27.C  考查动词辨析  A.standing站立;B.walking行走;C.bending弯曲、屈身;D.moving移动.由该段中"…tired to wake him up"可知,此时司机应该是往前趴着的,故选C.
28.B  考查介词辨析  A.along沿着…;B.off脱离、离开;C.on在…上;D.with和…一起.由前一句"a terrible thing…"可知,汽车应该是可能"驶离"公路,故选B.
29.D  考查固定搭配  A.living生活、生计;B.money金钱;C.mind主意、想法;D.decision决定、决心.make decision为固定搭配,意为"作出决定",后面Amy的行动是在几秒间"作出决定",故选D.
30.A  考查副词辨析  A.However然而;B.Then然后;C.Soon一会、很快;D.therefore因此.由"she put one hand on the wheel and she pulled the wheel back to the right"和"the bus didn't react so smoothly"可知Amy采取措施想要控制汽车,而实际上汽车并没恢复正常,所以两者存在转折意义,故选A.
31.B  考查介词辨析  A.within在…的范围内;B.beyond超过…的范围;C.under在…下面;D.in在…里面.由前一句"It moved from side to side"可知,汽车失控,所以应该是"超出"她的控制,故选B.
32.D  考查形容词辨析  A.exciting令人激动的;B.anxious令人焦虑的;C.nervous紧张不安的;D.frightening令人恐惧的.汽车失控,肯定是令人恐惧的,故选D.
33.A  考查副词辨析  A.tightly紧紧地;B.carefully谨慎地;C.gently温柔地;D.hardly几乎不.汽车失控,Amy当然是"紧紧地"抓住杆,故选A.
34.B  考查动词辨析  A.kicking踢、蹬;B.throwing抛;C.hurrying 催促、仓促(做某事);D.pulling拉.由"Just then the bus turned over"和"…children out of their seats"可知,因翻车,学生被从位置上"抛"出来,故选B.
35.B  考查连词辨析 A.after在…以后;B.before在…以前;C.unless除非;D.when当…时候.句意:在最终停下来"之前",汽车在草地上滑行了几码远,故选B.
36.C  考查形容词辨析 A.delighted高兴的;B.relaxed轻松的;C.terrified吓坏了的;D.interested感兴趣的.汽车失控并最终翻车,孩子们当然应该是"吓坏了的",故选C.
37.D  考查副词辨析 A.Worriedly担心地;B.Sadly悲哀地;C.Obviously明显地;D.Fortunately幸运地.由后一句"none of the children were killed"可知,应用Fortunately幸运地,故选D.
38.D  考查定语从句  先行词为the hospital,指地点,所以应用where,故选D.
39.C  考查状语从句  该句大意为:她回到学校时受到欢呼和表扬---尽管这样被大众关注让她很尴尬,故选C.
40.A  考查固定搭配  A.many许多;B.all全部;C.few很少;D.some一些."many a+可数名词单数"为固定搭配,意为"许多、很多",该句意为:这是很多老师都会给学生上的一课"尽我所能".

点评 完形填空题是考查语言的应用能力.在解题时,要把握文章的整体,充分考虑上下文和语境,不能拘泥于词汇本身.对于故事类文章,还要充分利用文章的情节暗示和作者的述事方法.

7.Social Networking and Its Effect
Social networking has become an unquestionable part of our everyday lives.Those who have a life on the Internet do not always realize that they are losing their connections with the real world.Nowadays,a reputation online is more important.Some are even finding a way to make a living online.Social media seems to have quite the impact,especially on teenagers.
Years ago,before social networking existed,friends would go out and have a good time,and popularity in high school would be something of importance to a lot of people.Today,popularity means having a lot of followers on Twitter or Tumblr.Tumblr has its own way of creating"celebrities".Users are considered"Tumblr famous"if they have a high number of followers.Websites make us think that greatness is achieved just because thousands of strangers are familiar with your face.Popularity is not about having a lot of friends anymore; it is just about being known for absolutely nothing.
Social networking has its positives,considering it allows us to connect with friends and family in a matter of seconds.Although this is extremely useful,it is also destroying our ability to make real life conversations.People are attacked over the Internet,but do not say a word to each other in person.Social media is preventing us from standing up for ourselves the way we should be.Facebook limits our conversations that we have with people,which is why it is always better to strike up a conversation in person instead of through a computer screen.Social networking destroys the true meaning of human interaction.
Teens are finding new ways to make a living out of advertisements that they post on their social networking pages.Social networks allow them to make money without even getting up off the couch.Being out in the real world and working creates ways to communicate and is a crucial part of life,but that will be destroyed if young teens think it is okay to just make money through social media.Social networking makes things easier,but that does not always mean that it makes things better.
Social networking affects young lives and causes teens to grow up differently from how their older relatives have.They rely on their blogs and pages to communicate with people,keep up with the latest trends and enjoy their separate little world.Social media has ruined how life should be:fun,adventurous and exciting.Instead,it has turned most teenagers into anti-social couch potatoes.There needs to be a break from social networking so young people can once again live a real life in the real world.
Title:Social Networking and Its Effect

IntroductionOur daily lives are (71)closely/tightly connected to social networking,which has great impact in different aspects
Populairty online●For high school students today,popularity is (72)determined/decided by the number of followers they have on Twitter or Tumblr
●Popularity online concerns nothing but the (73)face
The (74)negativeeffects
of social networking
●Online (75)violence/attack occurs among people who actually do not know each other
●Facebook makes it (76)less likely for people to communicate in person
The impacts on
●Social networking allows teens to make money by (77)advertising online
●Teens make money without communicating in the real world,which is not necessarily a (78)good thing
●Teens (79)shut/separate/withdraw themselves from society,addicted to a virtual world
●Social networking (80)discourages/prevents/stops/keeps/blocks teens from living a fun,adventurous and exciting life
5.Apple Inc co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs,counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation,died on Wednesday at the age of 56,after a years-long and highly public battle with cancer.Mourners gathered outside his house in Palo Alto,California,and Apple stores around the world.
Steve Jobs made technology fun.As tech leaders,they're really happy if they have one hit in their life.Steve Jobs has the Apple II,the Mac,the iPod,the iPhone,the iPad and Pixar.
Steve Jobs was a college dropout.He was adopted by a machinist and his wife,an accountant.They supported his early interest in electronics.He and his friend Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer-now just called Apple-in 1976.They stayed at the company until 1985.That year,Steve Wozniak returned to college and Steve Jobs left in a dispute with the chief executive.
Mr Jobs then formed his own company,called NeXT Computer.He rejoined Apple in 1997after it bought NeXT.He helped remake Apple from a business that was in bad shape then to one of the most valuable companies in the world today.However,Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's chief executive in August because of his health.He died a day after the company released a new iPhone version that met with limited excitement.Steve left behind a company that only he could have built,and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.
President Obama said in a statement:by building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage,Steve Jobs exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity(独创性的).By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets,he made the information revolution not only accessible,but intuitive and fun.
The fact that he was able to redesign American commerce top to bottom and across is really stunning.He probably will be considered an industrial giant on the scale of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford,so one of the greatest of all time.Steve Jobs not only revolutionized technology,he also revolutionized American business.Steve Jobs was remembered as a"great visionary and leader"and a"marketing genius."

26.How did the people around the world probably feel when Steve Jobs died of cancer at the age of 56?C
A.Unfair.       B.Embarrassed.     C.Sorrowful.   D.Uncomfortable.
27.According to the second paragraph,the author wants to show thatB.
A.Steve Jobs has a lot of inventions in the field of computers
B.Steve Jobs makes great contributions to mankind in the field of computers
C.Tech leaders will be happy when they have one hit in their life
D.Steve Jobs owns many companies in America
28.Which of the following statements about Steve Jobs is NOT TRUE?D
A.Steve Jobs didn't finish his college.
B.Steve Jobs and his friend built a company called Apple Computer in 1976.
C.President Obama spoke highly of Steve Jobs for his achievements.
D.Steve Jobs was remembered as the founder of Apple and the Internet.
29.The underlined word"stunning"in the last paragraph probably meansB.
A.exciting         B.amazing     C.puzzling   D.interesting
30.This passage is mainly aboutC.
A.the inventions of Steve Jobs
B.the childhood of Steve Jobs
C.a brief introduction of Steve Jobs
D.the death of Steve Jobs.
13.Have you ever wished for a thirty-hour day?Surely this extra time would relieve the tremendous pressure which we live.Our lives leave a trail of unfinished tasks.Unanswered letters,unvisited friends,unwritten articles,and unread books haunt quiet moments when we stop to evaluate.We desperately need relief.
But would a thirty-hour day really solve the problem?Wouldn't we soon be just as frustrated as we are now with our twenty-four allotment?A mother's work is never finished,and neither is that of any manager,student,teacher,minister,or anyone else we know.Nor will the passage of time help us catch up.Children grow in number and age to require more of our time.Greater experience brings more exacting assignments.So we find ourselves working more and enjoying it less.We are accuslomed to working without stop.
When we stop to evaluate,we realize that our dilemma goes deeper than shortage of time; it is basically the problem of priorities(优先顺序).Actually hard work does not hurt us.We all know what it is to go full speed for long hours,totally involved in an important task.The resulting weariness is matched by a sense of achievement and joy.Not hard work,but doubt and misgiving (疑虑) produce anxiety as we review a month or year and become oppressed by the pile of unfinished tasks.We sense demands have driven us onto a reef of frustration.We confess,quite apart from our sins,"we have left undone those things,which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done."To do the urgent thing or to finisnh the important thing,is a sharp question.
Several years ago an experienced cotton-mill manager said to me,"Your greatest danger is letting the urgent things crowd out of the important."He didn't realized how hard his maxim hit.It often returns to haunt and rebuke me by raising the critical problem of priorities.
We live in constant tension between the urgent and the important.The problem is that the important task rarely must be done today,or even this week.The urgent task calls for instant action-endless demands,pressure every hour and day.
A man's home is no longer his castle; it is no longer a place away from urgent tasks because the telephone breaches the walls with imperious(专横的) demands.The momentary appeal of these tasks seems irresistible and important,and they devour our energy.But in the light of time's perspective their deceptive prominence fades; with a sense of loss we recall the important tasks pushed aside.We realize we've become slaves to the"tyranny(暴政) of the urgent."

51.The reason why we sometimes wish to have a thirty-hour day is that weC.
A.have too much work to complete  
B.need more time to enjoy our lives
C.need longer hours to ease pressure                
D.are used to working without stop
52.From Paragraph 3,we find anxiety increases when weD.
A.stop to think about our dilemma 
B.go full speed working at our task
C.are doing meaningless things    
D.recall lots of unfinished work
53.The motto that hits the writer tells usB.
A.to finish the urgent and the important thing
B.to avoid the urgent pushing out the important
C.the urgent thing shouldn't be done instantly
D.the important thing is different from the urgent
54.The writer presents the article to remind us thatA.
A.the urgent is not always to come first
B.the problem of time shortage is tough
C.the important is not always depressing
D.the way to deal with the urgent is hard.
10.Almost a decade after the hit Finding Nemo made clownfish seem totally warm and lovable,environmentalists are now looking for a real-life sequel:Saving Nemo.
    In the United States,a request has been made to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act to marine species including the clownfish.
But before you start shedding tears for Nemo and his buddies,keep in mind that this request is not based on any evidence of a decline in the clownfish population.Instead,what has sparked concern is the worsening health of coral reefs,which more than one million aquatic species including the clownfish depend on to thrive,even survive.
    In ways it makes more sense to move to protect a species when its habitat declines rather than its actual population.The most important mission of the Endangered Species Act is the protection of species'habitats; without their habitats,there's almost no hope of saving endangered animals,except perhaps in a zoo.
   Earlier this year,alarming news came about the world's largest coral reef system,Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR,大堡礁).A study has shown the Reef is in sharp decline,with half of its coral cover gone in the past 27 years.
    Katharina Fabricius,an Australian coral reef ecologist co-authoring the study,has been diving and working on the GBR since 1988-and has watched the decline."There are still a lot of fish…but not the same color and diversity as in the past,"she said.
   The study team used information from more than 2,000 surveys to determine the rate of decline between 1985 and 2012.That overall 50-percent decline,they estimate,is a yearly loss of about 3.4 percent of the Reef.If the trend continued,the coral cover could halve again by 2022.
   Several main factors are responsible for the decline,the study found.Intense tropical cyclones (热带气旋),believed to be fueled by global warming,have caused massive damage to reefs in the central and southern parts of the Reef.Meanwhile,population explosions of the coral-consuming crown-of-thorns starfish (长棘海星) have affected coral populations along the length of the Reef.Two severe coral bleaching (变白) events,caused by ocean warming,have also had major damaging impacts in northern and central parts of the GBR.
72.A request has been made in the United States to save the clownfish becauseB.
A.it is a totally warm and lovable species        
B.the health of its habitat is worsening
C.its population has dropped sharply          
D.few clownfish can be found in zoos
72.What does the underlined word"thrive"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?C
A.To feed oneself
B.To keep oneself safe.
C.To grow and develop well
D.To attract attention.
74.According to the article,what is the AUTHOR'S attitude toward the request in the U.S.?A
A.He/she supports it.
B.He/she finds it ridiculous.
C.He/she thinks it is reasonable but needs revising.
D.There's no WAY to tell.
75.According to the article,all of the following factors contribute to the decline of Great Barrier Reef's coral cover exceptA.
A.the growing popularity of scuba (水肺)diving around the Reef
B.stronger tropical cyclones fueled by global warming
C.the rapidly growing population of type of coral-eating starfish
D.coral bleaching caused by rising temperature of the ocean water.

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