
10.A good rest between classes______ recover brain power to its best and make us perform better in class later.(  )

分析 课间好好休息可以使大脑能力恢复到最佳状态并且使我们在后来的课堂上表现得更好.

解答 答案:A.
can 表示能力;must必须,应该,一定,准是;need 需要,必要;shall 1.用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,征求对方的意见和向对方请示.2.用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示说给对方的命令、决心、警告、允诺或威胁等3.用在条约、规章、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,一般用于第三人称.结合句意"课间好好休息可以使大脑能力恢复到最佳状态并且使我们在后来的课堂上表现得更好."可知,这里表示能够,所以can符合语境,故选A.

点评 本题考查情态动词的用法.要理解句意,掌握好各个情态动词的用法.充分利用语境,注意分清各个情态动词适用的句型,得出答案.

5.Does stress cause gray hair?Many people believe that tension and stress can cause your hair to lose its color.In fact,it is an old wives tale that being upset all the time can result in premature graying.Here is a closer look at this situation and why some believe that this old wives tale could be true.
As one ages,the hairs on the head also age.In fact,just about everything on the human body begins to show signs of wear and tear after a while.The joints wear and become stiff and skin wears and becomes wrinkled.Hairs on the head grow and eventually die.They are replaced,but in the process something else happens.
When new hairs are replaced,the color or pigment(色素)is also added to them.However,as one ages,this pigment becomes less and less available.At first,hairs will have a limited amount of pigment and they will appear to be grayish in color.In time,they will lose all of their pigment and will be white.Many things are known to cause graying.and genetics is a very powerful factor.If one of your parents turns gray at an early age,there is a good chance that you will too.Some people begin the graying process in high school,while others may be over the age of forty.
Constant worry and tension can have many harmful effects on the human body.It is a known fact that stressful times can cause one to suffer hair loss.It would make sense that if it can cause these problems,perhaps it also may contribute to graying.However,there,is no sound evidence to support this.
On the other hand,many medical professionals believe that there may be a link:between graying and a constant state of anxiety or,tension.Does stress cause gray hair?There is no scientific evidence to support the theory,but it is best to avoid stressful situations.
61.The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably meansB.
A.clever remarks           B.silly remarks
C.exciting remarks         D.disappointed remarks
62.The second paragraph mainly tells usD.
A.every part of body is replaced with age  B.hairs will grow weak but not die
C.skin becomes wrinkled with age           D.every part of body ages with age
63.What might play the most important role in the graying process?C
A.Genetics and the amount of sleeping time
B.The amount of food people eat and living environment
C.The amount of pigment and genetics
D.Genetics and the amount.of water people drink
64.According to the passage,continuous pressure may result inD.
A.a person's fatness           B.a person's fitness
C.a person's weight loss       D.a person's hair loss
65.From the passage we can infer thatA.
A.stress causing gray.hair is still in question
B.gray hair has nothing to do with tension.
C.stressful situations Can be of benefit.
D.sound evidence has been found.
12.Scientists have discovered thirteen kinds of vitamins.They say vitamins help to carry out chemical changes within cells.If we do not get enough of the vitamins we need in our food,we are at risk of developing a number of diseases.Which foods should be eaten to keep us healthy?Let us look at some important vitamins.
Vitamin A helps prevent skin and other tissues from becoming dry.People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot see well in darkness.Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil and the yellow part of eggs.
Vitamin B-1is also called thiamine.Thiamine changes starchy(含淀粉的)foods into energy.Thiamine is found not just in whole grains like brown rice,but also in beans and peas,nuts,and meat and fish.
Vitamin B-12is needed so folic acid can do its work.Together,they help produce red blood cells.Folic acid has been shown to prevent physical problems in babies when taken by their mothers during pregnancy.Vitamin B-12is found naturally in foods like eggs,meat,fish and milk products.Vitamin B-12is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods,like legumes and citrus fruits (柑橘类水果).
Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth.The body stores little vitamin C.So we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits,tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.
Vitamin D prevents the children's bone disease rickets (佝偻病).Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substance in the skin into vitamin D.Fish liver oil also contains vitamin D.
Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood.It thickens the blood around a cut to stop bleeding.It can also be found in pork products,liver and in vegetables like cabbage,kale and spinach (菠菜).
Vitamins are important to our health.A lack of required vitamins can lead to health problems.

28.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.There are thirteen kinds of vitamins in total.
B.One can not live without enough vitamins.
C.Vitamins can carry out chemical changes within cells.
D.Enough vitamins are vital to keep healthy.
29.Women who wish to become mothers should take inC.
A.vitamin A      
B.vitamin B-1      
C.vitamin B-12      
D.vitamin C
30.What can change a substance in the skin into vitamin D?B
A.Fish liver oil.
B.Ultraviolet light from the sun.
C.Fresh milk drunk by people.
D.Doing a certain amount of exercise.
31.According to the passage,taking in enough vitamin C canC.
A.make our eyesight better             
B.help to stop bleeding
C.make our bones and teeth strong       
D.help produce red blood cells.

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