
【题目】According to research, children whose parents __________ are more likely to have difficulty __________ their studies.

A. split up ; concentrating on

B. broke into ;to focus on

C. gave up ;concentration on

D. put into ; focusing on


【解析】have difficulLy (in) doing sth. 为固定搭配。句意:根据研究,父母离异的孩子更有可能在集中注意力学习方面有困难。split up离异,分开;break into强行闯入;giv up放弃;put into投入;concentrate on集中注意力于;focus on(把……)集中(于)。


【题目】Utopia is a perfect place. It is a place without war, hunger, poverty, or crime. It is a place where the people work together and share. There is no money in Utopia because the people do not need money. They do not have personal possessions because everything belongs to everyone. All of the people are equal in Utopia, and the laws are all fair.

Utopia is not a new place. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, described a perfect society in his famous dialogue The Republic. In Plato’s Republic, philosophers were the kings, and every person had a place in the society. In 1516, Sir Thomas More wrote about an island in the Pacific Ocean where everything was perfect. He named the island

Utopia”. In 1602, Tommaso Campanella wrote The City in the Sun about a perfect community on the island of Ceylon ( now Sri Lanka ) ; and in 1872, Samuel Butler wrote a novel about a perfect country which he named Erewhon”. Utopia” is a Greek word that means not a place”, and “Erewhon” is the English word nowhere” spelled backwards.

Utopia is a perfect place, but it is not a real place. Most ‘real’ Utopias last only a short time. This is because everyone wants to live in it, but no one knows how to make it work. As a result, when we say something is Utopia’ today, we mean that it is a good idea, but it is not realistic.

1Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. A place without war B. A Good Idea

C. A Perfect Place D. The Utopian Community

2The reason why there are no personal possessions in Utopia is that ______.

A. everything belongs to everyone

B. the people don’t need money

C. all of the people are created equal

D. the laws are reasonable

3The idea of a perfect society was first suggested by ________.

A. Plato B. Tommaso Campanella

C. Samuel Butler and D. Sir Thomas More

4“Utopia”is a word which came from _________

A. English B. Greek C. French D. Chinese

5According to the passage, most ‘real’ Utopias last only a short time because _______.

A. no one wants to be a leader

B. no one knows how to make a perfect society

C. it is difficult to collect money

D. everyone wants to live in Utopia

【题目】I came to Shawshank when I was just twenty,and I am one of the few people in the ______ who is willing to admit what he did.I ______ murder.I put a large insurance policy on my wife,who was three years older than I was,and then I fixed the brakes of the car her father had given us ______ a wedding present. It worked out ______ as I had planned, ______that I hadn’t planned on her stopping to pick up the neighbour woman and the woman’s son on the way down Castle Hill and into town.The brakes let go and the car crashed through the bushes,_____ speed.Bystanders said it must have been doing fifty or better when it hit the base of the Civil War statue in the town and burst into ______

I ______ hadn’t planned on getting caught.My state has no death penalty,but I was tried for all three ______ and given three life sentences,to run one after the other.That fixed up any ______ of parole(假释)I might have,for a long,long time.The judge ______ what I had done‘an extremely evil crime’, and it was ,but it is also in the past now.

Have I ______ myself,you ask? I don’t know what that word means,at least as far as prisons and corrections go.I think it’s a politician’s word.It may have some other ______,and it may be that I will have a chance to find out,but that is the ______...

I was young,good—looking,and from the ______ side of town.I met a pretty,headstrong girl who lived in one of the fine old houses on Carbine Street.She got pregnant later.Her father was agreeable to the ______ if I would take a job in the company he owned and _____ my way up.I found out that what he really had in mind was keeping me in his house and under his thumb,like a disagreeable ______ that has not quite been housebroken and which may bite.Enough hate ____54__ piled up to cause me to do what I did.

______ a second chance I would not do it again,but I'm not sure that means I am transformed.

【1A. prison B. town C. city D. situation

【2A. attempted B. committed C. made D. admitted

【3A. for B.with C.over D. as

【4A.eventually B.roughly C. exactly D. especially

【5A.besides B. except C. beside D. despite

【6A.reducing B.building C. gathering D. rising

【7A. flames B. crying C. laughter D. ruins

【8A.even B.ever C.therefore D. also

【9A. murderers B. deaths C. persons D.crimes

【10A. chance B. choice C. case D. ability

【11A. assumed B.regarded C. ensured D. called

【12A. transformed B.skipped C.enjoyed D.resigned

【13A. responsibility B. aspect C. meaning D. occasion

【14A.case B. future C.problem D. dream

【15A.rich B.other C. poor D.wealthy

【16A. marriage B. relationship C. ownership D.engagement

【17A. wind B. come C. work D.walk

【18A. animal B. dog C. cat D. pet

【19A. occasionally B. eventually C. permanently D. cautiously

【20A. Given B.Considering C.Having D. Assuming

【题目】Sports account for a growing amount of income made on the sales of commercial time by television companies. Many television companies have used sports to attract viewers from particular sections of the general public,and then they have sold audiences to advertisers.

An attraction of sport programs for the major U. S. media companies is that events are often held on Saturday and Sunday afternoonsthe slowest time periods of the week for general television viewing. Sport events are the most popular weekend programs, especially among male viewers who may not watch much television at other times during the week. This means the television networks are able to sell advertising time at relatively high prices during what normally would be dead time for programming.

Media corporations also use sports to attract commercial sponsors that might take their advertising dollars elsewhere if television stations did not report certain sports. The people in the advertising departments of major corporations realize that sports attract male viewers. They also realize that most business travelers are men and that many men make family decisions on the purchases of computers, cars and life insurance.

Golf and tennis are special cases for television programming. These sports attract few viewers, and the ratings (收视率)are unusually low. However, the audience for these sports is attractive to certain advertisers. It is made up of people from the highest income groups in the United States, including many lawyers and business managers. This is why television reporting of golf and tennis is sponsored by companies selling high-priced cars,business and personal computers,and holiday trips. This is also why the networks continue to carry these programs regardless of low ratings. Advertisers are willing to pay high fees to reach high-income consumers and those managers who make decisions to buy thousands of company cars and computers. With such viewers,these programs don't need high ratings to stay on the air.

【1】Television sport programs on weekend afternoons __________.

A. result in more sport events

B. get more viewers to play sports

C. make more people interested in television

D. bring more money to the television networks

【2】Why would weekend afternoons become dead time without sport programs?

A. Because there would be few viewers.

B. Because the advertisers would be off work.

C. Because television programs would go slowly.

D. Because viewers would pay less for watching television.

【3】In many families, men make decisions on __________.

A. holiday trips

B. sports viewing

C. television shopping

D. expensive purchases

【4】The ratings are not important for golf and tennis programs because __________.

A. their advertisers are carmakers

B. their viewers are attracted by sports

C. their advertisers target at rich people

D. their viewers can afford expensive cars

【5】What is the passage mainly about?

A. Television ratings are determined by male viewers.

B. Rich viewers contribute most to television companies.

C. Sports are gaining importance in advertising on television.

D. Commercial advertisers are the major sponsors of sport events.

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