
12.Eating different colored foods can keep you healthy,as well as change your mood and behavior.Here is a list of colors,which can change your life.
Blue is considered to be peaceful and calming and it has the same effect on our health.The blue/purple color in food is due primarily to their anthocyanins which are antioxidants (抗氧化剂) that are particularly heart healthy and may help support healthy blood pressure.Out of all the blue and purple foods available,blueberries are considered to have the highest antioxidant level.An analysis of the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study found that people who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables are at a reduced risk for high blood pressure and are less likely to be overweight.
A food and health expert says that blue and purple color foods can prevent blood mass formation,and they also lower the risk of cancer.
Foods that contain blue and purple colors are:reddish eggplant (especially the skin),blueberries,blackberries,purple grapes,etc.
We all know that we should eat green as green symbolizes nature.The green foods are rich in isothiocyanates,which help resist cancer.
Dr.Ashok Agarwal,a food and nutrition specialist,explains,"They are excellent sources of folic acid,vitamin K,as well as carotene (胡萝卜素).Diets high in those above are associated with lowered blood pressure."
Foods that contain the green color are:broccoli,cabbage,cucumbers,etc.
Lycopene (番茄红素) in reddish fruits and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers,and also provides protection against heart attacks.
Dr.Smiths says,"Cooked tomato sauces are associated with greater health benefits as compared with the uncooked version as the heating process allows lycopene to be more easily absorbed by the body.Obtaining the most benefit from food depends on proper selection,storage and cooking of the produce."
Foods that contain red color are:Tomatoes and tomato products,watermelon,guava,red onions,red chili,red apples,red grapes,cherries,etc.
The orange foods are also rich in carotene,which are particularly good antioxidants.These foods are commonly considered eyesight foods because they contain vitamin A.
"Orange fruits and vegetables also play a part in preventing cancer,particularly of the lungs and stomach.Foods that contain the color orange are:Carrots,mangoes,sweet potatoes,pumpkins,etc.

56.The passage tries to tell us thatB.
A.colors mean a lot to people and their health
B.foods of different colors will have different benefits
C.eating foods with a color must prevent diseases
D.what people should eat in their daily lives
57.All the colors mentioned in the passage have the function ofC.
A.lowering blood pressure               B.improving eyesight
C.preventing cancer                     D.reducing the risk of heart disease
58.Which color can help keep us thin according to the passage?A
A.Purple.  B.Green.  C.Red.  D.Orange.
59.The green and orange foods are both rich inC.
A.vitamin A       B.folic acid          C.carotene            D.vitamin K
60.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.all grapes help lower the risk of high blood pressure and cancer
B.lung cancer can be prevented by eating red-colored foods
C.green-colored foods contain a lot of vitamin A which is good for eye health
D.tomatoes should be eaten cooked so that we can benefit the most.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章告诉我们吃不同颜色的食物对我们的健康有好处,同时它们还会改变我们的情绪和行为.同时介绍了一些能改变我们生活的不同颜色的食物.例如蓝色食物会帮助我们降血脂,绿色的食物有利于预防癌症等等.

解答 56.B  主旨大意题.根据文章第一段Eating different colored foods can keep you healthy,as well as change your mood and behavior.Here is a list of colors,which can change your life.可知文章主要介绍不同颜色的食物能对我们的生活产生不同的作用,由Here is a list of colors,which can change your life可知文章主要讲不同颜色的食物有不同的作用.故选B.
57.C  细节理解题.由第三段A food and health expert says that blue and purple color foods can prevent blood mass formation,and they also lower the risk of cancer.第五段The green foods are rich in isothiocyanates,which help resist cancer.第八段Lycopene (番茄红素) in reddish fruits and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers,and also provides protection against heart attacks.和最后一段"Orange fruits and vegetables also play a part in preventing cancer,particularly of the lungs and stomach.可知,文中提到的这四种颜色的食物都有预防癌症的效果.故选C.   
58.A  细节理解题.由第二段An analysis of the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study found that people who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables are at a reduced risk for high blood pressure and are less likely to be overweight.可知紫色和蓝色的水果和蔬菜可能帮我们保持身材,不会超重,故选A.
59.C  细节理解题.根据小标题Green下面的段落中"They are excellent sources of folic acid,vitamin K,as well as carotene (胡萝卜素),以及小标题Orange下面的段落第一句 The orange foods are also rich in carotene.可知两种食物都富含胡萝卜素carotene,故选C.
60.D  推理判断题. 由倒数第二段Cooked tomato sauces are associated with greater health benefits as compared with the uncooked version可知煮熟的西红柿会让让番茄红素更容易被人体吸收,让我们获得最大的收益,故选D.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

8.My father was a foreman of a sugar-cane plantation in Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico.My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields.I would walk behind an ox,guiding him with a broomstick.For 1 a day,I worked eight hours straight,with no food breaks.
  It was very tedious work,but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons.Because the plantation owners were always watching us,I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could.I've never been late for any job since.I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for.More importantly,I earned my pay,it never entered my mind to say I was sick just because I didn't want to work.
  I was only six years old,but I was doing a man's job.Our family needed every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than $18 a week.Our home was a three-room wood shack with a dirty floor and no toilet.Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother,father,two brothers and three sisters.This gave me self-esteem(自尊心),one of the most important things a person could have.
When I was seven,I got work at a golf course near our house.My job was to stand down the fairway and spot the balls as they landed,so the golfers could find them.Losing a ball meant you were fired,so I never missed one.Some nights I would lie in bed and dream of making thousands of dollars by playing golf and being able to buy a bicycle.
The more I dreamed,the more I thought.Why not?I made my first golf club out of guava limb (番石榴树枝) and a piece of pipe.Then I hammered an empty tin can into the shape of a ball.And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and hit the ball back and forth.I practiced with the same devotion and intensity.I learned working in the field---except now I was driving golf balls with club,not oxen with a broomstick.

26.The writer's first job wasC.
A.to stand down the fairway at the golf course
B.to watch over the sugar-cane plantation
C.to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields
D.to spot the balls as they landed so the golfers could find them
27.The underlined word"tedious"in Paragraph 2 most probably meansB.
28.The writer learned thatD from his first job.
A.he should work for those who he liked most
B.he should work longer than what he was expected
C.he should never fail to say hello to his owner
D.he should show respect and faith to the people he worked for
29.C gave the writer self-esteem.
A.Having a family of eight people
B.Owning his own golf course
C.Bringing money back home to help the family
D.Helping his father with the work on the plantation
30.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passageA?
A.He wanted to be a successful golfer.
B.He wanted to run a golf course near his house.
C.He was satisfied with the job he got on a plantation.
D.He wanted to make money by guiding oxen with a broomstick.
18.The Cunning Cat and His Company
The Cat was nine years old.To celebrate his birthday,he sent out(61)invitations (invite) to all his neighbors.
Everyone was glad to go.Next Monday at 5o'clock in the afternoon,the Cat's neighbors began arriving.(62)By half past five the room was full(63)wherethere were all sorts of birds,sparrows,swallows,woodpeckers and (64)other small animals.
"Welcome,"said the Cat."It (65)promises (promise) to be a wonderful party.I can't tell you how(66)pleased (please) I am to see you all.Make yourselves at home."
"Thank you,"they said."But where's the entertainment?"
"You,"said the Cat,smiling."I expect you to entertain yourselves as well as me."
They were somewhat surprised,(67)but they did not want to displease the Cat.So the birds chirped,sang their (68)latest (late) songs,circled in midair,dived from the ceiling.The squirrels and chipmunks made up a game of hide-and-seek.Then they grew tired.They also grew hungry.
"And now,"they said,"Where's the dinner?"
"You again,"said the Cat,(69)locking (lock) the door."You are the dinner."And,one by one,he began to eat the guests.
Next morning,all that (70)was left (leave) of the Cat's party was a large heap of fur and feathers.
Don't put your trust in fancy promises.
7.If you're thinking about reaching for another biscuit to get you through the working day,think again.Eating unhealthy snacks at your desk makes you pile on almost half a stone a year,a survey has revealed.The waistlines of women suffer the most,with the average female putting on 6lb 3oz-the equivalent of a whole dress size-while men see their weight increase by 5lb 2oz.
The report into our eating habits found that,on average,we eat at least two snacks a day,with 30 per cent of us tucking into three or more.Women admit eating more than men,with a further 13 per cent of ladies scoffing four or more snacks a day.The research,by The Village Bakery,found biscuits are the most common vice,with 42 per cent regularly opening a pack,closely followed by chocolate (38 per cent),crisps (32 per cent) and cakes (13 per cent).
And office workers are worse than most.Cakes and biscuits brought into work by colleagues are one of the main temptations office staff give in to.In addition,33 per cent admit reaching for nibbles to cope with stress and 22 per cent say they need a sugar rush to perk them up in the afternoon.
Simon Staddon,of The Village Bakery,said:"We were aware time-poor office workers can find it difficult to easily access a nutritional lunch.But we were really shocked by the extent to which‘quick fix'lunches are affecting weight gain and general wellbeing.Popular mid-afternoon pick-me-ups such biscuits,chocolate and cakes are high in calories,fat and full of sugar,all of which affect your blood sugar levels and ultimately lead to weight gain."
The survey of 2,000 British men and women suggests we are often ashamed of our unhealthy eating.Twenty-four per cent of Britons admit lying about how many snacks they eat with 33 per cent of women lying,compared to 20 per cent of men.Unfortunately,it's not as if we are likely to do anything positive to counteract the sweet treats.

61.According to the passage,women usually put weight on firstD
A.on the face       
B.on the legs         
C.on the feet     
D.in the middle
62.What's the main reason of eating snacks in office?C
A.Colleagues eat them to save money.
B.Staff use them to cope with their lunch.
C.Colleagues often bring them to office.
D.Bosses invite staff to eat them.
63.Why do office workers eat a"quick fix"lunch?D
A.Because it has much of nutrition.
B.Because it has little effect on weight gain.
C.Because it has little effect on general wellbeing.
D.Because they have short time to have their lunches.
64.It can be inferred that British women areB.
A.less likely to lie on snacks than men       
B.more likely to lie on snacks than men
C.more ashamed of eating snacks than men      
D.less ashamed of eating snacks than men
65.What does the underlined word possibly mean?A
A.act against       
B.appeal to           
C.cope with       
D.get in.
17.A Myth
It is true that world population is growing,but this is not the cause of our current and future global problems.Believing this will cause us to ignore the real problem and risk long-term damage to our planet.
Let me start by explaining why overpopulation is a myth.For one thing,the UN Population Division regularly predicts population growth but provides a low variant  (变量),medium variant,and high variant to factor in various possibilities.In the 2010revision,their high variant suggests that the world population will be almost 16billion in 2100,but the low variant predicts it will peak at 8billion and decrease to just over 6billion by 2100.In most cases,it is the low variant that has come true in the past,suggesting the same will be true of their future population predictions.In addition to this,the size of families is actually decreasing.
For another,if the Earth is overpopulated,there needs to be insufficient (短缺) food,water,and space for humans to live.However,Indian economist Raj Krishna estimates that India alone is able to increase crop produce to the point of providing the entire world's food supply.The World Food Programme confirms that there is sufficient food grown to feed the world and there is the same amount of fresh water on the planet now as there was 10,000years ago.So how is it possible that the number of people in the world is affecting our planet?
Therefore,it is not an increase in population but an increase in consumption that is a severe threat.Materialism and overconsumption are facts of life for everybody in the western world,as possessions reflect a person's status in society and people strive to obtain happiness through owning the latest fashionable goods.Not only that,but waste is a common occurrence which has a huge effect on our resources.It is a sad truth that 80% of the world's resources are currently used by just 20% of the world's population.
Our overconsumption must be addressed now to make our lives more sustainable (可持续的) and avoid continuing the terrible damage to the environment we are causing.The key is education.If we do not work towards this but instead focus on the wrong issue,we may find ourselves living on a planet that can no longer sustain human life.
67.According to the author,what causes our current and future global problems?C
A.The increase in population.
B.Shortage of food and water.
C.The fast growth of material needs.
D.Failure to protect the environment.
68.The underlined word"myth"in Paragraph 2is closest in meaning toB.
A.fact B.misconceptionC.possibilityD.uncertainty
69.The author stresses thatC.
A.people should save food and water
B.economists are making wrong predictions
C.wrong judgment leads to serious consequences
D.measures should be taken to reduce population
70.What is mainly discussed in the passage?A
A.The real cause of global problems.
B.The severe effect of overpopulation.
C.Reasonable use of natural resources.
D.Methods to reduce overconsumption.
2.A new study surprised researchers,finding that for adolescent girls,romantic relationship problems can have serious,negative impacts on their mental health.
"I found that girls'risk of severe depression,thoughts of killing themselves,and self-killing attempt increase,the more their relationships diverge (偏离) from what they imagined,"said the study's author Brian Soller,Ph.D.,an assistant professor of sociology at the University of New Mexico.
Soller used data from more than 5,300high school students from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.From this data he examined the mental health consequences of mismatches between adolescents'ideal and actual relationships.
Soller measured relationship inauthenticity by comparing how adolescents described their ideal relationship in an initial interview with how their first relationship after the interview actually played out.
"In the initial interview,researchers provided adolescents with a number of cards describing events that often occur within relationships,including everything from hand-holding and kissing to sex,"Soller said.
Respondents kept cards describing events they would engage in within an ideal relationship,and then indicated the order in which the events would occur.
Roughly a year later,the respondents repeated the exercise,only this time they indicated which events took place within their relationship,and then provided the order in which the events happened.
During both interviews,researchers asked participants about their mental health.
As for why relationship inauthenticity increased the risk of mental health problems for girls,but not for boys,Soller said,"Romantic relationships are particularly important components of girls'identities and are,therefore,strongly related to how they feel about themselves-good or bad.
"As a result,relationships that diverge from what girls imagine for themselves are especially damaging to their emotional well-being."
On the other hand,Soller said relationships are not as important to boys'identities.
"Boys may be more likely to build their identities around sports or other after-class activities,so this could be why they are not affected by relationship inauthenticity,"he said.
In terms of the study's policy implications,Soller said parents,educators,and policymakers should think about how to help girls construct identities that are less closely tied to romantic involvement.
"Helping girls build their identities around things other than romantic relationships may  mitigate the effects of relationship inauthenticity on their mental health,"he said.

59.From the text,we can know thatC.
A.the mental health results of teens'ideal relationship matches actual relationship
B.in the first interview,teens are asked to state their actual relationship
C.thousands of senior school students serve as subjects
D.half a year later,the subjects are required to describe their mental problem again
60.Soller may agree thatC.
A.romantic relationship plays as important a part in girls'life as in boys'life
B.romantic relationship prevents girls from participating in various activities
C.romantic relationship problems can damage teen girls'mental health
D.romantic relationship is strongly related to how boys feel about themselves
61.The underlined word"mitigate"can be replaced byA.
A.ease                          B.increase
C.protect                        D.prohibit
62.What is the author's purpose in writing this text?B
A.To persuade.B.To inform.
C.To entertain.D.To educate.
10.Lack of sleep"switches off'genes
One week of bad sleep can"switch off"hundreds of genes and raise the risk of a host of illnesses which iS linked to higher bodyweights or heart disease,scientists claim.(71)AGetting fewer than six hours'sleep per night can switch off genes in the body according to a new study.
Our bodies depend on genes to produce a constant supply of proteins which are used to replace or repair damaged tissue,but after a week of lacking in sleep some of genes stopped working.(72)GScientists from Surrey University divided 26volunteers into two groups,one of which slept for less than six hours per night for a whole week,and one which slept for ten hours per night.At the end of the week each group was kept awake for 40hours and donated blood samples,which were studied to examine the effects of their sleep states.(73)B
Although a week's normal sleep was enough to restore the affected genes to their normal pattern,researchers said that long periods of sleeplessness could lead to serious health problems including heart disease.
(74)FProf Colin Smith,one of the authors of the new paper,which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal,said:"This is only a week of short time sleeping and it is only five and a half or six hours night,Many people have that amount of sleep for weeks,months and maybe,even years so we have no idea how much worse it might be."
If these processes continue to be disordered,you could see how you are going to get damage of organs,tissues,heart disease,etc.(75)E

A.Genes in our bodies play a key role in the constant process of self-repair.
B.The group of lack of sleeping was found to have changed the function of 711genes.
C.The other participants were monitored as they slept with their rest disturbed on some of the nights.
D.The results suggest that shorter sleep provides a more permissive environment only for heart disease.
E.If you are not able to repair cells and tissues that are damaged then you are going to suffer    permanent ill health.
F.Studies have also shown the lack of sleep can lead to some other problems,for example limiting    our ability to drive a car safely.
G.The findings suggest that long-lasting lack of sleep could prevent the body from fully repairing       itself and raise the risk of a host of diseases.
11.In 1857 Louis Pasteur accepted a position at the Ecole Normale Superieure,a prestigious school in Paris.There,he continued the research on fermentation(发酵) that he had started earlier.
Ultimately,his research led to the process of pasteurization(巴斯德氏杀菌法),which uses heat to kill harmful germs in a variety of food products.Later,Pasteur took on industry-related cases such as a disease affecting the silk industry.Beginning in 1865,Pasteur spent three years investigating the bacteria that were the culprits and developing ways to prevent their spread.
In 1866Pasteur lost two daughters to typhoid(伤寒)fever.Two years later he became partially paralyzed(瘫痪)as a result of grief and stress.But despite these difficulties,Pasteur pressed on to even greater accomplishments.
In the late 1870s,Pasteur began research in the emerging scientific field of immunization and developed a vaccine(疫苗) for the deadly disease rabies.Following this success,the Pasteur Institute was founded to support Pasteur's work.Pasteur headed the institute until his death in 1895.Since then,the institute has continued to grow.Today,the institute's headquarters in Paris contain over 130laboratories along with extensive teaching facilities and the institute's own medical center.Over the years,the institute has also extended through the establishment of around thirty research centers in other countries.At each one,researchers help local authorities monitor public health and provide medical treatment.
Unlike many research organizations,the Pasteur Institute is not government funded.Instead it relies on financial gifts that it receives from institutions and ordinary people.This insures the institute's independence and enables it to respond quickly when health needs arise.

31.Who does this article introduce?C
A.A modem philosopher.                   B.An international diplomat(外交官).
C.An important scientist                  D.A conservative politician.
32.What happened to Pasteur in the late 1860s?C
A.His sales decreased.                   B.His career ended.
C.His health suffered.                   D.His personality changed.
33.What did Pasteur focus his attention on in the 1870s?D
A.Contributing to French art and literature.
B.Designing products that people would buy.
C.Using his fortune to enjoy life in France. 
D.Protecting people against a terrible illness.
34.What does the Pasteur Institute provide?A
A.Instruction.      B.Entertainment.
C.Legal advice.     D.Economic news.
35.According to this article,what do ordinary people do?B
A.Apply for jobs at the Pasteur Institute.  B.Give money to the Pasteur Institute.
C.Tour the Pasteur Institute in Paris.      D.Contact the Pasteur Institute for advice.

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