
17.A Myth
It is true that world population is growing,but this is not the cause of our current and future global problems.Believing this will cause us to ignore the real problem and risk long-term damage to our planet.
Let me start by explaining why overpopulation is a myth.For one thing,the UN Population Division regularly predicts population growth but provides a low variant  (变量),medium variant,and high variant to factor in various possibilities.In the 2010revision,their high variant suggests that the world population will be almost 16billion in 2100,but the low variant predicts it will peak at 8billion and decrease to just over 6billion by 2100.In most cases,it is the low variant that has come true in the past,suggesting the same will be true of their future population predictions.In addition to this,the size of families is actually decreasing.
For another,if the Earth is overpopulated,there needs to be insufficient (短缺) food,water,and space for humans to live.However,Indian economist Raj Krishna estimates that India alone is able to increase crop produce to the point of providing the entire world's food supply.The World Food Programme confirms that there is sufficient food grown to feed the world and there is the same amount of fresh water on the planet now as there was 10,000years ago.So how is it possible that the number of people in the world is affecting our planet?
Therefore,it is not an increase in population but an increase in consumption that is a severe threat.Materialism and overconsumption are facts of life for everybody in the western world,as possessions reflect a person's status in society and people strive to obtain happiness through owning the latest fashionable goods.Not only that,but waste is a common occurrence which has a huge effect on our resources.It is a sad truth that 80% of the world's resources are currently used by just 20% of the world's population.
Our overconsumption must be addressed now to make our lives more sustainable (可持续的) and avoid continuing the terrible damage to the environment we are causing.The key is education.If we do not work towards this but instead focus on the wrong issue,we may find ourselves living on a planet that can no longer sustain human life.
67.According to the author,what causes our current and future global problems?C
A.The increase in population.
B.Shortage of food and water.
C.The fast growth of material needs.
D.Failure to protect the environment.
68.The underlined word"myth"in Paragraph 2is closest in meaning toB.
A.fact B.misconceptionC.possibilityD.uncertainty
69.The author stresses thatC.
A.people should save food and water
B.economists are making wrong predictions
C.wrong judgment leads to serious consequences
D.measures should be taken to reduce population
70.What is mainly discussed in the passage?A
A.The real cause of global problems.
B.The severe effect of overpopulation.
C.Reasonable use of natural resources.
D.Methods to reduce overconsumption.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了当今世界人类必须面对的最大问题是物质需要的大幅度增长,带来大量资源的过度消费,这是全球问题的根源,给人类的未来带来巨大威胁,因此我们必须要坚持可持续发展.

解答 67.C  细节理解题.根据文章倒数第二段"Therefore,it is not an increase in population but an increase in consumption that is a severe threat",因此,不是人口的增加,而是消费的增长是一个严重的威胁,可知物质需求的快速增长导致了目前的全球问题;故选C.
68.B  词义推断题.根据文章第二段"In most cases,it is the low variant that has come true in the past,suggesting the same will be true of their future population predictions.In addition to this,the size of families is actually decreasing",可知此处是解释过去对人口过度增长的误解;故选B.
69.C  推理判断题.根据文章最后一段"Our overconsumption must be addressed now to make our lives more sustainable (可持续的) and avoid continuing the terrible damage to the environment we are causing"可知以前错误的关于人口过度增长而不是消费过度增长的判断带来了严重的后果;故选C.
70.A 主旨大议题.通读全文,文章主要讲述了当今世界人类面对的最大问题就是资源的过度浪费,这是全球问题的根源;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

6.Now Hear This
What do former American president Bill Clinton and rock musician Pete Townshend have in common.'?Both men have hearing damage from exposure to loud music,and both now wear hearing aids as a consequence.As a teenager,Clinton played saxophone in a band.Townshend,who has the more severe hearing loss,was a guitarist for a band called the Who.He is one of the first rock musicians to call the public's attention to the problem of hearing loss from exposure to loud music.
Temporary hearing loss can happen after only 15minutes of listening to loud music.One early warning sign is when your ears begin to feel warm while you listen to music at a rock concert or through headphones.One later is that an unusual sound or a ringing is sometimes produced in your head after the concert.
"What happens is that the hair cells in the inner ear are damaged,but they're not dead,"says physician and ear specialist Dr.Sam Levine.According to Dr.Levine,if you avoid further exposure to loud noise,it's possible to   recondition  the cells somewhat.However,he adds,"Eventually,over a long period of time,hair cells are permanently damaged."And this is no small problem.
What sound level is dangerous?According to Dr.Levine,regular exposure to noise above 85decibels (分贝) is considered dangerous.The chart below offers a comparison of decibel levels to certain sounds.Here's another measurement you can use.If you're at a rock concert and the music is so loud that you have to shout to make yourself heard,you're at risk for hearing loss.That's when wearing protective devices such as earplugs becomes critical.
The facts are pretty frightening.But are rock bands turning down the volume.'?Most aren't."Rock music is supposed to be loud,"says drummer Andrew Sather."I wouldn't have it any other way.And neither would the real fans of rock."
Continued exposure to loud music and the failure to wear earplugs can lead to deafness,according to Dr.Levine.He states,"There's no cure for hearing loss.Your ears are trying to tell you something.That ringing is the scream of your hair cells dying.Each time that happens,more and more damage is done."
Levels of Common Noises
Normal conversation                            50-65dB
Food blender                                  88dB
Jet plane flying above a person standing outside      103dB
Rock band during a concert                      110-140dB
63.From Paragraph 1,we can learn thatA.
A.loud music is a major cause of hearing loss
B.famous people tend to have hearing problems
C.teenagers should stay away from school bands
D.the problem of hearing damage is widely known
64.In Paragraph 3,the underlined word"recondition"meansD.
A.not to be seen                      B.to fill with sound
C.to become larger in size            D.to make good again
65.The purpose of the chart at the end of the article is to showB.
A.a list of harmful sounds
B.the effect of rock concerts
C.the noise levels of familiar sounds
D.relationship between daily activities and hearing loss
66.Which of the following statements will Dr.Sam Levine probably agree?C
A.When your ears feel warm,your hair cells are dead.
B.Drummer Andrew Sather gives good advice.
C.Many are taking the risk of losing hearing.
D.Doctors know how to cure hearing loss.
5.One of the best ways to change your looks and improve your health is to lose excessive weight.There are plenty of tips,hints and various techniques to help you cope with the problem.
Say good-bye to sugar
(16)C.Sugar is added to most products to make them more addictive.People like the sweet taste and get used to eating pretty soon.Do not use sugar at all or minimize its amount while cooking.
Enjoys fruits and vegetables
Eating fruits and veggies is absolutely necessary when you are on a diet and need minerals,vitamins and other nutrients to stay energetic and alert.(17)G because we tend to snack on fast food instead.In order not to get bored with vegetables and fruits,be creative and invent something new,such as colorful salads or smoothies.
Get enough sleep
It has been scientifically proved that people who do not get enough sleep eat more.(18)A.It is stressful for the whole organism tostay up late at night.Go to bed before midnight.Avoid snacking on fatty and sugary foods before bedtime.Stop drinking caffeinated drinks a few hours before you go to bed so that you could fall asleep easier.
Reduce the amount of meat you consume
Eating less meat is good for a variety of reasons.(19)D.One of the most expected recommendations you might hear from a specialist is that you should reduce the amount of consumed meat if your goal is weight loss.
Being physically active is good for you and not boring at all.It does not require any special skills or equipment.Practice sports for entertainment.Only then will you be able to fully enjoy it and keep on exercising further.

A.They need calories to stay alert
B.We need to burn excessive calories to keep healthy
C.Nowadays it is close to impossible to find foods that would not contain sugar
D.People used to be healthier many years ago only because they could not afford meat
E.Exercise for Fun
F.Exercise regularly
G.Most of us would avoid fruits and vegetables.
12.Eating different colored foods can keep you healthy,as well as change your mood and behavior.Here is a list of colors,which can change your life.
Blue is considered to be peaceful and calming and it has the same effect on our health.The blue/purple color in food is due primarily to their anthocyanins which are antioxidants (抗氧化剂) that are particularly heart healthy and may help support healthy blood pressure.Out of all the blue and purple foods available,blueberries are considered to have the highest antioxidant level.An analysis of the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study found that people who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables are at a reduced risk for high blood pressure and are less likely to be overweight.
A food and health expert says that blue and purple color foods can prevent blood mass formation,and they also lower the risk of cancer.
Foods that contain blue and purple colors are:reddish eggplant (especially the skin),blueberries,blackberries,purple grapes,etc.
We all know that we should eat green as green symbolizes nature.The green foods are rich in isothiocyanates,which help resist cancer.
Dr.Ashok Agarwal,a food and nutrition specialist,explains,"They are excellent sources of folic acid,vitamin K,as well as carotene (胡萝卜素).Diets high in those above are associated with lowered blood pressure."
Foods that contain the green color are:broccoli,cabbage,cucumbers,etc.
Lycopene (番茄红素) in reddish fruits and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers,and also provides protection against heart attacks.
Dr.Smiths says,"Cooked tomato sauces are associated with greater health benefits as compared with the uncooked version as the heating process allows lycopene to be more easily absorbed by the body.Obtaining the most benefit from food depends on proper selection,storage and cooking of the produce."
Foods that contain red color are:Tomatoes and tomato products,watermelon,guava,red onions,red chili,red apples,red grapes,cherries,etc.
The orange foods are also rich in carotene,which are particularly good antioxidants.These foods are commonly considered eyesight foods because they contain vitamin A.
"Orange fruits and vegetables also play a part in preventing cancer,particularly of the lungs and stomach.Foods that contain the color orange are:Carrots,mangoes,sweet potatoes,pumpkins,etc.

56.The passage tries to tell us thatB.
A.colors mean a lot to people and their health
B.foods of different colors will have different benefits
C.eating foods with a color must prevent diseases
D.what people should eat in their daily lives
57.All the colors mentioned in the passage have the function ofC.
A.lowering blood pressure               B.improving eyesight
C.preventing cancer                     D.reducing the risk of heart disease
58.Which color can help keep us thin according to the passage?A
A.Purple.  B.Green.  C.Red.  D.Orange.
59.The green and orange foods are both rich inC.
A.vitamin A       B.folic acid          C.carotene            D.vitamin K
60.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.all grapes help lower the risk of high blood pressure and cancer
B.lung cancer can be prevented by eating red-colored foods
C.green-colored foods contain a lot of vitamin A which is good for eye health
D.tomatoes should be eaten cooked so that we can benefit the most.
7.I have always enjoyed reading.Since I was a child I have wanted to be an author.That is (61)whyI studied Online-Journalism with focus on Online-Public Relations for the last three years.Therefore I had to read a (62)lot.My university had a well-kept digital library.At home I could check if the books I need for class were available on line.Nevertheless actually going to the library and(63)searching(search) in the Media section was more (64)effective(effect).I spent quite a few study hours in the library looking for interesting books for my studies.Additionally,I with my fellow students,(65)spent(spend) a lot of time there sitting on the couch and chatting.
For my studies I had to read books about (66)entertainment(entertain),public relations,journalism,ethics in media and countless (67)othertopics.Sometimes the educational reading could get very exhausting.I remember the(68)classes(class) of Prof.Peter Seeger,which inspired me so much.We discussed the news and topics(69)covered(cover) by the media.I could easily join every conversation and talk with (70)highly(high) educated people about international and regional politics,and social injustices,just because of reading.Until today I have kept reading routine I started at that time.
15.The malls were filled with people seeking gifts for their loved ones.Some of the malls remained open around the clock,partly to satisfy our needs to buy gifts.
Behind the materialistic aspect of shopping for gifts lies the idea of caring,being attentive to the desires of special people in our lives.However,to use a well-worn play on words:it is our presence,not our presents,that truly counts.Many of us,unfortunately,can be so inattentive,even in the presence of our loved ones,that we might as well not be there at all.
Attention is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other.Companies around the globe spend billions every year on advertising to catch our attention for just a short moment at a time.Whole industries-media,entertainment,education-rely on the precious gift of our attention for their continued existence.A baby lacking attention for a long time is likely to he psychologically unhealthy.
In earlier times,both diet and attention could be left unregulated(没人管的)without major cause for concern.There were natural checks and balances:limited availability of food meant few got fat,for example.Similarly,in bygone times we might have spent a few hours communicating with the village storyteller,today,watching an entire TV series,while speaking to nobody,is common.In traditional societies,with smaller population,everyone would get a fair deal of attention.On many issues we might go to see Grandma or Grandpa; now we have Google and Wikipedia.
"She just wants attention."people tend to think little of those doing things simply for attention.But the truth is that human beings need attention,and giving attention to each other is,to a large extent,what human civilization is based upon.This perhaps explains the runaway success(一举成功)of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.While we use such sites for"micro blogging","idea voicing"and"status updates"-the reality is that we are often doing no more or less than fulfilling our basic human drive for attention exchange.
I friend you,you friend me,I retweet you,you retweet me.The charming case with which we can now get and give attention is why many people appear overly attached to their smartphones.It is also a vicious(恶性)circle.As ever more people are busy exchanging attention online,there is increasingly less attention to be paid in the real world,which forces more people to seek their attention exchange online,or else risk attentuion-starvation.
The very nature of attention exchange is being rapidly transformed,and there is a danger that some of us will develop unhealthy practices.Just as eating red meat every day is a bad idea,so it is with too much attention exchange.The biological consequences of our technological advancement in food production are highly visible; heart disease,diabetes and obesity.The consequences of our transformed attention exchanges will be psychological and social,and so may take longer to identify,but they will be equally damaging.
Face-to-face attention is becoming rarer,and therefore more valuable.In a sense it is priceless.And it is a gift that can be given all-year-round.

41.In the first two paragraphs the authorD.
A.offers advice to attention givers                 
B.analyses the present problems
C.states the necessity of presents
D.puts forward his point of view
42.Attention exchange was not a major concern in traditional societies because ofB.
A.limited availability of food    
B.natural checks and balances
C.a much smaller population       
D.the guidance from old people
43.People use social networking sistes such as Twitter and Facbook toD.
A.obtain information              
B.give attention to others
C.voice their opinions            
D.notice and get noticed
44.What can we infer from Paragraph 6-7?D
A.More people will risk attention-starvation in future.
B.The nature of attention exchange is rarely changed.
C.Technological advancement contributes to all diseases.
D.Transformed attention exchanges do harm to society.
45.The writer's purpose for writing the passage is toA.
A.advocate more focus on real life attention        
B.analyze the necessity of attention giving
C.give practical tips on attention exchange
D.recommend some social networking sites.

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