17£®¼ÙÉèÄãУ½«¾Ù°ìÒ»³¡Ö÷ÌâΪStop War and Keep PeaceµÄÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²±ÈÈü£¬ÇëÄã½áºÏÒÔÏÂÒªµã£¬Ð´Ò»ÆªÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²¸å£®
¡ôºôÓõÊÀ½çÍ£Ö¹Õ½Õù£¬±£³ÖºÍ ƽ£®
Good afternoon£¬everyone!
The topic of my speech today is"Stop War and Keep Peace"£®
__________________ Thank you for your listening!

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½â´ð Good afternoon£¬everyone!
     The topic of my speech today is"Stop War and Keep Peace"£®
      Now£¬most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace which everybody longs for£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©When we are reading a novel describing the war£¬no matter if it is the First or the Second World War£¬we can imagine the bitterness£¬sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©There are many reasons accounting for the war£¬for example£¬the hostility between different races and madness of some people£®£¨Õ½Õù²úÉúµÄÔ­Òò£©
    War is very terrible£®Everybody hears it with fear£®In a war thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money will be wasted£®It brings us untold miseries and damage£®£¨Õ½Õù´øÀ´µÄΣº¦£©So that is why most people are striving for a much more beautiful and peaceful world£¬although they are not famous ones£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©Meanwhile£¬people will regret that there are still some regional wars and confrontations in different places of the world£®There are still hurt£¬tears£¬and deaths on the same earth with us£®Let's work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts£®Wish that the different nations unite together£¬no matter what colour they are and what religions they believe in£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍËÄ£©£¨ºôÓõÊÀ½çÍ£Ö¹Õ½Õù£¬±£³ÖºÍƽ£©
    Thank you for your listening!

µãÆÀ Ó¢Óïд×÷ÊÇÒ»ÏîÖ÷¹ÛÐÔ½ÏÇ¿µÄ²âÊÔÌ⣮Ëü²»½ö¿¼²éѧÉúµÄд×÷»ù´¡¶øÇÒ»¹¿¼²éѧÉúÔÚд×÷¹ý³ÌÖÐ×ÛºÏÔËÓÃÓïÑÔµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚ׫дʱҪעÒâÖ÷νÓïÒ»Ö£¬Ê±Ì¬ºôÓ¦£¬ÓôÊÌùÇеȣ®ÒªÌá¸ßÓ¢Óïд×÷ˮƽ£¬ÐèÒªÁ½·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£ºÒ»ÊÇÓïÑÔ»ù´¡·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£¬ÒªÓÐÔúʵµÄÔì¾ä¡¢·­ÒëµÈ»ù±¾¹¦£¬¼´Óôʷ¨¡¢¾ä·¨µÈ֪ʶÔì³öÕýÈ·ÎÞÎóµÄ¾ä×Ó£»¶þÊÇд×÷֪ʶºÍÄÜÁ¦ ·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·ÒÔÕÆÎÕд×÷·½ÃæµÄ»ù±¾·½·¨ºÍ¼¼ÇÉ£®

Millions teenagers live at homes without the Internet£®The American government want to do something to change this£®It says it was important for teenagers to learn online skills in order to keep up to the modern world£®Have the Internet can also help people save money£¬let them to search for bargains and pay bills online£®So they're setting up specially online centers£®People don't have the web at home can get online in those centers£®As well as saving money£¬the Internet is now one of the main way that people communicate with each other£®The government also believes that people who don't have the Internet can get leaving behind their friends who do£®
11£®To prevent the deserts coming near£¬China has planted billions of trees---to replace destroyed forests and as barriers against the sand£®This isn't a cure£¬though£¬say experts£¬as thirsty trees can make the problem worse by taking in groundwater£®
"Planting trees is one way£¬but it isn't that simple£®It doesn't solve the basic issue of water resources£¬"says Wu Bo£¬a professor£®"We need to calculate how much water the trees will absorb£¬or else it could have a negative effect£®"
Villagers in Zhengxin have taken on this challenge£¬with limited success£®When the irrigation channels began to run dry£¬Lu Xianglin switched from wheat to cotton on his land£®He also planted trees to protect his fields from sandstorms£®He says he still gets good yields using flood irrigation and earns a good income for his family£®
Other farmers haven't stuck it out£ºabout one in three have left Zhengxin in the past 10years after their wheat crops died£®Young people who can find jobs in the towns rarely return£®
Last week£¬Mr£®Lu joined the other men in his village on a government-arranged trip to see the land that has been set aside for their relocation£¬nearly 40miles to the south£®The next day£¬he was back£¬shaking his head at the plan£®The idea of uprooting his family troubles him£¬as does the idea of giving up the land that fed his forefathers£®He prefers to stay and keep up the fight£®
"With enough water£¬this problem can be solved£¬"Lu says£®"We can plant trees and grass£¬and they will grow bigger£®That will stop the desert£®"
Experts say that farmers could switch to drip irrigation £¨µÎ¹à£©to lessen their water intake for growing crops£®Elsewhere in the region£¬farmers have built brick greenhouses as part of a plan to grow vegetables using less water£®Roadside signs urge farmers to"Save Water£¬Protect the Environment"£®
33£®The negative effect of planting trees in deserts is thatA£®
A£®it can make groundwater become less    
B£®it can prevent the sand moving freely
C£®it can stop crops growing well          
D£®it can get the soil to become poor
34£®Why did Mr£®Lu NOT accept the idea of relocation£¿C
A£®Because the plan of relocation will cost him much money£®
B£®Because his family had trouble moving away£®
C£®Because he was reluctant to give up his land£®
D£®Because he would rather stay than fight against the deserts£®
35£®What can we infer from the passage£¿C
A£®The deserts drive more and more people to leave their homes for their lives£®
B£®People have no means to fight against the land becoming desert£®
C£®Water is the biggest barrier for people to stop the desert£®
D£®Planting trees cannot solve the problem of desertification of farmland£®
A£®analyze    B£®relevant    C£®indicating   D£®restricted    E£®transform    F£®primarily G£®disciplining  H£®reputations  I£®pioneered   J£®establishment  K£®necessarily
Before the 1850's£¬the United States had a number of small colleges£¬most of them dating from colonial days£®They were small£¬church connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students£®
Throughout Europe£¬institutions of higher learning had developed£¬bearing the ancient name of university£®The German university was concerned£¨41£©F with creating and spreading knowledge£¬not morals£®Between mid-century and the end of the 1800's£¬more than nine thousand young Americans£¬dissatisfied with their training at home£¬went to Germany for advanced study£®Some of them return to become presidents of colleges of high £¨42£©H--Harvard£¬Yale£¬Columbia--and £¨43£©E them into modern universities£®The new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty£®Professors were hired for their knowledge of a subject£¬not because they were of the proper faith and had a strong arm for £¨44£©G students£®The new principle was that a university was to create knowledge as well as pass it on£¬and this called for a faculty composed of teacher-scholars£®Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the German method of lecturing£¬in which the professor's own research was presented in class£®Graduate training leading to the Ph£®D£®£¬an ancient German degree £¨45£©C the highest level of advanced scholarly achievement£¬was introduced£®With the£¨46£©Jof the seminar system£¬graduate student learned to question£¬£¨47£©A£¬and conduct their own research£®
At the same time£¬the new university greatly expanded in size and course offerings£¬breaking completely out of the old£¬£¨48£©D curriculum£¨¿Î³Ì£© of mathematics£¬classics£¬rhetoric£¬and music£®The president of Harvard £¨49£©I the elective system£¬by which students were able to choose their own course of study£®The notion of major fields of study emerged£®The new goal was to make the university £¨50£©B to the real pursuits of the world£®Paying close attention to the practical needs of society£¬the new universities trained men and women to work at its tasks£®Students were also trained as economists£¬architects£¬agriculturalists£¬social welfare workers£¬and teachers£®
12£®What the Queen keeps inside it has long remained a mystery£®Now a new book claims to cast light on the contents of the royal matriarch's main possession£®
What's in The Queen's Handbag£ºAnd Other Royal Secrets reveals that though the 81-year-old British monarch£¨¾ýÖ÷£©doesn't carry cash£¬keys or passport-since she doesn't own one-her bag is far from empty£®Inside are a collection of little presents from her children£¬a make-up case£¬some family photos£¬and a camera sometimes£®There's also an s-shaped metal hook that she places on the dinner table's edge to hang her bag from so that it doesn't touch the floor£®
Should you ever meet the Queen£¬it's not what's in her bag but what she does with it that should concern you£®She uses her bags£¬of which she has about 200 made by London-based firm Launier£¬to send signals to her staff£®
Before dining with Queen£¬a point is made to inform guests that dinner will end in about five minutes after she places her bag on the table top£®
On walkabouts£¬she holds the bag to one side to show she intends to move on£¬at which point a lady-in-waiting joins the conversation£¬allowing her to slip away without causing offence£®
When at a banquet£¬if the Queen's bag is placed on the floor then it's a sign that she's not finding the conversation interesting£¬and wants nothing more than to escape£®However£¬if the royal bag is dangling£¨Ðü¹Ò£© happily from the crook of her left arm£¬she is happy and relaxed£®
32£®What does the article tell us about the Queen's handbag£¿D
A£®She seldom has it with her£®
B£®She always carries the same handbag£®
C£®It used to be thought empty£®
D£®Its contents are not the same as ours£®
33£®When is it necessary for the Queen to convey her intention with her bag£¿A
A£®When she is with guests£®
B£®When she eats outside£®
C£®When she has her staff around£®
D£®when she is tired of speaking£®
34£®The Queen gives no signal when sheA
A£®hangs her bag on the metal hook 
B£®hangs her bag from her left arm
C£®places her bag on the floor     
D£®puts her bag on the table top
35£®By holding her bag to one side£¬the Queen shows she wants toC
A£®talk to her lady-in-waiting         
B£®start a conversation
C£®stop to continue her walk          
D£®go on with the talk£®
14£®In a small village£¬the parents of a little boy were very depressed due to his bad temper£¨Æ¢Æø£©£®The boy used to get angry very easily and hurt others with his words£®While he forgot what he spoke in anger£¬his friends and neighbours avoided him£®
His mother and father tried many ways to make him give up his anger and develop kindness£®Unfortunately£¬all their attempts failed£®Finally£¬the boy's father came up with an idea£®
One day£¬his father gave him a huge bag of nails£¬asking him to hammer one nail to the fence every time he lost his temper£®The little boy found it funny and accepted what his father had said£®
His anger drove him to hammer 30 nails into the fence on the first day!Over the next few days£¬the little boy found it very difficult to hammer the nails into the fence and decided to control his temper£®
Gradually£¬the number of nails hammered into the fence was reduced and the day arrived when he hammered none!
Now£¬his father told him to remove the nails every day as he had controlled his anger£®Several days passed and the boy was able to pull out most of the nails from the fence£®
The father appreciated him and asked him£¬pointing to one of the holes£¬"What do you see there£¿"
The boy replied£¬"A hole in the fence£¿"
He told the boy£¬"The nails were your bad temper and they were hammered into people£®You ca n remove the nails but still see the holes in the fence£®The fence never looks the same!It has scars all over!Your bad temper and anger were like that!Use words for good£®Use them to show your heart!"

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
