Dear Tom£¬
I'm glad to hear that you are going to travel£®Now I'd like to share my view on travelling with you£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÌâÊÇÌá¸ÙÀàд×÷£¬¸ù¾Ý²ÄÁÏÌáʾдһ·âµç×ÓÓʼþ£¬ÏòJohn½éÉÜÄã¶ÔÂÃÓεĿ´·¨²¢ÌáʾËûÂÃÐÐ×¢ÒâÊÂÏд×÷Òªµã°üÀ¨£º1¡¢ÂÃÓÎÊÇÒ»Öַdz£ºÃµÄ»î¶¯£®µ±ÄãÀÛÁË»òÓпյÄʱºò£¬µ½ÍâµØ×ß×ߣ®ÐÀÉÍÃÀ ¾°£¬ºôÎüÐÂÏÊ¿ÕÆø£¬½»ÅóÓÑ£¬·ÅËÉÉíÐÄ£¬ÓÐÒ潡¿µ£®2¡¢ÂÃÐÐÇ°µÄ×¼±¸£®Á˽âÌìÆø£¬´øºÃÒ·þ¡¢Ïà»ú¡¢³£ÓÃÒ©Æ·µÈ£®3¡¢ÂÃÐÐʱעÒâÒûʳÎÀÉúºÍ°²È«£¬·ÀֹС͵£®Ð´×÷ʱÒÔµÚÒ»È˳ÆΪÖ÷£¬ÒÔÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱΪÖ÷Ҫʱ̬£®
Öصã´Ê»ã£ºshare¡with¡£¨Óë¡·ÖÏí£©£»In my opinion£¨ÒÔÎÒ¿´À´£¬ÎҵĹ۵ãÊÇ£©£» get tired of £¨Ñá·³£¬Ñá¾ë£©£»make friends with £¨Ó롽»ÅóÓÑ£©£»ahead of time£¨ÌáÇ°£©£»and so on£¨µÈµÈ£©£» pay attention to £¨×¢Ò⣩
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£º1£®Only by relaxing yourself will you forget your tiredness and build up your health£®
2£®¢ÙBe careful with everything everywhere¢Úin case your money gets stolen£®
½â´ð Dear John£¬
I'm glad to hear that you are going to travel£® Now I'd like to share my view on travelling with you£®
In my opinion£¬travelling is a very good activity£® When you get tired of your work or study and when you have free time£¬you can go out to enjoy the beauty of nature£®You can breathe the fresh air£¬meet different people and make friends with them£® Only by relaxing yourself will you forget your tiredness and build up your health£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®
In order to have a pleasant journey£¬you need to make full preparations ahead of time£®You'd better have clear information about the weather£¬and bring proper clothes£¬a camera£¬some medicine for common injuries and diseases and so on£®On your journey£¬you must pay attention to what you eat£®Be careful with everything everywhere in case your money gets stolen£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®
Do you agree with me£¿Wish you a good journey£®
Li Hua
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Carrying their heavy£¨38£©A£¬the two brothers walked along the riverbank£¬hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down..They were eager to reach their£¨39£©Bbefore lunchtime£®As they entered the cool£¬shadowy woods£¬they began to search for a suitable camping spot£®Peter wanted to £¨40£©D close to the river at the edge of the woods£¬£¨41£©APaul£¬who was older£¬insisted that they camp further away£®£¨42£©C Peter followed his brother deeper into the£¨43£©A£®"This really is a wonderful setting!"said Paul in excitement£®They £¨44£©Dthe tent£¬and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made£¬then decided to find their way £¨45£©Cto the river to catch some fish£®
"Are you sure that this is the right £¨46£©C£¿"whispered Peter shakily£®"I'm sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago£®"Paul walked £¨47£©Dsilently£®"Look£¬there it is again£®We're lost£¬aren't we£¿"complained Peter£®Paul had to admit that he didn't know where they were£®£¨48£©A£¬they were a long distance from where they were £¨49£©Dto be£®They were not even £¨50£©Bof where they had set up their camp£®They set in £¨51£©Cfor a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea£®"Why don't we look for clues£¨ÏßË÷£© the way trackers£¨52£©Bin the movies£¿We weren't careful about how we walked£¬so I'm sure we would have left £¨53£©Asome broken tree branches and leaves£®"
Carefully£¬the boys £¨54£©Cthe marks that they had left£¬until finally they found their campsite£®Hurriedly£¬they packed their belongings and set off£¨55£©D the direction of the river£®
What would their parents think of their adventure£¿
36£®A£®surprising | B£®exciting | C£®annoying | D£®frightening |
37£®A£®went round | B£®went back | C£®went away | D£®went though |
38£®A£®load | B£®torn | C£®food | D£®storage |
39£®A£®grassland | B£®destination | C£®field | D£®river |
40£®A£®live | B£®lie | C£®wait | D£®stay |
41£®A£®but | B£®and | C£®or | D£®so |
42£®A£®Unconsciously | B£®Unfortunately | C£®Unwillingly | D£®Uninterestingly |
43£®A£®woods | B£®farm | C£®setting | D£®camp |
44£®A£®put off | B£®put on | C£®put down | D£®put up |
45£®A£®forward | B£®near | C£®back | D£®further |
46£®A£®place | B£®mark | C£®way | D£®time |
47£®A£®alone | B£®about | C£®in | D£®on |
48£®A£®After all | B£®At last | C£®Above all | D£®At first |
49£®A£®discovered | B£®encouraged | C£®persuaded | D£®supposed |
50£®A£®afraid | B£®sure | C£®informed | D£®reminded |
51£®A£®enjoyment | B£®satisfaction | C£®disappointment | D£®imagination |
52£®A£®appear | B£®do | C£®work | D£®behave |
53£®A£®behind | B£®out | C£®aside | D£®amount |
54£®A£®fetched | B£®watched | C£®followed | D£®collected |
55£®A£®for | B£®to | C£®at | D£®in |
²»Í¬¹Ûµã | ÀíÓÉ |
30%Ö§³Ö | 1¡¢ÇàÉÙÄêȱ·¦Éç»á¾Ñ飬ÐèÒª¸¸Ä¸µÄÖ¸µ¼£® 2¡¢²»ÔÊÐí¸¸Ä¸²ÎÓ룬¿ÉÄÜʹ´ú¹µÔ½À´Ô½À´´ó£¬¶øÔÊÐí¸¸Ä¸²ÎÓë΢ÐÅÅóÓÑȦ¿ÉÒÔ°ïÖú¸¸Ä¸Óë×ÓÅ®¹µÍ¨²¢ÇÒʹ¹Øϵ¸ü¼ÓÇ×½ü£® |
70% ·´¶Ô | 1¡¢Ã¿¸öÈËÐèÒªÒþ˽£¬¼ÙÈ縸ĸÔÊÐí¸¸Ä¸¿´£¬ÎÒÃǽ«Ã»ÓÐ×Ô¼ºµÄÃÜÃØ£® 2¡¢Î¢ÐÅÅóÓÑȦÊÇÎÒÃǺÍͬÁäÅóÓѽ»Á÷ƽ̨£¬Èç¹ûÔÊÐí¸¸Ä¸¿´ÎÒÃǵÄ΢ÐÅȦ£¬ÎÒÃǽ«ÎÞ·¨×ÔÓɵĺÍÅóÓÑÓÉ·ÖÏíÎÒÃǵÄÏë·¨£® |
ÄãµÄ¹Ûµã | ·¢±íÄã×Ô¼ºµÄ¿´·¨£® |
2£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÎ¢ÐÅÅóÓÑȦ the Moments of WeChat ²ÎÓë involvement
Òþ˽ privacy ´ú¹µ generation gap£®
There is a period in life £¨35£©Aone starts having a personal field in life and parents are kept £¨36£©Cit£®It is because there are certain things that they£¨37£©Dbut there are certain problems which we can't discuss with them£®It is then that friends become the best secret sharers£®
It is a general belief that only girls share secrets£®£¨38£©B£¬boys have their own secrets that they discuss with only their closest friends£®The secret talks can be about relationships£¬£¨39£©Dwith parents£¬secret tasks£¬and anything else that is not £¨40£©Bto be known to others!If you think secrets are £¨41£©Cto only teenagers£¬get your fact right!£¨42£©Acan be shared at any age not just among young people£®
Sharing secrets with a friend is not just fun£¬but it also helps to £¨43£©Aa lasting trust on one another£®Sometimes£¬sharing secrets will tell you more about the person£®You will come to know whether your friend is reliable and £¨44£©Band whether it is worth sharing your secrets with him or her£®You can call it a£¨n£© £¨45£©Bof friendship and if a person fails it£¬he or she is surely not worth being made a trustworthy friend£®
31£®A£®fears | B£®happiness | C£®strengths | D£®peace |
32£®A£®saying | B£®sharing | C£®keeping | D£®staying |
33£®A£®before | B£®after | C£®while | D£®when |
34£®A£®start | B£®end | C£®continue | D£®pause |
35£®A£®when | B£®where | C£®which | D£®that |
36£®A£®on | B£®out | C£®from | D£®to |
37£®A£®dislike | B£®hate | C£®misunderstand | D£®understand |
38£®A£®Therefore | B£®However | C£®Moreover | D£®Otherwise |
39£®A£®dinners | B£®films | C£®trips | D£®fights |
40£®A£®imagined | B£®supposed | C£®believed | D£®required |
41£®A£®introduced | B£®devoted | C£®limited | D£®accessed |
42£®A£®Secrets | B£®Tasks | C£®Relationships | D£®Problems |
43£®A£®develop | B£®make | C£®cause | D£®damage |
44£®A£®kind-hearted | B£®trustworthy | C£®humorous | D£®helpful |
45£®A£®symbol | B£®test | C£®exam | D£®sign |