
10.Almost a decade after the hit Finding Nemo made clownfish seem totally warm and lovable,environmentalists are now looking for a real-life sequel:Saving Nemo.
    In the United States,a request has been made to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act to marine species including the clownfish.
But before you start shedding tears for Nemo and his buddies,keep in mind that this request is not based on any evidence of a decline in the clownfish population.Instead,what has sparked concern is the worsening health of coral reefs,which more than one million aquatic species including the clownfish depend on to thrive,even survive.
    In ways it makes more sense to move to protect a species when its habitat declines rather than its actual population.The most important mission of the Endangered Species Act is the protection of species'habitats; without their habitats,there's almost no hope of saving endangered animals,except perhaps in a zoo.
   Earlier this year,alarming news came about the world's largest coral reef system,Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR,大堡礁).A study has shown the Reef is in sharp decline,with half of its coral cover gone in the past 27 years.
    Katharina Fabricius,an Australian coral reef ecologist co-authoring the study,has been diving and working on the GBR since 1988-and has watched the decline."There are still a lot of fish…but not the same color and diversity as in the past,"she said.
   The study team used information from more than 2,000 surveys to determine the rate of decline between 1985 and 2012.That overall 50-percent decline,they estimate,is a yearly loss of about 3.4 percent of the Reef.If the trend continued,the coral cover could halve again by 2022.
   Several main factors are responsible for the decline,the study found.Intense tropical cyclones (热带气旋),believed to be fueled by global warming,have caused massive damage to reefs in the central and southern parts of the Reef.Meanwhile,population explosions of the coral-consuming crown-of-thorns starfish (长棘海星) have affected coral populations along the length of the Reef.Two severe coral bleaching (变白) events,caused by ocean warming,have also had major damaging impacts in northern and central parts of the GBR.
72.A request has been made in the United States to save the clownfish becauseB.
A.it is a totally warm and lovable species        
B.the health of its habitat is worsening
C.its population has dropped sharply          
D.few clownfish can be found in zoos
72.What does the underlined word"thrive"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?C
A.To feed oneself
B.To keep oneself safe.
C.To grow and develop well
D.To attract attention.
74.According to the article,what is the AUTHOR'S attitude toward the request in the U.S.?A
A.He/she supports it.
B.He/she finds it ridiculous.
C.He/she thinks it is reasonable but needs revising.
D.There's no WAY to tell.
75.According to the article,all of the following factors contribute to the decline of Great Barrier Reef's coral cover exceptA.
A.the growing popularity of scuba (水肺)diving around the Reef
B.stronger tropical cyclones fueled by global warming
C.the rapidly growing population of type of coral-eating starfish
D.coral bleaching caused by rising temperature of the ocean water.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了许多海洋生物赖以生存的珊瑚礁环境剧烈恶化,导致了许多海洋生物濒临灭绝,它减少的原因有全球变暖,长棘海星数量的增多,海水漂白,美国已发起保护小丑鱼的行动,间接保护珊瑚礁.

解答 72.B.细节理解题.根据文章第三段"keep in mind that this request is not based on any evidence of a decline in the clownfish population.Instead,what has sparked concern is the worsening health of coral reefs,which more than one million aquatic species including the clownfish depend on to thrive,even survive",可知拯救小丑鱼是因为它的健康生存环境恶化;故选B.
73.C.推理判断题.根据文章第三段"which more than one million aquatic species including the clownfish depend on to thrive,even survive"可知珊瑚礁是很多生物赖以生存的,可推测意思为发展良好,茁壮成长;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

1.It was 6a.m.on a March day trip to the Tennessee Aquarium (水族馆).As the kids(21)C the bus,5th-grade teacher Amy King made a small talk with the 75-year-old driver.
She settled into a (22)A seat for the three-hour ride.About an hour later,(23)C,she felt the bus changed the direction across the highway.The children (24)B.
King's first thought was about the(25)D,and she turned around and said,"Guys,it's fine.Calm down."Then,the bus seemed to have resumed (恢复) course.(26)A when she turned to the driver,she saw him(27)C forward in his seat.Meanwhile the bus rushed,uncontrolled,down the road at 70miles an hour.She jumped to the driver's side and tired to wake him up--until a terrible thing focused her attention.They were going (28)B the road.
In a second,she made her (29)D.Leaning over the driver,she put one hand on the wheel and she pulled the wheel back to the right.(30)A,the bus didn't react so smoothly.It moved from side to side.King kept her balance,but the bus was (31)B her control.It was really (32)D.In all the chaos (混乱),a voice in King's head told her,"You'd better find something to hang on to."She grabbed a pole as (33)A as she could.Just then the bus turned over,(34)B children out of their seats and down the aisle (过道) and sending King through the fro nt window.The bus slid through the grass on its roof for several yards(35)B finally coming to rest,and the(36)C children began climbing their way out through the broken windows.
(37)D,none of the children were killed.King was immediately sent to the hospital,(38)Ddoctors treated her for bad injury.
King returned to the school this past August to cheers and praise--(39)C she seems embarrassed by all the attention."I don't think I'm a hero."she says,adding a lesson (40)A a teacher has passed on to her students:"I just did the best I could."

18.NBA commissioner David Stern was in Orlando on Thursday night,getting ready for Sunday's All-Star Game.Of course,all he could talk about was the only player anyone wants to talk about these days:New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin.
Hours before Lin took the court against the Heat,a few hundred miles South down I-95in Miami,Stern told reporters that Lin's instant popularity hasn't ever been matched in sports history,not even by Sunday's biggest names,LeBron James or Kobe Bryant.
The Associated Press had the details.
"I haven't done a calculation,but it's fair to say that no player has created the interest and the craze in this short period of time,in any sport,that I'm aware of like Jeremy Lin has,"Stern said Thursday.
Lin,an undrafted(未选秀的)guard from Harvard,has become the NBA's biggest story since coming off the Knicks'bench earlier this month to lead them to nine wins in 11games heading into their matchup with Miami on Thursday night.
With Lin's popularity in Asia as the league's first American-born player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent,and with the religious community because of his strong Christian faith,Stern says he's"never quite seen anything like"the attention on Lin.
"It's fascinating,"Stern said after the All-Star Jam Session opening ceremonies.
The top five videos on NBA.com since Feb.4,when Lin joined the circulation,are all Lin or Knicks related.Lin went from 190,000 followers on Sina,China's version of Twitter,on Feb.2to more than 1million as of Feb.16.
Indeed,Lin's popularity is so out of this world that the NBA made a late list switch to ensure his participation in the Rising Stars Challenge on All-Star Saturday,a game that includes the NBA's best rookies(新秀球员)and sophomores.Lin is in such high demand that all of the game's other participants will meet with the media following a team practice on Friday while Lin will have his own,separate press conference later in the night.
This is Jeremy's world,folks.We're all just living in it.Even David Stern and the rest of the league's All-Stars,at least for the moment.

59.The following statements about Jeremy Lin's instant popularity are true EXCEPT thatA.
A.Jeremy Lin led New York Knicks to win all the recent games this month
B.David Stern said Lin was the only instant popular player in NBA's history
C.Lin has become the NBA's greatest story though he was an undrafted guard
D.no player has created the interest and the enthusiasm in such a short period of time
60.Why did Jeremy Lin have so many followers in Asia on Sina,China's version of Twitter?B
A.Because Jeremy Lin was born in Taiwan with strong Christian faith.
B.Maybe because he is the first player born in America but has Chinese descent.
C.Because Sina has a large group of surfing people,maybe more than 10million.
D.Because the top five videos on NBA.com since Feb.4are all Lin or Knicks related.
61.The underlined phrase"out of this world"in Paragraph 9may probably be replaced byC.
A.impossible        B.important       C.exceptional      D.excellent
62.What can we learn from the above passage about Jeremy Lin's instant popularity?C
A..Knowledge starts with practice.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.Every dog has its day.
D.No pains,no gains.
3.[1]It's summer time.A lot of people are eating outside while enjoying the sunshine. But if you don't properly take care of the grill or the food you're cooking on it,you could wind up making people sick.
[2]According to Dr.Elizabeth Hagen,the under secretary for food safety at the U.S.Department of Agriculture,people may neglect the importance of food safety during cookouts,because they're busy entertaining and do not have the same"sense of food handling"they might have in the kitchen.However,Hagen noted it's important to be cautious no  matter where you cook,because thousands of people are admitted to hospitals every year  for food-related illnesses."Forty-eight million people in the United States get sick every  year from food poisoning.Forty-eight million,"Hagen said."And 128,000 of them end up  in the hospital;30,000 of them will die from food-related illness each year in the United  States.That's why this is worth talking about,raising awareness,and giving people the in-formation they need to reduce the risk."
[3]Hagen listed________to keeping food safe.The first step is to clean your hands,tools and food surfaces before you cook.Then you should separate raw meat from foods that won't be cooked.Besides,you need to use a meat thermometer(温度计)to cook to the proper temperature.   
[4]"When you're eating outside the rule is two hours,"Hagen said."You really can't  leave things sitting out for more than two hours,and if the temperature is above thirty-two   degrees,which is often in July,you can't leave things out for more than one hour.So get   them back into the cooler,back into the refrigerator as soon as possible."
66.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.但如果你不妥善照顾烤肉或你做的食物,你可能会以使人生病收尾 
67.Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2.(no more than 3  words)
The number of patients withfood-related illnessestends to rise when summer comes.
68.Why do you think Hagen emphasizes the words"Forty-eight million"?(no more than 10 words)to stress the seriousness of the problem 
69.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 2 words)three steps
70.In what situation can you leave foods out for more than an hour?(no more than 8    words)Whenthe temperature isbelow thirty-two degrees.
17.As the population of the planet increases,so does the number of homes,businesses,parking lots,schools,airports and roadways.All these structures require electricity to be lighted.Humans demand these lights.They want their homes more comfortable and streets safe.The problem is that researchers have found that all this light has a negative effect on humans and wildlife as well,so please take care.
Less than 10 years ago I drove to a less populated section of my town,lay down in the middle of the road and watched an attractive meteor shower(流星雨).The area was short of buildings and street lights.If I did that today,I wouldn't be able to see the meteor shower,but I would be surely run over by a car.
Nowadays scientists are finding light pollution can be almost as bad as CO2 Pollution.If you have ever taken a flight at night,you must remember the view of colored lights all around--it's beautiful but wasteful.How extensive this phenomenon is around the world!
Additionally,electricity needs to be created,and the process of creating that electricity will cause pollution by giving off greenhouse gases.This affects the air we breathe and our quality of life.
Apart from humans,it has been proved that wildlife is also suffering from light pollution.Thousands of birds die each year when they crash into highly lit buildings,as they are confused which direction they should go in by the light.It has been long known that tiny sea turtles become lost and follow lights on the shore instead of heading towards the sea.
Fortunately,light pollution is one of the easiest sources of pollution that can be corrected without a negative effect.We should not only pay more attention to light pollution,but also reduce light pollution by avoiding using unnecessary lighting.
56.The story given in Paragraph 2 is toD.
    A.describe the past beauty of the town
    B.show the advantage of a smaller population
    C.analyze the changes of lights in town
    D.prove the disadvantage of light pollution
57.The birds and tiny sea turtles die or get lost,becauseD.
    A.they are unable to see clearly at night
    B.their eyes are destroyed by right light
    C.electric lights prevent them from heading
    D.the light created by people misleads them
58.What would be the best title for the passage?B
    A.The Causes of Lights                B.Take care of Light pollution
    C.Ways of Reducing Light Pollution      D.The New Finding on Light.

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