
18.NBA commissioner David Stern was in Orlando on Thursday night,getting ready for Sunday's All-Star Game.Of course,all he could talk about was the only player anyone wants to talk about these days:New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin.
Hours before Lin took the court against the Heat,a few hundred miles South down I-95in Miami,Stern told reporters that Lin's instant popularity hasn't ever been matched in sports history,not even by Sunday's biggest names,LeBron James or Kobe Bryant.
The Associated Press had the details.
"I haven't done a calculation,but it's fair to say that no player has created the interest and the craze in this short period of time,in any sport,that I'm aware of like Jeremy Lin has,"Stern said Thursday.
Lin,an undrafted(未选秀的)guard from Harvard,has become the NBA's biggest story since coming off the Knicks'bench earlier this month to lead them to nine wins in 11games heading into their matchup with Miami on Thursday night.
With Lin's popularity in Asia as the league's first American-born player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent,and with the religious community because of his strong Christian faith,Stern says he's"never quite seen anything like"the attention on Lin.
"It's fascinating,"Stern said after the All-Star Jam Session opening ceremonies.
The top five videos on NBA.com since Feb.4,when Lin joined the circulation,are all Lin or Knicks related.Lin went from 190,000 followers on Sina,China's version of Twitter,on Feb.2to more than 1million as of Feb.16.
Indeed,Lin's popularity is so out of this world that the NBA made a late list switch to ensure his participation in the Rising Stars Challenge on All-Star Saturday,a game that includes the NBA's best rookies(新秀球员)and sophomores.Lin is in such high demand that all of the game's other participants will meet with the media following a team practice on Friday while Lin will have his own,separate press conference later in the night.
This is Jeremy's world,folks.We're all just living in it.Even David Stern and the rest of the league's All-Stars,at least for the moment.

59.The following statements about Jeremy Lin's instant popularity are true EXCEPT thatA.
A.Jeremy Lin led New York Knicks to win all the recent games this month
B.David Stern said Lin was the only instant popular player in NBA's history
C.Lin has become the NBA's greatest story though he was an undrafted guard
D.no player has created the interest and the enthusiasm in such a short period of time
60.Why did Jeremy Lin have so many followers in Asia on Sina,China's version of Twitter?B
A.Because Jeremy Lin was born in Taiwan with strong Christian faith.
B.Maybe because he is the first player born in America but has Chinese descent.
C.Because Sina has a large group of surfing people,maybe more than 10million.
D.Because the top five videos on NBA.com since Feb.4are all Lin or Knicks related.
61.The underlined phrase"out of this world"in Paragraph 9may probably be replaced byC.
A.impossible        B.important       C.exceptional      D.excellent
62.What can we learn from the above passage about Jeremy Lin's instant popularity?C
A..Knowledge starts with practice.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.Every dog has its day.
D.No pains,no gains.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了文章向大家介绍了林书豪的故事,他从一个普通的哈佛毕业的大学生,因为一次偶然的机会成功进入球队参与球赛对决并获得成功,从此风靡全球,这其中离不开他自身的努力以及中国对他的帮助.

解答 59.A.推理判断题.根据文章第五段lead them to nine wins in 11 games heading into their matchup with Miami on Thursday night.可知并不是他参加的所有的比赛都赢了,11场赢了9场,输了2两场,因此A选项错误;故选A.
60.B.细节理解题.根据第六段With Lin's popularity in Asia as the league's first American-born player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent.可知林书豪在亚洲受欢迎的原因是他是第一个拥有中国血统美国球员;故选B.
61.C.猜测词义题.本题可以使用代入法,A不可能;B重要;C不同一般,特殊的;D优秀的,极好的;根据文章第四段"but it's fair to say that no player has created the interest and the craze in this short period of time"可知林书豪的成功不同一般,他是突然崛起的;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

1.A.Agra Fort
Near the gardens of the Taj Mahal stands the important 16th-century Mughal monument known as the Red Fort of Agra.This powerful fortress of red sandstone encompasses,within its 2.5-km-long enclosure walls,the imperial city of the Mughal rulers.It comprises many fairy-tale palaces,such as the Jahangir Palace and the Khas Mahal,built by Shah Jahan; audience halls,such as the Diwan-i-Khas; and two very beautiful mosques.
B.Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world,and some Western historians have noted that its architectural beauty has never been surpassed.The Taj is the most beautiful monument built by the Mughals,the Muslim rulers of India.Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble.It was constructed over a period of twenty-two years,employing twenty thousand workers.It was completed in 1648C.E.at a cost of 32Million Rupees.
C.Keoladeo National Park
This former duck-hunting reserve of the Maharajas is one of the major wintering areas for large numbers of aquatic birds from Afghanistan,Turkmenistan,China and Siberia.Some 364species of birds,including the rare Siberian crane,have been recorded in the park.
D.Humayun's Tomb,Delhi
This tomb,built in 1570,is of particular cultural significance as it was the first garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent.It inspired several major architectural innovations,culminating in the construction of the Taj Mahal.The gardens also contain the red-and-white sandstone and black-and-yellow marble tomb of Humayun's wife and the tomb of Humayun's barber.
E.Grand Canyon National Park
The Grand Canyon is perhaps the most awesome sight in the United States--and one of the wonders of the world.Much of the park's beauty is related to its geology and ecology.Schmidt explores the shape of the land,its plants and animals,and its human history.A fascinating book that everyone visiting the Grand Canyon should read.The Skywalk at Grand Canyon West is really exciting.
F.Sundarbans National Park
The Sundarbans covers 10,000sq.km of land and water (more than half of it in India,the rest in Bangladesh) in the Ganges delta.It contains the world's largest area of mangrove forests.A number of rare or endangered species live in the park,including tigers,aquatic mammals,birds and reptiles.

46.Carina is fond of art and likes travelling very much.In order to take part in the following exhibition,she wants to take some photos of birds from all over the world,especially the rare Siberian crane.In the meanwhile,she doesn't want to spend too much money.
47.Daisy's major is bilogy.She is interested in studies of tigers in India.Before graduation,she needs to write an essay on the tiger.She hears that it is one of the largest tiger populations of any of India's parks.And so she wants to go there to do some research.
48.Alexander is a college student of Physics.He learns that this canyon is a gift from past generations that goes beyond what we experience.He is looking forward to going there and experiencing the Skywalk in the park.
49.Sammy majors in history.He will visit it again this summer.He says it's built entirely of white Marble and is one of the eight wonders of the world.Its beauty is beyond description,particularly at dawn and sunset.It seems to glow in the light of the full moon.On a foggy morning,the visitors experience it as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.
50.Nancy comes from the history department.Last summer she visited the ancient markets of Agra and this year she wants to visit it again.Not long ago she said:"Arriving at the Delhi airport,we representatives were warmly received.Our tirdness flew in seconds by the traditional welcome that we got at the hotel's reception."The next day they visited the famous tomb.
13.Have you ever wished for a thirty-hour day?Surely this extra time would relieve the tremendous pressure which we live.Our lives leave a trail of unfinished tasks.Unanswered letters,unvisited friends,unwritten articles,and unread books haunt quiet moments when we stop to evaluate.We desperately need relief.
But would a thirty-hour day really solve the problem?Wouldn't we soon be just as frustrated as we are now with our twenty-four allotment?A mother's work is never finished,and neither is that of any manager,student,teacher,minister,or anyone else we know.Nor will the passage of time help us catch up.Children grow in number and age to require more of our time.Greater experience brings more exacting assignments.So we find ourselves working more and enjoying it less.We are accuslomed to working without stop.
When we stop to evaluate,we realize that our dilemma goes deeper than shortage of time; it is basically the problem of priorities(优先顺序).Actually hard work does not hurt us.We all know what it is to go full speed for long hours,totally involved in an important task.The resulting weariness is matched by a sense of achievement and joy.Not hard work,but doubt and misgiving (疑虑) produce anxiety as we review a month or year and become oppressed by the pile of unfinished tasks.We sense demands have driven us onto a reef of frustration.We confess,quite apart from our sins,"we have left undone those things,which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done."To do the urgent thing or to finisnh the important thing,is a sharp question.
Several years ago an experienced cotton-mill manager said to me,"Your greatest danger is letting the urgent things crowd out of the important."He didn't realized how hard his maxim hit.It often returns to haunt and rebuke me by raising the critical problem of priorities.
We live in constant tension between the urgent and the important.The problem is that the important task rarely must be done today,or even this week.The urgent task calls for instant action-endless demands,pressure every hour and day.
A man's home is no longer his castle; it is no longer a place away from urgent tasks because the telephone breaches the walls with imperious(专横的) demands.The momentary appeal of these tasks seems irresistible and important,and they devour our energy.But in the light of time's perspective their deceptive prominence fades; with a sense of loss we recall the important tasks pushed aside.We realize we've become slaves to the"tyranny(暴政) of the urgent."

51.The reason why we sometimes wish to have a thirty-hour day is that weC.
A.have too much work to complete  
B.need more time to enjoy our lives
C.need longer hours to ease pressure                
D.are used to working without stop
52.From Paragraph 3,we find anxiety increases when weD.
A.stop to think about our dilemma 
B.go full speed working at our task
C.are doing meaningless things    
D.recall lots of unfinished work
53.The motto that hits the writer tells usB.
A.to finish the urgent and the important thing
B.to avoid the urgent pushing out the important
C.the urgent thing shouldn't be done instantly
D.the important thing is different from the urgent
54.The writer presents the article to remind us thatA.
A.the urgent is not always to come first
B.the problem of time shortage is tough
C.the important is not always depressing
D.the way to deal with the urgent is hard.
10.Almost a decade after the hit Finding Nemo made clownfish seem totally warm and lovable,environmentalists are now looking for a real-life sequel:Saving Nemo.
    In the United States,a request has been made to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act to marine species including the clownfish.
But before you start shedding tears for Nemo and his buddies,keep in mind that this request is not based on any evidence of a decline in the clownfish population.Instead,what has sparked concern is the worsening health of coral reefs,which more than one million aquatic species including the clownfish depend on to thrive,even survive.
    In ways it makes more sense to move to protect a species when its habitat declines rather than its actual population.The most important mission of the Endangered Species Act is the protection of species'habitats; without their habitats,there's almost no hope of saving endangered animals,except perhaps in a zoo.
   Earlier this year,alarming news came about the world's largest coral reef system,Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR,大堡礁).A study has shown the Reef is in sharp decline,with half of its coral cover gone in the past 27 years.
    Katharina Fabricius,an Australian coral reef ecologist co-authoring the study,has been diving and working on the GBR since 1988-and has watched the decline."There are still a lot of fish…but not the same color and diversity as in the past,"she said.
   The study team used information from more than 2,000 surveys to determine the rate of decline between 1985 and 2012.That overall 50-percent decline,they estimate,is a yearly loss of about 3.4 percent of the Reef.If the trend continued,the coral cover could halve again by 2022.
   Several main factors are responsible for the decline,the study found.Intense tropical cyclones (热带气旋),believed to be fueled by global warming,have caused massive damage to reefs in the central and southern parts of the Reef.Meanwhile,population explosions of the coral-consuming crown-of-thorns starfish (长棘海星) have affected coral populations along the length of the Reef.Two severe coral bleaching (变白) events,caused by ocean warming,have also had major damaging impacts in northern and central parts of the GBR.
72.A request has been made in the United States to save the clownfish becauseB.
A.it is a totally warm and lovable species        
B.the health of its habitat is worsening
C.its population has dropped sharply          
D.few clownfish can be found in zoos
72.What does the underlined word"thrive"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?C
A.To feed oneself
B.To keep oneself safe.
C.To grow and develop well
D.To attract attention.
74.According to the article,what is the AUTHOR'S attitude toward the request in the U.S.?A
A.He/she supports it.
B.He/she finds it ridiculous.
C.He/she thinks it is reasonable but needs revising.
D.There's no WAY to tell.
75.According to the article,all of the following factors contribute to the decline of Great Barrier Reef's coral cover exceptA.
A.the growing popularity of scuba (水肺)diving around the Reef
B.stronger tropical cyclones fueled by global warming
C.the rapidly growing population of type of coral-eating starfish
D.coral bleaching caused by rising temperature of the ocean water.

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