
20.以"My favourite teacher",写一篇100字左右的短文,可以适当发挥.(enthusiastic,patient,encourage)

分析 本题是一篇完全开放的作文.没有给出任何的要点,给考生的发挥余地非常大.考生只需要把生活的任何一个自己喜欢的老师的形象写出来即可,一定要突出该老师的一个显著的特点,与别人的不同之处.写作时注意使用合适的连接词,教高级的词汇和高级句型,让文章更有条理更有文采写作时用第一人称,时态用一般过去时态和现在时两种,内容要点包括老师的性格特点,教学特点和学生对老师的评价.文章分成三部分,第一部分为老师的教学特点,第二部分为老师对学生的生活帮助,第三部分为对老师的评价.
 is enthusiastic about 对…热情
patient to 对…有耐心
take good care of 照顾
 Not only did she try different ways to keep us interested in her lessons,she also encouraged good students to learn more and helped the students who were left behind to catch up with others.
Miss Gao is such a good teacher that we all respect her and love her.高老师是如此好的老师以至于我们都尊重她,热爱她.

解答 参考答案                                                        My Favourite Teacher
Miss Gao is my favourite teacher.(点题) I like her because she is enthusiastic about teaching and patient to students.She taught Chinese when I was in primary school.Not only did she try different ways to keep us interested in her lessons,she also encouraged good students to learn more and helped the students who were left behind to catch up with others.(老师的教学特点)
She also took good care of us like our mother.For example,she often sent the students without umbrellas home one by one on rainy days.(老师对学生的生活帮助)
Miss Gao is such a good teacher that we all respect her and love her.I have made up my mind to be a teacher like her when I grow up.(对老师的评价)

点评 考查命题作文.阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强.所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵.再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构.

11.Many people would interpret"The American dream"as"living like an American"-a two-story house with a white picket fence; a family with two cars; and two children.
However,the economic situation is now affecting the American way of life for 4.4 million people living in the US,according to new census (人口普查) data."It's going to have a long-term impact and to say it's going to end is optimistic,"says Cheryl Russell,former editor-in-chief of American Demographics magazine."I'm more pessimistic that this is the new normal."
So what is the new normal?
*Marrying later.The average age of the first marriage has increased to 28.7 for men and 26.7 for women,up from 27.5 and 25.9 respectively in 2006.At the same time,fewer people are getting married.If the marriage rate had stayed the same as in 2006,there would have been about 4 million more married people in 2010.
*Fewer babies.There were 200,000 fewer births among women aged 20 to 34 in 2010 compared with two years before.This was despite the fact that the number of women of childbearing age had gone up by more than 1 million."The recession(衰退) is the likely cause,"says Kenneth Johnson,demographer at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institue,"Economic fertility (生育能力)"because women delay …in uncertain times.
*Breaking up is harder.The number of divorces has been falling for 25 years as people wait longer or choose to live together before they get married.There were about 65,000 fewer divorces in 2010 than in 2008,a 7 percent decrease.
*Crowd living.Unemployment is forcing more people to live together.The number of households where people lived with"other relatives"climbed from 6.7 percent in 2006 to 7.2 percent in 2010.
*Going public.Private school enrollment decreased from 13.6 percent in 2006 to 12.8 percent in 2010.
*Fewer cars.The percent age of households without a car rose to 9.1 percent against 8.8 percent in 2006.The percent-age of households with two or more cars fell from 58 percent to 57.1 percent.
*Driving solo.When people are not working,they don't carpool.The proportion of people aged 16 to 64 in employment dropped greatly in all but one of the 50 largest metropolitan (大城市的) areas.That has helped push the share of people driving to work alone from 76 percent in 2006 to 76.6 percent in 2010.Ride-sharing is down a full percentage point,to 9.7 percent.
61.What is the article mainly about?C
A.The interpretation of"the American dream".
B.The significance of the current economic crisis.
C.Changes to the American lifestyle.
D.The traditional American way of life.
62.What might Cheryl Russell agree with according to the article?D
A.A traditional lifestyle is much better and healthier.
B.The new study based on the members'financial reports.
C.The spirit of American dream will inspire Americans to get through the economic recession.
D.American lifestyles are being reshaped and will continue to change
63.What are the characteristics of the future American lifestyle?A
a.Delayed marriage.
b.A lower divorce rate
c.Increased car ownership.
d.An increase in private school enrollment.
e.Having children later
A.abe           B.ace          C.bde          D.bce  
64.Which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.The typical US family is expected to have three-story house with a big yard and two children.
B.The US birth rate rose slightly in 2010 compared with two years before.
C.A growing number of people are forced to share their homes with other relatives in the US.
D.US students prefer to go to private schools rather than pubic schools.
65.Why do more and more Americans drive solo to work in recent years,according to the passage?B
A.Because they don't like carpool.
B.Because more and more people are out of work.
C.Because the share of people driving to work alone is increasing.
D.Because the proportion of people aged 16-64 in unemployment dropped greatly.
8.(71)AWe've worked to make their streets and their schools safer,to give them something positive to do after school and before their parents get home.We've worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous,illegal and wrong.
Today,I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation's children from an even more deadly threat.(72)ESmoking kills more people every day than AIDS,alcohol,car accidents,murders,drugs and fires combined.Nearly 90% of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18.consider this:3,000children start to smoke every day illegally,and 1,000of them will die sooner because of it.(73)BFor more than five years we've worked to stop our children from smoking before they begin to try,starting a nationwide campaign to educate them about the dangers of smoking to reduce their access to tobacco products,and to restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people.(74)GThat means if we act now,we have it in our power to stop three million children from smoking and save a million lives as a result.So this is an emergency that needs quick action of all of you.(75)C.

A.Since I took office,I've done much to protect our children from harm.
B.This is a national tragedy(悲剧)that every American should help to prevent.
C.The quicker action we take,the fewer teen smokers there will be.
D.We have to educate them about the dangers of smoking.
E.It is smoking that is more terrible than drugs.
F.Compared with other diseases,drugs kill more people every day.
G.If we do these,we'll cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years.
5.Alice,my friend's daughter,goes to an expensive private school where she has a friend,Jane,who is on a full scholarship at this school.Jane has (36)Ceconomic resources-her father has been dead for years and her mother works (37)D a maid.Although her mother works very hard,she can (38)C support the family.Jane is very bright and gifted at(39)A and that's how she has got the scholarship,which included a(n) (40)B for things like lunch,school uniform and music lessons.
Alice became friends with Jane and would (41)A talk to her at lunch.She did it that way in order to avoid the other kids (42)C her.
On her birthday last month,she (43)B her new friend to her birthday party,but Jane said she couldn't come.Alice wanted her to be (44)Dso much that she(45)B on her coming.Eventually,the girl said,"I don't have any (46)C clothes that I could wear at your birthday party."After a brief pause,the girl remembered,"I have a (47)A from my piano performance,"and asked,"Could I (48)B a skirt from you?"
Alice was happy that her friend would be(49)D to come and hurried home to ask her Mum (50)Bshe could lend her friend one of her skirts.To her surprise,her Mum said,"No."The daughter was very (51)B and angrily said to her Mum,"(52)A I could,I would give my friend all my clothes."The Mother didn't understand why her daughter should have had such an outburst as she's normally very well (53)D.
Finally,Alice explained to her Mother her friend's (54)C.Her Mother immediately changed her mind and said,"Yes."She also encouraged her daughter not to feel like she should secretly be friends with Jane but to feel proud of her(55)Bwith her.
So the true friendship seeks to give,not to take; to help,not to be helped; to minister,not to be ministered unto.
42.A.pointing atB.shouting atC.laughing atD.glaring at
12.It's not often you get information about a destination from a heavy metal band,but in Debrecen,Hungary's second largest city,locals are used to having to make a noise to get heard.
Just off the historic center,Roncs bar is a pub that also hosts live music.It has the atmosphere of a student party in an old building that might soon be knocked down.
Roncs is owned by Hungary's best-known heavy metal rock band,Tankcsapda.Sometimes referred to as the"Hungarian Metallica",the band has taken a type of music that is famous worldwide and---through lyrics,album covers,and an annual New Year's party and concert---made it all about their home city.
It's perhaps fitting that Tankcsapda should be seen as ambassadors for Debrecen---the city sometimes needs loud heavy metal rock music to get noticed."Foreigners think that Hungary is Budapest and there's nothing else,"is a familiar saying on Debrecen's streets.
Debrecen has,at times,been more important than the current seat of power,with locals claiming it takes over in times of trouble.
That doesn't quite add up.
Debrecen survived an attack from the Mongols in the 13th century,the Black Death,150years of struggle against the Ottomans and numerous conflicts,and yet it has still only briefly been the country's capital twice.This happened for the first time after a short-lived revolution in 1849,and for a second time at the end of World War II.
Today,Debrecen may not be well known to tourists,but that only adds to the charm of this relaxed city.It's a small place; the historical center is sized for strolling (散步) and regular cafe stops.There's also a view of Debrecen's mix of architectural styles,a result of the frequent large fires that back in the 19th century led the city's students to form one of Europe's first-ever fire brigades (消防队).
You can also see traditional  weathercocks from the rooftops,featuring Islamic star and crescent moon symbols that once advertised to Ottoman invaders that the city preferred trading to fighting.
Trade meant that Debrecen's skilled people became very successful and the city became famous for---among other things---fine foods,hats and clay pipes.In the early 19th century,10million clay pipes were reportedly made a year,with thousands bought for Britain's navy.

28.What do Debrecen citizens expect Tankcsapda to do?C
A.Introduce heavy metal music to Hungary.
B.Create a unique type of heavy metal music.
C.Try to make Debrecen known with its music.
D.Hold parties featuring live heavy metal music shows.
29.Why are locals used to having to make a noise to get heard?D
A.Because they feel their city is too quiet and relaxed.
B.Because all kinds of music bars bring their city alive.
C.Because they think it helps create a powerful image of their city.
D.Because they dislike it that the world only knows Budapest in Hungary.
30.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word?A
31.What is the key message the author wants to deliver in this passage?A
A.Debrecen is a place which is worth visiting.
B.Debrecen actually is more important than Budapest.
C.Debrecen citizens are proud of their culture and history.
D.Debrecen citizens love music and create their unique culture.
3.Jingjing Wu greets the American students as they enter the classroom."Ni hao",she says,in
Mandarin Chinese.For the next hour,Chinese is all the children will hear.They are learning the
language through songs,games and lots of talking."They pick it up really fast,"Wu says."Kids
remember so much."
The students go to Lomond Elementary School,in Shaker Heights,Ohio.Each week,all
students in Grades One through Five in this school attend a one-hour Chinese class."We're trying to generate great interest in the language,"school official James J.Paces said.
Other US schools are doing so,too.The number of schools where Chinese is taught has grown,according to a report.Ten years ago,about 300schools had Chinese programs.Today,about 1600schools teach Chinese."Schools are looking to the future,"says Nancy,one of the author of the report."China is becoming a real powerful nation,and it makes sense that we have young people who not only know the language but also understand the culture."One-fifth of the world's people live in China.The country's products,including clothes,toys and electronics,are sold around the world.
Some US schools are working with the Chinese government and the College Board,a nonprofit educational group,to bring Chinese teachers to this country.Teachers can stay in the US for one to three years.Instructors give lessons in their language and teach about China.Other Schools offer more intensive language programs.Instead of studying only the language itself,students learn all of their subjects in Chinese.They don't begin to learn in English until they are in the second grade.Students are expected to know both languages.The goal is to foster(培养) true bilingual (双语的) students.
More people speak Chinese than any other language.Students who learn Chinese may have greater opportunities in the future.If you know how to speak Mandarin Chinese,you open a huge door for yourself.

60.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A
A.Only Chinese can be taught in the classes of Lomond Elementary School.
B.Kids of the school learn the Chinese language very fast.
C.Many other US schools offer Chinese teaching.
D.Chinese is taught in many other US Schools as well.
61.The followings are the reasons why the American students learn Chinese exceptC.
A.China is becoming more and more powerful
B.China has the largest population in the world
C.the American students show great interest in learning Chinese
D.Knowing Chinese may give them more chances in their future
62.What's the author's attitude towards learning Chinese?B
A.Friendly    B.Positive      C.Negative      D.Sympathetic
63.What's the best title of the passage?C
A.Why do people learn Chinese               B.How to learn Chinese in the US
C.Learning Chinese is popular in the US     D.How to teach Chinese in the US.

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