Is it OK to permit students to go to the toilet during class£¿

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½â´ð Is it OK to permit students to go to the toilet during class£¿
     According to a rule of Jiangsu Province£¬students of primary and middle schools may go to the toilet during class£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©We have a discussion about this£®
Some of my classmates think it a good rule since some of the children will forget to go to the toilet during break times and they need to go there later£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©If they are not allowed to go there£¬they won't concentrate their mind in class£®And it will also have a bad effect on their health£®
     However£¬the others disagree with it£¬saying that it will be harder for teachers to keep order in class and the study will be interrupted£¬too£¬which affects others as well as themselves£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Students should form a good habit and learn to control themselves£®
     In my opinion£¬younger students may be permitted to do so£¬but older ones should not be encouraged£¬since they have a 10 minutes'break every 40 minutes£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©

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7£®Starting high school means changes in your life£®Most teenagers look forward to the first day of high school£¬but still feel a little bit nervous£®In order to make your high school life easier£¬£¨71£©A
Learn all you can about your first day before the first school day£®Take part in some activities that are held at the school for new students to know the school better£®If parents are invited to these activities£¬take yours with you£®Carefully look over all the materials you receive£®£¨72£©F
Get the things you will need for class£®Buy the things suggested on your teachers'supply lists and place your materials for each class separately£®supply lists and place your materials for each class separately£®
£¨73£©B If you find you're not doing well in a subject£¬make use of after-school study groups or ask your teacher to help you with your schoolwork£®Consider private tutoring to get you through a difficult time£®
There's more extracurricular £¨¿ÎÍâµÄ£© activities in high school than in middle school£¬such as clubs£¬music and theatre groups£¬student government£¬and sports teams£®Make friends and be seen at such school activities£®£¨74£©G Ask someone in the school office about opportunities to take part in school activities if you don't know how£®This is a good time to do what you like doing and an opportunity to try new things£®Who said school has to be all work and no play£¿
Since you're attending more activities in high school than in middle school£¬£¨75£©E

A£®you can follow these tips£®
B£®Keep up with your high school workload£®
C£®here are some tips for you to follow£®
D£®All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy£®
E£®you'll have to learn to manage your time£®
F£®Be sure you know where the school's buildings are£®
G£®Join a club or other organizations to meet people and develop friendships£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
