
4.On an ordinary weekday evening,Jane was at home as usual.As she was considering what she was going to do with her dinner plans for the evening,she was unexpectedly interrupted by an urgent call from her sister"get over here!"
A few hours later,Jane found herself with 8 strangers in the middle of the boiling desert heat of Utah(犹他州),picking up rubbish and raising awareness about zero.waste and climate change.
Armed with a deep love of the environment and a desire to make a difference,Jane,Davey,and a group of self described"environmental pick-up artists''went on a coast to coast road side rubbish pick-up.As they walked,sometimes only covering 0.9 miles in an entire day,they slowly and steadily made their way across the United States,picking up a total of 201,678 pounds of rubbish.In the end,three years and 3,672 miles later,they dipped their feet in the cold waters of the Pacific.
The road is windy,often up-hill.With a rubbish bag as your companion,how does one remind themselves that picking up that tiny gum wrapper on the ground makes a difference?Where do you find the strength to keep going?As I asked Jane and Davey to answer these questions,they shared remarkable stories of caring environment that gave them the efforts to continue their journey.
A small group of us were lucky enough to spend two hours last Wednesday evening listening to the remarkable stories of Jane and Davey.As they shared their deep concern for the environment,we together experienced their real spirit.Jane and Davey,like so many unknown heroes in our community,might not ever draw much attention like multi-million dollar funded projects.In many ways,it is exactly that which makes their story so attractive.

61.Why did Jane's sister call her?D
A.To inform her to prepare dinner for them.
B.To seek advice on picking up rubbish.
C.To beg her to help them out of trouble.
D.To ask her to join them in their activity.
62.How did the group travel across the United States to gather rubbish?B
A.By bus.  B.On foot   C.By train.D.By bike
63.What drove them to go on with their journey?C
A.Spirit of teamwork.         
B.Interest in traveling.
C.Concern for the environment   
D.Love of natural beauty.
64.What can be concluded from the text?D
A.East or west,home is best.
B.Great times make great man
C.Actions speak louder than words.
D.Ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
65.What's the author's attitude to the actions of the group?A
A.Positive.  B.Critical  C.Casual.D.Sympathetic.

分析 本文讲述了一个名叫"环保妹"的组织,边走边捡垃圾,提高对气候的认识.他们对环境的格外关注,是他们继续前进努力的动力.文章作者也对这般普通人做出如此不一般的活动表达赞赏.

解答 61.D.推理判断题.根据文章"A few hours later,Jane found herself with 8 strangers in the middle of the boiling desert heat of Utah,picking up rubbish and raising awareness about zero.waste and climate change"可知,在Jane接到她妹妹电话后的几个电话以后,她和几个陌生人在犹他州捡垃圾来提高对浪费以及气候的认识.可推测,Jane 的妹妹给她电话是想要邀请她来加入他们的活动.故选D.
62.B.细节理解题.根据文章"As they walked,sometimes only covering 0.9 miles in an entire day"可知,他们这个组织是边走边捡垃圾.故选B.
63.C.细节理解题.根据文章"they shared remarkable stories of caring environment that gave them the efforts to continue their journey."可知,由于他们对环境的格外关注,成为他们继续前进努力的动力.故选C.
64.D.推理预测题.根据文章"Jane and Davey,like so many unknown heroes in our community,might not ever draw much attention like multi-million dollar funded projects.In many ways,it is exactly that which makes their story so attractive."可知,作者认为,虽然Jane 和 Davey像社区工作人员一样普通,但是正因为如此,他们的故事才如此吸引人.可推测,作者在这篇文章中想表达的观点是:普通人也能做出不平凡的事.故选D.
65.A.推理判断题.根据文章"Jane and Davey,like so many unknown heroes in our community,might not ever draw much attention like multi-million dollar funded projects.In many ways,it is exactly that which makes their story so attractive"可知,在作者心中,像他们这样普通人能做出如此不平凡的事,使他们做的这些贡献也显得如此吸引人.可推测作者支持他们的这个活动.故选A.

点评 本文是健康环保类阅读,考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

15.Danish scientists studied more than 1,000healthy joggers and non-joggers over a 12-year period.Those who jogged at a steady pace for less than two and a half hours a week were least likely to die in this time.But those who ran more than four hours a week or did no exercise had the highest death rates.
Analysing questionnaires filled out by all the people in the study,scientists concluded the ideal pace was about 8km/h and that it was best to jog no more than three times a week or for 2.5hours in total.People who jogged more closely-particularly those who jogged more than three times a week or at a pace of more than11km/h-were as likely to die as those who did no exercise.
Researcher Jacob Louis Marott,from the Frederiksberg Hospital in Copenhagen,said:"You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health."
"And perhaps you shouldn't actually do too much.No exercise recommendations across the world mention an upper limit for safe exercise,but perhaps there is one."
Scientists are not yet sure what is behind this trend-but they say changes to the heart during extreme exercise could contribute.In their report,they suggest:"Long-term strenuous  exercise may change pathological (病理的) structure  of the heart and arteries (动脉)."
Maureen Talbot,senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation,said:"This study shows that you don't have to run marathons to keep your heart healthy."
"Light and moderate jogging was found to be more beneficial than being inactive or undertaking  strenuous  jogging,possibly adding years to your life."
"National guidelines recommend we do 140minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week."
"If it may sound like a lot for you,brisk walking(快走) is also a good exercise.And if you're bit of a couch potato,this is a good place to start.

61.From paragraph one,we could knowC.
A.the study took 10years
B.more than 1000joggers took part in the study
C.people with no exercise had the highest death rates
D.joggers and non-joggers are likely to die
62.How should we jog properly from the study?A
A.Jog at a pace of about 8km/h no more than three times a week.
B.Jog at a pace of about 11km/h for 2.5hours in total in a week.
C.Jog at a pace of about 11km/h more than three times a week.
D.Jog at a pace of about 8km/h for 2.5hours a day.
63.The underlined word"strenuous"meansB.
64.According to the passage,which of the following is Not True?B
A.There isn't an upper limit for safe exercise across the world now.
B.Running marathons helps keep your heart healthy.
C.Light and moderate jogging may help people live longer.
D.The moderate-intensity activity time in a week could be about 140minutes.
65.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.Jogging everyday is good to health.
B.Brisk walking is better than jogging.
C.Jogging is not a good activity for people who suffer heart diseases.
D.Jogging too much is no better than doing no exercise.
12.Jealousy (嫉妒) is a horrible feeling that weeds its way into your life and relationships before you know it.You might want something someone else has,or feel like they're happier than you.It might seem like an uncontrollable emotion,but it's truly not!
   Remember your big accomplishments.If your coworker gets the promotion you wanted,it doesn't mean you haven't done great work.List out your accomplishments and think about how you got them and what you've done since then.You'll quickly find that you're just as worthy as the person you're envying!
   Appreciate your own good fortune.Think of where you are in your life and how you got there.Did you just buy your first car?Are you able to save one paycheck each month?Are you surrounded by loving family and amazing friends?You have a lot of good things,and you have a lot of good fortune coming your way.Stop letting jealousy eat you alive and realize that you can better spend that energy on furthering your own success and happiness.
    Appreciate that others can do what you can't.How boring would life be if everyone was the same?What if the entire population of your city was applying for your job,and they all had the same qualifications?Appreciate that everyone is different.Some people are better in powerful management positions,while maybe you're better working with people.A friend might be an excellent artist-a quality you're envious of,but don't forget that you're a great musician!Acknowledge that people need to be different,need to be better at various things.

39.Jealousy is an emotion thatB.
A.you feel others do better than you
B.can go into your soul without being noticed
C.positive enough to make yourself do better
D.makes you as worthy as the person you're envying
40.We should appreciate that others can do what you can't,becauseB.
A.you can further your own success and happiness
B.things in the world are various
C.the entire population of your city is applying for your job
D.you're worthless compared to anyone else
41.When will you probably be Jealous of someone?A
A.When your coworker gets the promotion you wanted.
B.When you buy your first car.
C.When you are surrounded by loving family and friends.
D.When your friend become an artist.
42.What is the main idea of the passage?C
A.Jealousy is a bad feeling.
B.Jealousy may influence your life and relationship.
C.What should we do when Jealousy arises?
D.Why we must keep away from Jealousy?
19.Following Christmas dinner,my family was relaxing around the kitchen table.The goodcooking smells still stayed.My sister,our chef,was enjoying the compliments.一"Delicious meal!""Everything was wonderful."Dad had risen from his chair and was contentedly standing nearby.
   My nephew,never one to sit still for too long,began playing his new basketball around the table and throughout the kitchen.Upon nearing Dad,he stopped--almost uncertainly.With shaking,wrinkled hands,Dad had reached out for the ball.He did not speak,and the boy,confused,looked up and over at us.It took some convincing,but the ball was lightly passedover.
   I watched my father closely to see what he would do.A playful smile appeared on his face.Holding the ball and reaching forward,Dad bounced it on the floor then caught it.This action was repeated.Nodding approvingly,he then turned towards our assembled group.Gently throwing the ball away,Dad began a game of catch.
   The ball continued to be passed though eager pairs of outstretched hands.Cries of"Over here!"rang through the warm kitchen.Dad's active participation in this game was remarkable to me,since he had advanced Alzheimer′s disease.This disease had robbed him of many memories and the recognition of people,places mid points in time.
    In my younger years,playing with Dad was rare.To his credit,Dad worked hard and provided for us.He was very private and never showed nor shared much emotion.His game of choice was chess,which he did eventually teach me how to play.As an adult,I had become a caregiver and watched helplessly as Dad declined.Connecting moments between father and son had been few and far before he took the basketball.
    I'm not sure how long we played catch.What I do know is that our game ended all too soon,and it was time to face the reality of dirty dishes piled high on countertops.The moment,though,will certainly last forever.On this Christmas,Dad gave me a special memory-one that I will always treasure.

41.Which of the following statements is true according to the first two paragraphs?D
A.The author's nephew liked sitting still for a long time.
B.The author's father reached out for the basketball easily.
C.The author's nephew passed the basketball to his father firmly.
D.The author's family praised his sister for the Christmas dinner.
42.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?B
A.Why the author's father began a game of catch.
B.How the author's father played with basketball.
C.How the author's family took part in the basket game.
D.What the author's feeling was about his father's action.
43.How did the author feel on his father's active participation?B
44.What can we learn about the author's father?C
A.He was outgoing and energetic.
B.He often played with the author.
C.He seldom talked with his family.
D.He taught the author to play basketball.
45.What is the main idea of the text?D
A.The disable people should never give up.
B.A Christmas dinner will be remembered forever.
C.Communication with family is very important.
D.Small holiday moments add up to lasting memories.
9.The preventive measures for forest fires include some preemptive(抢先)methods that can help reduce the risks of fires and control their severity and spread,and thus,maintain ecological balance and protect resources.Close monitoring of forest fires caused by natural factors can help prevent their spread to a large extent.To contain forest fires,fire departments usually use water and chemical fire retardants(抑制剂)that can be dropped from planes and helicopters.To control the spread of a wildfire.firefighters usually create a control line by removing all fuel from an area so that the fire cannot travel across it.
Controlled burns are often employed by government authorities to reduce fuel buildup,and clean up the fallen leaves,and thus,prevent the spread of forest fires to a vast area.Regular controlled burns can also help maintain biodiversity(生物多样性),as the smoke and heat produced in the process can facilitate(促进)the growth of seeds of certain plant species.Apart from these,responsible human behavior can help reduce the number of forest fires to a great extent.In fact,we can reduce the number of wildfires dramatically by not leaving behind any source of fire in the forest.
Forest fires can affect climate and weather to a great extent,besides causing severe damage to valuable trees.Wildfires can increase the level of greenhouse gases(water vapor,carbon dioxide,etc),and therefore increase pollution and global warming.However,they are also an important part of the ecosystem,and many plants depend on the heat and smoke generated by wildfires for their growth and reproduction.But large wildfires can cause extensive damage to the ecosystem,which again highlights the importance of effective control and prevention of forest fires•

61.What may be the best title for this passage?A
A.Control and Prevention of Forest Fires
B.How to Keep Ecological Balance
C.Effects of Forest Fires
D.Methods of Fire Spread Control
62.Firefighters get rid of all fuel in all area in order toD.
A.keep close monitoring of forest fires
B.prevent the forest fire from occurring
C.protect the animals there
D.stop the wildfire from spreading
63.The government arranges some controlled burns toC.
A.burn the rubbish and keep the forest clean
B.help keep ecological balance of nature
C.reduce fuel buildup and limit forest fires spread
D.provide reasonable conditions for some plants'growth
64.A controlled forest fire may play a positive role becauseB.
A.a new forest will appear soon
B.it promotes the development of some seeds
C.nature keeps its balance only by wildfires
D.it makes the trees grow faster than before
65.The last paragraph tells us thatB.
A.the greenhouse gases are caused mainly by wildfires
B.wildfires have both positive and negative effects
C.people should be aware of the necessity of wildfires
D.all the valuable trees disappear owing to wildfires.
16.Scientists from the University of East Anglia have identified four new man-made gases that are contributing to the damage to the ozone(臭氧) layer.Two of the gases are accumulating at a rate that is causing concern among researchers.
Worries over the growing ozone hole have seen the production of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases restricted since the mid 1980s.But the precise origin of these new,similar substances remains a mystery.
Lying in the atmosphere,the ozone layer plays a critical role in blocking harmful UV rays,which cause cancers in humans and reproductive problems in animals.
Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey were the first to discover a huge"hole"in the ozone over Antarctica in 1985.The evidence quickly pointed to CFC gases,which were invented in the 1920s,and were widely used in refrigeration.Extraordinarily,global action was rapidly agreed to deal with CFCs and the Montreal Protocol to limit these substances came into being in 1987.A total global ban on production came into force in 2010.
Now,the newly discovered four new gases can destroy ozone and are getting into the atmosphere from as yet unidentified sources.Three of the gases are CFCs and one is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC),which can also damage ozone.
The research has shown that four gases were not around in the atmosphere at all until the 1960s,which suggests they are man-made.The scientists discovered the gases by analyzing polar snow pack.Air from this snow is a natural archive of what was in the atmosphere up to 100years ago.The researchers also looked at modern air samples,collected at remote Cape Grim in Tasmania.
They estimate that about 74,000tonnes of these gases have been released into the atmosphere.Two of the gases are accumulating at significant rates.However,they don't know where the new gases are being released from and this should be investigated.Possible sources include chemicals  for insecticide(杀虫剂) production and solvents(溶液)  for cleaning electronic ponents.The three CFCs are being destroyed very slowly in the atmosphere-so even if emissions(散发) were to stop immediately,they will still be around for many decades to come.
Of the four species identified,CFC-113a seems the most worrying as there is a very small but growing emission source somewhere,maybe from agricultural insecticides.We should find it and take it out of production.

63.What do we know about the newly discovered gases?B
A.Some are surely produced by the development of agriculture.
B.The CFCs will have a long impact once they are released.
C.They gather together in the atmosphere at a medium speed.
D.Their amounts are not large enough to cause damage to us.
64.The underlined word"archive"in Paragraph 6is closest to the meaning of"D"
A.state          B.resource          C.phenomenon        D.storeroom
65.What will the scientists probably attempt to do about the gases next?C
A.Find out what can replace things like insecticides and put them into use.
B.Find out how they destroy ozone and get rid of those in the atmosphere.
C.Find out where they are exactly from and stop them from being released.
D.Find out if HCFC is more harmful than CFCs and take proper measures.
6.Now Hear This
What do former American president Bill Clinton and rock musician Pete Townshend have in common.'?Both men have hearing damage from exposure to loud music,and both now wear hearing aids as a consequence.As a teenager,Clinton played saxophone in a band.Townshend,who has the more severe hearing loss,was a guitarist for a band called the Who.He is one of the first rock musicians to call the public's attention to the problem of hearing loss from exposure to loud music.
Temporary hearing loss can happen after only 15minutes of listening to loud music.One early warning sign is when your ears begin to feel warm while you listen to music at a rock concert or through headphones.One later is that an unusual sound or a ringing is sometimes produced in your head after the concert.
"What happens is that the hair cells in the inner ear are damaged,but they're not dead,"says physician and ear specialist Dr.Sam Levine.According to Dr.Levine,if you avoid further exposure to loud noise,it's possible to   recondition  the cells somewhat.However,he adds,"Eventually,over a long period of time,hair cells are permanently damaged."And this is no small problem.
What sound level is dangerous?According to Dr.Levine,regular exposure to noise above 85decibels (分贝) is considered dangerous.The chart below offers a comparison of decibel levels to certain sounds.Here's another measurement you can use.If you're at a rock concert and the music is so loud that you have to shout to make yourself heard,you're at risk for hearing loss.That's when wearing protective devices such as earplugs becomes critical.
The facts are pretty frightening.But are rock bands turning down the volume.'?Most aren't."Rock music is supposed to be loud,"says drummer Andrew Sather."I wouldn't have it any other way.And neither would the real fans of rock."
Continued exposure to loud music and the failure to wear earplugs can lead to deafness,according to Dr.Levine.He states,"There's no cure for hearing loss.Your ears are trying to tell you something.That ringing is the scream of your hair cells dying.Each time that happens,more and more damage is done."
Levels of Common Noises
Normal conversation                            50-65dB
Food blender                                  88dB
Jet plane flying above a person standing outside      103dB
Rock band during a concert                      110-140dB
63.From Paragraph 1,we can learn thatA.
A.loud music is a major cause of hearing loss
B.famous people tend to have hearing problems
C.teenagers should stay away from school bands
D.the problem of hearing damage is widely known
64.In Paragraph 3,the underlined word"recondition"meansD.
A.not to be seen                      B.to fill with sound
C.to become larger in size            D.to make good again
65.The purpose of the chart at the end of the article is to showB.
A.a list of harmful sounds
B.the effect of rock concerts
C.the noise levels of familiar sounds
D.relationship between daily activities and hearing loss
66.Which of the following statements will Dr.Sam Levine probably agree?C
A.When your ears feel warm,your hair cells are dead.
B.Drummer Andrew Sather gives good advice.
C.Many are taking the risk of losing hearing.
D.Doctors know how to cure hearing loss.

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