
Ceaseless technology. A punishing workweek. That to –do list that keeps multiplying. It is no wonder many of us find it difficult to have a sufficient amount of sleep. But will sleeping more on the weekend make up for hours of lost snoozing (小睡)? One sleep expert, W. Christopher Winter raised the question.
Sleeping binge
Getting eight hours of shut-eye each night is generally recommended, but many people don’t. As the week rolls from Monday to Friday, they accumulate a sleep debt. Spending a few extra hours in bed on a Saturday morning, people assume, will help them “ catch up” on lost sleep. They’re likely right, “ Nobody knows how long the horizon is, probably a few nights, but studies show that recovery sleep in the short term does work,” says Dr. Winter, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Sleep banking
Recent data suggests that banking sleep in advance of a long night can actually offset (补偿) upcoming sleep deprivation(丧失). If you knew you were going to have to stay up all night on a particular day, for example, you could sleep for 10 hours a day for multiple days before the event, and be fine, Dr. Winter says. Just plan ahead.
Routine (惯例的)naps
A scheduled nap is healthier than catching up on or banking sleep. “ Because sleep extension can make you feel groggy (昏昏沉沉), I always recommend a short nap [if a person feels they need it ], at the same time, every day,” says Dr. Winter. He adds that 25 minutes is ideal. “ When you schedule a short nap, your body anticipates it and slows down, without falling into a deep dream sleep,” he says. That refreshing, scheduled break is better than an occasional weekend lie-in. “ The body likes routine,” he says, “ When it’s prepared, it works more efficiently.”
小题1:From Monday to Friday, many people _________.
A.accumulate a sleep debtB.have no time to sleep
C.work hard to achieve their goalsD.have to stay up all nights
小题2:Research shows that in the short term________.
A.a nap have no effect on work
B.a nap have effect on work
C.recovery sleep does work
D.recovery sleep doesn’t work
小题3:If a soccer fan wants to stay up all night to watch two World Cup semi-finals, it may help if ________.
A.he keeps taking a nap for a week
B.he sleeps for 8 hours a day for days
C.he keeps sleeping for 2 days
D.he banks sleep in advance
小题4:What is better than banking sleep, according to Dr. Winter?
A.Sleeping bingeB.Recovery sleep
C.Scheduled napsD.Sleep extension
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Sleep MattersB.Disadvantage of Sleeping Binge
C.Advantage of Routine NapsD.How to Sleep Well


小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:As the week rolls from Monday to Friday, they accumulate a sleep debt.可知在工作日我们欠了很多睡眠,选A
小题2:细节题:从第二段的句子:but studies show that recovery sleep in the short term does work,” says Dr. Winter, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.可知短期的恢复睡眠是有效的,选C
小题3:细节题:从第三段的句子:Recent data suggests that banking sleep in advance of a long night can actually offset (补偿) upcoming sleep deprivation(丧失). 可知如果要熬夜可以提前储存一些睡眠,选D
小题4:细节题:从第四段的句子:A scheduled nap is healthier than catching up on or banking sleep. “ Because sleep extension can make you feel groggy (昏昏沉沉), I always recommend a short nap [if a person feels they need it ], at the same time, every day,” says Dr. Winter. 可知Winter博士认为惯例的小憩是有好处的,选C
Who do you think breaks the law in our society? If you believe that only tough guys commit crimes, you may have to think again. Unlike in the movies, we can’t divide the world into bad guys and model citizens. Real life is much more complex. In the same way that diseases range from the common cold to fatal forms of cancer, crimes vary in degree. For example, smoking in an elevator will inconvenience people, but much less than threatening them with a gun.
In addition to breaking the law themselves, people tolerate various levels of crime. Why can we tolerate some crimes? It may be that, by seeing others do something, we accept it more easily. For instance, most people will find it easier to speed on a highway when everybody else is driving over the speed limit. When people celebrate a sports championship, if they see someone breaking store windows, they might start breaking windows themselves or even steal from the store. So the people around us influence how much law-breaking we can tolerate.
We must also wonder whether seeing violence on television or reading about it in the newspapers every day makes us tolerate crime more than we should. We become used to seeing blood on the news on television, or in full color in newspapers and magazines. Because we see thousands of dead people on TV, maybe we just try to ignore the situation behind the violence.
If so many citizens tolerate violence and crime, or even commit crimes themselves, it may simply be because of the human mind. Our minds may not care about specific laws. Instead, our minds may have a system of values that usually prevents us from hurting other people to improve our own lives. Yet, when it comes to respecting the rights of a mass of anonymous (不知名的) individuals, we might not be so responsible. While most people would not steal a wallet containing $50, they may not mind cheating on taxes, because cheating on taxes does not hurt any one person. It hurts society, but “society” remains an abstract idea that is not as real as a neighbor or a friend’s friend.
When we realize that so many people have misunderstandings of law-breaking, it is not surprising that so many people tolerate crimes, or even break laws, including me. But how could we improve the level of honesty in our society? Would strict laws help make our society better? Probably not. Honesty will have to come from social pressure: in the family, at school, on the job, each and every one of us can encourage honesty by showing which behavior is unacceptable. And teaching respect should become everyone’s responsibility.
小题1:According to the author, “Real life is much more complex.” probably means       .
A.there is a wide range of people and crimes in the real life
B.smoking in an elevator goes against laws in the real life
C.there are much more crimes than diseases in the real life
D.some model citizens sometimes break laws in the real life
小题2:What does the author think of the people who cheat on taxes?
A.They take no notice of the human mind.
B.They break the laws unaccepted in their minds.
C.They aren’t concerned about some particular laws.
D.They hurt other people to improve their own lives.
小题3:People tolerate violence and crime because       .
A.their behavior is the same as that of most other people
B.they pay no attention to the truth behind the crimes
C.most unlawful acts are not harmful to the individual
D.they hold mistaken beliefs about law-breaking
小题4:What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To discuss whether laws are strict enough.
B.To remind people to behave with honesty.
C.To show people the importance of education.
D.To explain why many people have criminal records.
Last year, CCTV journalists approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question, “Are you happy?”
The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who just won a Nobel Prize, responded by saying, “I don’t know”.
While the question has become a buzz phrase and the Internet plays host to heated discussions, we ask: What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure it?
In the 1776 US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson set in writing the people’s unalienable right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. 235 years on, Wen Jiabao told the nation, “Everything we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.” At National People’s Congress, officials agreed that increasing happiness would be a top target for the 12th five-year plan.
US psychologist Ed Diener, author of Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, describes happiness as “ a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions”, according to US broadcasting network PBS. This may sound straightforward enough, but it still doesn’t explain what determines people’s happiness.
Many argue that happiness is elusive and that there is no single source. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough cash.
Researchers believe happiness can be separated into two types: daily experiences of hedonic (享乐的) well-being; and evaluative well-being, the way people think about their lives as a whole. The former refers to the quality of living, whereas the latter is about overall happiness, including life goals and achievements. Happiness can cross both dimensions.
Li Jun, a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic, says, “Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit. It’s a simple yet profound topic.”
Chen Shangyuan, 21, a junior English major at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said his idea of happiness always evolves. “At present it relates to how productive I am in a day,” he said. “It might be linked to job security or leisure time after I graduate.”
Then there is the question of measuring happiness. Does it depend on how many friends we have, or whether we own the latest smart phone? Is it even quantifiable?
Economists are trying to measure happiness in people’s lives. Since 1972, Bhutan’s GDP measurement has been replaced by a Gross National Happiness index. It is calculated according to the peoples’ sense of being well-governed, their relationship with the environment, their satisfaction with economic development, and their sense of national belonging.
In 2009, US economist Joseph Stiglitz proposed “to shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being”. But is well-being more easily measured?
小题1: In the second paragraph, the writer gave an example to ________.
A.support his idea that being famous is the reason to be happy
B.introduce his topic to be discussed
C.tell people winning a Nobel Prize is a great honor
D.show that the question was quite difficult
小题2:From what Thomas Jefferson and Wen Jiabao mentioned in the passage, we know ________.
A.people’s happiness is determined by great people
B.people’s happiness is an important target for the development of a country
C.people in all countries have the right to ask the government for a happy life
D.people both in China and America are living a happy life
小题3:According to the passage, the writer may most likely agree that ________.
A.CCTV journalists are concerned about people’s happiness out of sympathy
B.the question has led to heated discussions about who are the happiest people in China
C.Bhutan’s new index shows that people there are the happiest in the world
D.it is not easy for us to decide what determines people’s happiness
小题4:What does the underlined word “elusive” in the sixth paragraph mean?
A.available.B.easy to get.C.hard to describe.D.unimaginable.
小题5:The best title of the passage is ________.
A.Are you happy?B.The Measurement of Happiness
C.GDP and HappinessD.The Secret of Happiness

It’s common to hear the honking of horns in New York. Whoever tries every day to get more than a few minutes of sleep in the city will tell you that he could do nothing about it! Honking of horns is just one of their most widely enjoyed pastimes.
But Aaron, a Japanese website developer has had enough of it. Once, the 31-year-old man approached the open window to wait for the driver to finish honking, delivered a polite "excuse me" and then yelled " Ho-o-o-o-onk!", which suggests fierce anger in Japan. Then he threw three eggs from the window of his apartment on to a passing car honking loudly below when his patience was worn out. Instead of apologizing to him, the driver threatened to kill him angrily. So, nobly, Aaron turned to non-violence. He started writing anti-honking haiku verses, a form of Japanese poetry, and submitted them to local newspapers:
Oh .forget Enron;
The problem around here is;
All the damn honking
(Enron: a major American company that recently caused a scandal by going bankrupt be­cause of corrupt(腐败) mismanagement)
"Then this kind of chain reaction started happening," Aaron says. "All these other haiku star­ted appearing that I haven't written." Aaron’ s community is now covered in anti - hon­king poetry, written by all walks of life, ranging from scary environmental activist types to violent revolutionaries:
Patience slowly fades;
Residents store up their eggs;
That day is coming soon.
It’s no surprise that Aaron has started a website — www. honku. org — and now people from across the country send him news of their own anti - honking activities. It seems that poetry can change the world after all. Then, just recently, anti-anti- honking haiku started to appear, taped up by locals who thought Aaron should stop worrying about honking and start wor­rying about starving children, say, or war in the  Middle East instead. Aaron has an answer for that. "Stop me if this is too tenuous(不靠谱的) ," he says," but they talk about the violence in the Middle East like it' s a force of nature, like it' s beyond our control. But actually it's kind of like the honking - the violence is man -made. If we can figure out how to stop honking on the streets, I think we could learn some things that we could use on a large scale. "
小题1:The first paragraph of the passage is intended to tell us that_______.
A.New Yorkers have formed a habit of honking while driving
B.most New Yorkers enjoy sleeping late in the morning
C.honking noise has influenced people's life in New York
D.New Yorkers enjoy listening to the honking of horns
小题2:What is Aaron’s final response to the frequent honking of horns?
A.Pretended to ignore it.
B.Screamed at the driver.
C.Acted in a peaceful way.
D.Complained to the government.
小题3:According to the passage, most New Yorkers think Aaron's response is ___.
小题4:Faced with the criticism of his anti-honking campaign, Aaron notes that___.
A.fierce violence in the Middle East is more of an issue worthy of concern
B.finding the solution to anti - honking is as meaningful as that to starvation
C.big issues are beyond our control while small ones are under our control
D.if not handled properly, honking may cause serious problems like starvation
Pasta is the world’s favorite food. Asurveytaken in 17 countriesconfirmedthat pasta is what people like to eat most. Not only is pasta the number one food in its home country -Italy, but is alsoenjoyedin faraway places like the Philippines, Mexico andSouth Africa.
Pasta has become popular, for one thing, because it is cheap and easy to prepare. Just cook noodles or other forms of pasta, make a sauce to go with it and you’re finished. Many different types of meals can becreatedwith pasta. It tastes good and fills your stomach. It produces energy in the form ofcarbohydrates(碳水化合物), which is whyathleteseat pasta regularly. Pasta can also be kept for a longer time. You don’t have to use it up at once.
Pasta has also become popular because it stands for the Italian way of life. People all over the world like it because it’s so simple. It has two basic ingredients(成分), wheatand water, just like bread.
Legend has itthat Marco Polo brought pasta back to Italy with him but this is not true. Arabs probably brought a noodle-likedishtoSicilyin the 8th century. Farmers have been growing wheat, the mainingredientof pasta, there for ages.
The worldwide sales of pasta have risen sharply over the past decade. Italy leads the pasta-eatingcommunityof the world. The Italians are the number one consumers followed by Venezuela and Tunisia.
小题1:In which country do people eat pasta most?
A.MexicoB.VenezuelaC.The PhilippinesD.South Africa
小题2:Sports people often have pasta because_________.
A.it costs less money
B.it can be kept longer
C.it provides proper energy
D.it contains no carbohydrates
小题3:One reason why pasta is favored is that_______.
A.people like a simple lifestyle
B.it smells just like bread
C.it is rich in nutrition
D.Italian food stands for fansition.
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.The origin of pasta
B.Italians’ love for pasta
C.Pasta is changing people’s way of life
D.Pasta—the world’s favorite food
A relationship is defined as a state of connectedness between people. Although in today’s society with its crazy rhythm of everyday life, when people tend to live in thickly populated cities, spending most of their time in the office and hardly knowing their neighbor’s name, we still find ourselves in some kinds of relationships-with friends, family, or colleagues.?
Family relationships are the first relationships people enter. Parents and relatives influence our emotional development by creating a model that we are sometimes bound to follow all our lives, often subconsciously (潜意识地). In day-care, at school, then in the office we spend a lot of time among fellow students and co-workers. We learn to keep business relationships, to work in a team environment, then form smaller groups of like-minded people and finally select some of them as our friends.?
What is a true friendship? How does it start? Are we destined to become friends with certain people or can we actually plan whom to be friends with??
“Everybody‘s friend is nobody’s.” said Arthur Schopenhauer. Unlike a companionship based on belonging to the same team or group, friendship is a very personal and selective type of relationship. It calls for trust, sincerity, and emotional bonds.?
Sociologists believe that most people are looking for similarities in views, social status, and interests when choosing friends. No wonder that our friends are often people of the same age, sex, and education. Another important factor is joint activity and solidarity. This is the reason why many of us befriend our colleagues and other people who work in the same field.?
Most people would agree that a friend is someone who always listens and understands. Understanding in this context implies a lot of meanings-compassion, sympathy, and emotional closeness. It’s a process in which your friend reads your emotional state, shares your feelings, identifies himself or herself with you.
小题1:What is the best title of this passage?_______
A.Family and Relationships
B.How to Make Friends with Colleagues
C.What is a True Friendship
D.People and Relationship
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following affects us most when choosing friends?
小题3: Why are our friends usually of the same age,sex,and education?
A.Because they are clever and well-behaved.
B.Because most of us are looking for similarities in views,social status, and interests when choosing friends.
C.Because they help us with our work and share our happiness and sorrow.
D.Because they cooperate with us well.
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.A companionship is based on belonging to the same team or group.
B.Friendship needs trust, sincerity, and emotional bonds.
C.Relationships are friendships between people.
D.Understanding is a process in which the friend reads our emotional state, shares our feelings, identifies himself / herself with us.
When I was 8, a gentleman came to my orphanage(孤儿院) every week to lead us in woodworking projects. I remember the night that I finished my first project. It was a small table and I looked upon it as though I had created a life. I could        wait to give it to Mother Winters, our orphanage’s leader, as a       .
Since the tables’ coating was still       , the man asked us to wait a while before taking our tables to our dormitories. But I couldn’t wait. I dashed out the door in a       , carrying my table, smiling from ear to ear.
“It is very pretty,” Mother Winter smiled at me. When she touched the coating she noticed that it was still wet. Then she asked me why I had brought. I stood with       down. “Were you supposed to bring this home?” she asked. “No, ma’am, ” I said.
Mother Winters kicked the table over and all of the legs were        off. She made me throw the table outside. After Mother Winters left, I went out to get my little table. There was dirt all over it.        silently, I hid the ruined table in my closet. A year later I gave it to Mother Henderson, my houseparent, to       .
Thirty years later I learned Mother Henderson was living in Asheville, North Carolina, so I drove up to see her. She gently asked me to come down to her basement and help her get something       . “Do you remember that?” she asked,        into a dark corner. I did. I could not speak for fear of crying. “Roger, I want you to        it.” Mother Henderson gave me back the little        that I had given up for lost so long ago. She had kept it, never       if she would see me again.
Today, I look at the table with bittersweet memories. I think of when Mother Winters forced me to throw it away. But I am also      and joyful at the kindness of Mother Henderson, who kept it as a remembrance of a young orphan who tried very hard to       .
A.put awayB.throw awayC.take awayD.wash away
A.excitedB.comfortedC.amused D.entertained
Buying books on the internet is a great way to save time and money. Online bookstores offer new books and used books that can save you lots of money. They are far better compared to traditional bookstores as they offer much broader kinds of books. Another advantage of shopping online is that you can also read the book reviews as well as readers’ reviews to get an idea whether the book is worth buying. Online bookstores offer great discounts(折扣) to regular customers which is a big attraction for book lovers.
For book lovers, the most important thing is to get books on time. Therefore, you need to find a reliable(可靠的) online bookstore that will be able to provide fast deliveries(送货).
Here are some tips to use when choosing an online bookstore. Some online bookstores are popular for fiction books; some are for non-fiction books or novels, etc. Understanding their specialization will help you get the right kind of books in time. Check whether you will be buying the books from a third-party seller or directly from the website. Although the website could be reputable(声誉好的),third-party sellers advertised on their site may not have a good reputation. Never jump at stores that offer super cheap prices, as books sold at such low prices could be in very bad condition.
Most of the popular online bookstores offer useful tools. One tool is a wish list tool on its website. You can update(更新) the list of books you wish to buy in the future. The bookstore will know what you want and will e-mail you immediately when the book of your choice is available.
小题1: Why do you think online bookstores are much better than traditional ones?
A.Because online bookstores offer readers the latest books.
B.Because online bookstores offer readers more kinds of books to choose from.
C.Because online bookstores offer readers the lowest prices.
D.Because online bookstores offer readers more about their favorite authors.
小题2: How can a reader buy a worthy book when shopping online?
A.By comparing service.
B.By asking for discounts.
C.By reading online reviews
D.By asking booksellers for advice.
小题3:What do online book lovers care about most?
A.The speed of deliveriesB.The author of books.
C.The prices of books.D.The condition of books.
小题4: The wish list tool can help readers        .
A.learn about the number of the books
B.get to know more reliable booksellers
C.pay for their books more quickly
D.buy their favorite books in time
小题5:What is the 3rd paragraph mainly about?
A.How to choose a reliable online bookstore.
B.How to avoid buying bad condition books online.
C.How to understand the specialization of an online bookstore.
D.How to advertise on the website to get a good reputation.
As any parent with an iPhone or an iPod Touch knows, mobile apps (手机软件) can be an engaging and entertaining experience for kids. Now, a new study of PBS Kids suggests that the experience can be an educational one as well.
The study, which was administered by PBS under a grant from the Department of Education, first tested the vocabulary level of a group of 90 Title 1 school children, aged 3 to 7. Then, the children were each given two weeks with an iPod Touch loaded with the Martha Speaks Dog Party app created by PBS Kids.
The study monitored how the children used the iPod, during what hours, and in what context. On average, the study found that kids played with the iPod Touch for a total of 5 hours across the two weeks, with half that time spent playing the Martha Speaks app. At the end of the two week trial, the children were given another vocabulary test, which revealed an increase in vocabulary acquisition by as much as 31 per cent.
The study findings are particularly useful as smart phones and mobile devices have become increasingly popular among families and parents are faced with a proliferation of mobile apps designed for kids. According to a recent Nielsen study, smart phone usage is 12% higher in households with children than other households.
“Mobile apps can be a great learning tool in the hands of children,” said Lesli Rotenberg, SVP, Children’s Media, PBS. “This research is important in helping to better understand and guide the development of new apps that improve the value of children’s screen time with significant educational outcomes.”
So what does it all mean? Well, at the very least it will help parents get over that guilty feeling when they hand over their iPhone or iPod Touch for a little peace and quiet. At best, it provides more evidence that mobile devices and apps do indeed have educational value and could be an important part of the child-learning process for many years to come.
小题1:What Lesli Rotenberg said in the fifth paragraph suggests that      .
A.he has a positive attitude towards mobile apps
B.he thinks children should never use smart phones
C.he is doubtful about mobile apps designed for children
D.he thinks parents should be careful with mobile apps for children
小题2:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that      .
A.parents will feel more comfortable giving kids iPhone or iPod Touch
B.parents will know what kind of mobile phones are suitable for kids
C.parents will know what children do with mobile phones
D.parents can watch over their children now and then
小题3:What would be the best title of the text?
A.The popularity of smart phones among kids
B.The entertaining function of smart phones
C.Smart phones make kids learn more.
D.It’s too early for kids to use smart phones

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